Everything is definite.

Although as a materialist, one should not believe this.

But right.

Sometimes I always feel that something like fate might really exist.

Something like Providence may also exist.

Because what should have happened, it still happened, and the other processes and results didn't seem to be too far off.

Maybe it has something to do with the inaction of this "traverser"?

Think about the other traversers, they are all engaged in wind and rain, or power over the world, or the rich side.

"As a traverser, I am really unqualified at all."

Ye Zi laughed helplessly.

Especially in this world, living like a salted fish.

did nothing.

Nothing has changed...

Do not.

At least Sarutobi Asma and Jiraiya were saved.

Speaking of it.

Why are you saving them?


Payne's attack on Konoha ended in the same way as the original.

When Ye Zi recovered his aura, the battle was over.

After waiting for a while, Nagato used the reincarnation technique to resurrect the people who died in this battle.

Most of them are resurrected.

There are also some unlucky people whose corpses are badly damaged, and even those whose corpses are not left can not be resurrected.

This can be described as a heaven-defying level technique, which made Ye Zi couldn't help but admire.

Anyway, everything is over.

Next, it was the Five Shadows meeting, Uchiha's declaration of war with the soil, and the establishment of the Ninja United Army.

The Fourth Ninja World War is coming.

But roughly, there is still half a year to go.

If I remember correctly, the Fourth Ninja War will not officially start until October.

Ninja World War...

Ye Zi has no intention to participate.

Because in this world, he has no position.

It doesn't matter to him anywhere.

I want to preach, but no one listens to him.

Was expelled from various countries while preaching;

Later, I wrote a lot and printed a lot of copies, but it didn't seem to cause much change.

So his position is no position.


The battle is over.

Konoha was destroyed.

It was at this time that Metkai, Hyuga Hizusuka, and Hyuga Hanaoka returned to Konoha Village.

Fortunately in misfortune, not many people really died.

Uzumaki Naruto became a hero.

Tian Tian and Hinata Hinata just slapped soy sauce with nothing.

The leaves are similar.

Konoha's biggest blow this time was that his home was gone, and Hokage of the Five Dynasties fell asleep, not knowing when he would wake up.

Ji Lai also woke up.

He was the first to be transferred and suffered no harm in the war.

I soon learned what happened during the coma.

Silence at first

Then he sighed long.



The destroyed homes are being rebuilt.

With the full support of the name of the country of fire, various materials have been continuously delivered from all over the country.

There are also craftsmen and so on.

Ye Zi looked at his "home", bald, and could only shake his head helplessly.

Leave these alone for now.

I ran to the town outside to buy some fruit, and ran back to visit the patient.

Jilaiya's injuries were very serious, and those who were stabbed were all vital parts, and the black rod had a strange effect.

At present, it would be at least several months to lie down, and it is hard to say whether it can catch up with the fourth Ninja War.

When Ye Zi came to the ward, he seemed to be thinking.

The temporary ward was a bit crude, and there was no place to sit.

Put down the fruit.

Just walk to the window and sit directly on the window sill.

Looking at the scenery outside.

Looking from afar, Konoha Village has become a construction site.

"Working people build their own homes by themselves!"

Such an emotional sentence.

He shook his head again.

"But unfortunately, these houses will not belong to most of them in the future."

If I remember correctly, even Haruno Sakura has to bear the mortgage.

At that time she was all Uchiha...


This shouldn't change, right?

If it changes, then the "Bo Ren Biography" may be gone.

But if it doesn’t change...


Ye Ye suddenly remembered the plots of sending girls off in many novels he had read in his previous life.

At this time, I wanted to drew my sword and cut down those authors.

"Oh, leaves."

It seemed that Jilaida had only discovered his existence and broke away from thinking.

He had also heard about Ye Zi's performance in this incident.

Can understand.

But still a bit resentful.

"It's really unexpected, you would be fooled by that simple trick."

"Just kidding, that's my student. I care and mess up."

"I think you are a greedy body."

"I can't compare to you old pervert."


The two lost a few words to each other.

In the end, Ye Ye took care of the old man who was still lying in the hospital bed and took the initiative to stop the "war".

Just tell him about the current situation.

Those ninjas may not necessarily tell him the real situation.

And Ye Zi also knows many things that others don't, such as the situation of Shimura Danzo.

There are no tigers and monkeys in the mountains.

The current Hokage Tsunade and Jiraiya, who is suitable to be Hokage, are now lying in hospital beds.

Hagi Kakashi is still too young.

However, Shimura Danzo has prepared for many years and has the support of two consultants. At this time, it is easy to seize power.

The action has already begun.

After all, Konoha at this time urgently needs someone to stand up and lead everyone.

In some people's opinion, the most suitable one is Shimura Danzo.

The leaves felt unsuitable.

After all, many people and many families have opinions on Shimura Danzo.

The concepts of the two parties are also different.

Most ordinary ninjas don't know this person, especially the leading figures in the new generation.

That is, Naruto Uzumaki, Tian Tian, ​​etc., don't know who Shimura Danzo is.

And Shimura Danzo is not too friendly to Uzumaki Naruto.

Naruto Uzumaki is not a very disciplined person. If Shimura Danzo persecutes too much, Naruto Uzumaki dared to fight him.

And Naruto Uzumaki who became a hero is now very appealing.

If it is not handled well, Konoha is afraid that it is not about the civil war of Yuyin Village, the country of water in previous years.

Leave these alone.

Shimura Danzo's own ideas and methods are not suitable for governing.

Therefore, Ye Zi also reminded Zi Lai.

As to whether Jilai can handle it, he doesn't care.

He doesn't care anyway.

Shimura Danzo did not dare to provoke him, his strength lies here, and he has a good relationship with the Hyuga clan.

Every day they are also from his side.

As long as he has some insight, he will not and should not provoke him.


Speaking of this teacher's companion, Ji Lai also has a headache.

Don't want to say more.

Just watching Ye Zi change the subject.

"I heard how many books you wrote?"

"I didn't write it, I don't have that kind of ability, it was written by a few very good people."

Ye Zi shook his head.

The line of sight moved from the outside to the inside, looking towards Jiraiya.

"Why, do you want to learn?"

"I have to lie down for so long, and I can't do anything else, just read a book."

"I'll bring you here next time."

The leaves waved.

Having said everything that should be said, there is no more time to stay.

"Nothing else, I'm leaving now."

"and many more."

Jilaida does have something to say.

"Nagato's body was taken away by Xiao Nan, right?"


"This matter is so violent, everyone in the ninja world knows that he has reincarnation, and I am worried that someone wants to fight for it."

This worry of Jilaiya is very reasonable.

In fact, someone will go.

"So can I ask you to take care of it?"


Ye Zi nodded.

"I'll let someone help you find out whereabouts, so I'll see if you find it."

There is no way if you can't find it.

Who knows where Xiao Nan is hiding...


Seems to be back to Yuyin Village?