The key to entering the fairy mode is to absorb natural energy. As long as you can do this, you can learn the fairy mode.

The fairy patterns of Tiantian, Hyuga Hinata, and Hyuga Huahuo require leaves to store aura in their bodies in advance.

What they need to do now is to sense natural energy and then absorb it.

This is not easy.

Otherwise, in the history of Ninja World, there will not be only so many people who can learn the fairy mode, most of them have failed.

More ninjas, without even the qualifications to study.

In the original plot, the three of them are of course not qualified to learn the fairy mode, they are very ordinary ninjas.

But with leaves here, everything has become different.

Just looking at the three little girls who are working hard, they can't help but think hard to see if there is any way to help them.

"If there is any toad oil, it might be easier."

That thing is simply a cheat device.

As long as you put on that thing, you can quickly sense and absorb natural energy, and you can practice fairy mode faster.

But it may also be a sequelae of this thing.

If the natural energy absorbs a little bit more, it will become a toad and a stone statue.

There are many toad statues in Miaomu Mountain.

From this perspective, natural energy seems to be a very dangerous thing, at least for the aborigines of this world.

The leaves do not feel that natural energy is dangerous.

On the contrary, he felt very close.

After entering the spirit energy into the bodies of the three little girls, they didn't feel any discomfort, everything was normal.

Actually think about it.

Human beings are also a part of nature, and contact with natural energy, theoretically, is not a problem.

So this danger...

Is it because of species?

That's toad's cultivation method. If humans are allowed to cultivate, of course there will be a little bad reaction.

If you are not careful, you will be assimilated.

And in my own cultivation, I won't have any worries about this at all.

Of course this is just a guess.

As for whether it is...

Then don't bother to study.

There are enough things that Leaf has to study, and this kind of thing is not important, and there is no need to distract.

Rather than study this, it is better to study the way Chakra spreads.

The ancestor of Chakra was Datongmu Huiye.

There were no ninjas at that time, and Otsuki Kaguya was the only existence with Chakra.

Then there are her two children: Otsuki Yui and Otsuki Yumura.

The two children inherited this power from their mother.

Then, he sealed his mother's Datongmu Yuyi, that is, the six immortals, and began to travel the world.

At that time, he distributed Chakra to other people.

After thousands of years of evolution, the humans on the Ninja Continent have chakras in the sky, the difference is only the amount.

In other words, Chakra is equivalent to part of genetic information.

Leaf doesn't want to study things at the DNA level.

He just wanted to know how the Six Dao Immortals distributed their power to others and let others have the same power.

I also want to know how my abilities were copied.

If you can figure this out, maybe more people can have the same abilities as yourself, such as Yoshida Ayumi and Haihara Ai.

Of course there are these three little girls around.

Unfortunately, this is not so easy to study.

Even the space capability has not improved much.

In this way, he still has to stay in this world for a long time!


The slap of the leaf made the sandy ninja calm down, and Konoha's ninjas did not take the initiative to provoke for the time being.

Shayin is over there.

The death of the four generations of Fukage, coupled with the loss of elite ninjas who attacked Konoha, weakened the strength of the village a lot.

Although the frontline is facing off;

But the rear is already considering the issue of peace talks.

Shayin's life is very difficult.

These days, high-level leaders have discussed and discussed, but they have not selected a ninja who can be the leader, and they can't choose Xinfengying.

And also very poor.

Therefore, the war cannot be fought.

What Ye Zi did was passed back to Shayin Village, and they could not find anyone who could wrestle with Ye Zi.

Konoha is not just leaves.

There are Hagi Kakashi and others, as well as the pig deer butterfly of the older generation and so on.

So after hearing the news, they were silent for a long time.

There is no rush to choose Fengying. Anyway, there is no one. Then wait two years and see if there is a suitable one.

Let's admit it now.

Quickly select a few representatives, and contact Konoha at the same time to continue the peace talks about half-losing.

Konoha didn't want to fight either.

But you can't make a decision so quickly.

At least wait until the new Hokage succeeds, and see what the new Hokage says.

The negotiations are deadlocked.

Ye Zi continued to sit on the front line and failed to come back.


Time soon came from August to September.

After experiencing various things, Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto finally managed to bring Tsunade back to Konoha.

After returning to Konoha, things went well.

Whether it's a ninja or an ordinary person, anyone who is a little old has heard of or even met Tsunade.

The moment she walked into Konoha's gate, the confusion, panic and other emotions that lasted for a month were wiped out.

Konoha is full of life again.

The ninjas certainly hope that Tsunade will take over the position of Naruto, and there is no opinion on the side of the fire country Daimyo.

Even the succession ceremony is ready, just waiting for a day.

Now that he has decided to become Hokage, Tsunade is still very dedicated, and when he comes back, he said that he wants to understand Konoha's situation.

She has been away for more than ten years and is a little strange to Konoha now.

Many familiar people are gone.

The younger generations of the year, the children are more than ten years old, such as Nara Lukisa, etc., look not young anymore.

And the children of that year, namely Hagi Kakashi and others, have also become Konoha's backbone.

Shangren is basically familiar.

The unfamiliar ones are mainly the children of the year. Except for a few, the others have not communicated much before.

But there is one that I have never heard of.

"Leaf? Whose child?"

Holding the leaf file, thoughtfully.

"Looking so young, is it another Kakashi?"

Hagi Kakashi was a ninja at the age of twelve.

The face of the leaf looked about the same age.

But she guessed wrong.

"It's not someone's child, it's my friend."

"Friend? Really?"


Ji Lai also nodded, indicating that this is the case.

Tsunade didn't know why he would be friends with a child, but she believed in Jiraiya, so she didn't ask much.

Nara Lukisa, who was responsible for introducing her to the situation in the village, explained it.

"Mr Ye Zi is in the village, a little bit special."

"Oh, what a special method?"

"He is not from the village. He came from outside. He came to live here at first, and later became a Shinobu."

The specific matter, Nara Lujiu is still clear, three generations of Hokage told him.

Now briefly tell Tsunade about the agreement between Ye Zi and the third generation of Naruto, including the exchange of ninjutsu for completing tasks.

"The agreed time is three years. Now, there is less than half a year left."

"That's it."

Tsunade nodded, frowning slightly.

According to them, Ye Zi is a very strong person, and they are on the same level as Sannin.

But such a person will no longer be Konoha's ninja in half a year.

That won't work.

No matter how you think, it's a bad thing.

"Three generations of old man, haven't you thought about extending time with him?"


"Then what did he say?"


Nara Shikahisa felt a bit difficult to speak.

But looking at the Tsunade-sama in front of him, he answered honestly.

"I didn't say it directly, it's just... using a beauty trick."


Tsunade frowned again.

Has the three-generation old man actually fallen to this point?

"Actually, it's not a beauty trick."

"What the hell is going on, make it clear."


Nara Lu has not concealed it for a long time, and honestly tells the affairs of the day.

Ye Zi seems to be very interested in Tian Tian.

Therefore, the three generations of Hokage let Ye Zi be guided by that day.

In short, that's it.

In addition, the third generation of Hokage has no other operations and arrangements, so it is a bit wrong to say that it is a strategy.

After hearing this, Tsunade no longer asked anything, but asked about other things.