From calligraphy to paintings, from ancient times to the present, they have always emphasized the meaning and not the form, from the resemblance of the form to the resemblance of the spirit, and finally realized their own way.

To be honest, none of these leaves understand.

But without a teacher or guidance, he can only groping forward.

This is difficult.

It’s just that it’s hard to do it.

Since the front is full of thorns, cut a path by yourself.

This is how cultivation is.

Swordsmanship is something Ye Ye has certainly learned, although they are all popular stuff.

But that is not important.

As long as there are basic moves: lick, stab, cut, etc.

All weapons are different.

The sword is a weapon.

The sword intent, Ye Ye used to think it was a conjecture, but now, it really exists.

For this, he also moved out a lot of poems related to swords.

Ten years of sharpening a sword, Frost Blade has never tried.Today, Ba Shijun, who is injustice?

Holding three feet to set the mountains and rivers, the four seas are for the family to drink together.

Kill one person in ten steps and never stay for a thousand miles.

Own others and so on.

He didn't know if it was useful, in short, he had to raise the sword in his heart.

Of course I have to learn every day.

Even Hyuga Hinata and Hyuga Fireworks must learn this.

And not only these.

He wanted the three little girls to develop a spirit: the sky is healthy, and the gentleman should strive for self-improvement.

Jingwei reclamation;

Xing Tianwu's worries;

Perseverance, self-improvement, and virtue.

Assimilation of spirit

The assimilation of civilization.

Since they are teachers, of course we must teach them the best.

They are also happy to learn.

Everything Ye Zi said was so novel and impactful to them.

The original world outlook, values, and outlook on life were destroyed.

The new three views are gradually formed.

Especially Hyuga Fireworks.

The youngest, she is also the fastest to shape a new three views.

In fact, she had been affected by the leaf very early, but the leaf had not found it.

At that time, Hyuga Hanaho had been watching him.

Have been learning.

Relying on my own savvy, I started Tai Chi early.

Now that she has received complete information, she has made unprecedented progress in this regard.

But she didn't show it much.


In the country of iron, four people stayed for half a year.

In terms of swordsmanship, the skills are more exquisite.

Vaguely, already understood.

So instead of staying here, they left the Iron Country and continued their experience.

This time it was actual combat.

And not only swordsmanship, Hinata Hinata and Hinata Fireworks also require actual combat in order to make greater progress.

Of course they did not act as killers.

But to prepare to see injustice on the road, draw the sword to help.

Bandits, bullies, corrupt officials, etc., even some ninja villages.

You will die wherever you go.

Many people deserve to die these days.

Of course, they all kill those who deserve to be killed when there is evidence.

Many people recognized the leaves.

Ye Zi helped them back then, but now Ye Zi helps them again.

Nothing has changed in their lives.


None of these people understand.

So Ye Ye finally found the opportunity to analyze the deeper reasons for them.

They may not understand.

Although the science and technology in this world is quite advanced, the various disciplines are also very mature, and the ninjas are even quite advanced.

But many ordinary people don't even know the words, let alone those great principles.

I can only tell them in simpler terms.

Only then can someone understand.

And those who have read books, of course, are easier to understand these truths.

Life is not good because of war;

The war is chaotic because there are too many countries in this world.

To change, we must first end the war.

This is quite normal.

Those who understand, don't care very much, because they all have or have had such thoughts.

But for the latter, they were frightened to hear.

Life is not good, in addition to the destruction of war, there is also exploitation by the privileged class.

What kind of assets, propertyless.

Those who have read books don't understand it very well, but for some reason, they feel terrified and can't help but touch their necks.

Of course nothing happened.


Not yet.

But it cannot be guaranteed in the future.

Take a closer look, the civilians at the bottom can't understand it, quietly letting go.

Then they expelled Ye Zi from the country.

Leaves didn't care.

It didn't kill those people or anything, because it was useless.

The people at the bottom are not awakened, and no matter how many times they are changed, they are useless.

Just keep traveling and preaching.

One year later, there was basically no place to stand on the Ninja Continent.

So he moved overseas.

The sea is vast.

In this blue sea, the largest country is the country of water.

The main island of the Water Country is very large, and there is a circle of islands around it, which can be regarded as a natural barrier for the defense of the Water Country.

In addition, there are many island countries.

Among them, the country of Poland is the closest to the mainland. After the bridge was repaired, transportation became more convenient and the economy improved.

But other island countries are still the same.

The rich are very rich, and the poor are very poor.

With Tian Tian, ​​Hyuga Hinata, and Hyuga Fireworks, Ye Zi began to travel around the islands.

Have a normal country;

There are also brutal rulers;

There are also pirates.

There are many dangerous creatures on some uninhabited islands.

Or some ruins.

Technology in this world, I don’t know when it started. Some of the things in the ruins seem to be very modern.

Ye Zi felt very strange.

Science and technology have developed to such a level and developed for so many years, why didn't the industrial revolution erupt?

Although there are chakras in this world.

But even a ninja, there are many things that can't be done, and technology can do it, and it can make ordinary people live better.

Really deformed development.

Thinking of this, he began to write a book.

Of course not a novel.

But some "conjectures" and so on, about industry.

After spending half a year on the sea, he was also deported.

Go back to the mainland.

First of all, distribute those books in the country of fire, because the country of fire is the most technologically advanced and can produce faster results.

Of course, the leaves are not concerned about these.

Instead, he ignored those expulsion orders and continued to wander the Ninja Continent.


In addition to these, there are of course improvements in strength.

Although it is different from what was expected.

And the ones who made the most progress were Tiantian, Hinata Hinata, and Hinata Kahuo.

If not counted as the fairy mode, their basic strength has risen to the level of Shangnin.

All three.

So, Hyuga Fireworks is really a genius.

The progress is not over yet.

Calculate time.

"If we spend a few more months outside, let's go back. It's estimated that things will get more."


The three little girls did not object.

Follow the leaves and begin the journey of the last few months.