The part-time worker story starting from Conan World

Chapter 256: After the fight is over...

Xiuxian has unlimited possibilities.

But Ye Ye, who is just getting started, has not yet discovered those possibilities.

Hyuga Fireworks is one step ahead of him.

As early as a few months ago, Hyuga Huahuo had a preliminary understanding of the yin and yang, and now a few months later, there is a greater breakthrough.

But she didn't say anything for the time being.

a new day.

Tiantian and Hinata Hinata wanted to leave Konoha to join the ninja army.

Hyuga fireworks did not appear.

Only Ye Zi sent the two of them outside and said a lot.

No time was wasted.

Before leaving, the two little girls seemed to have something to say.

"Teacher Ye Zi, wait until this battle is over..."

"Stop it!"

Before they could finish speaking, Ye Zi hurriedly interrupted.

Such a thing cannot be said.

This is the flag.

One is not good, but it will die.

Come on your own.

"After this battle is over, I have something to tell you."


Tiantian and Hyuga Hinata glanced at each other, but instead of continuing what they had just said, they smiled and waved to the leaf.

"Then we will leave, Teacher Ye Zi."


"Be careful on the battlefield. Remember not to disperse. Two people must work together. Don't be alone."

It is very dangerous to be alone on the battlefield.

As long as they cooperate, the danger will be much smaller.

"Got it."

Nodded every day.

The long sword around his waist was unsheathed, and Hinata Hinata stood on it.

Waved to the leaf again.

Immediately, the imperial long sword rose into the air, and soon left Konoha and disappeared into the sky.

The leaves looked at the sky.

No matter how things develop and change on the ground, the blue sky and white clouds remain the same.

"It's really a long time for Baiyun for thousands of years!"

Sigh with emotion.

Turned around and walked home again, and continued his practice.


The preparations for the Ninja World War have reached the final moment.

The designations of the five regiments of the Ninja United Army have also been configured.

The leader is Hokage, Wind Shadow, Raikage, Earth Shadow, Water Shadow, plus the leader of the Iron Kingdom, the three ships, for a total of six people.

The highest commander is the fourth generation of Raikage;

Five generations of Hokage Tsunade served as the general staff;

Konoha Kaminari Nara Lukuhisa, Unyin Kaminari Azabui served as staff;

The captain of the Ninja United Army is Gaara the Five Generations Fukage.

The coalition is divided into five coalitions.

The first unit: the middle-range combat wing, the wing leader is Yunyin Shangnin Darui;

The second unit: the melee unit, the leader of the unit is Yanyin Shangren Huangtu;

The third unit: the mid-range combat wing, the leader of the wing is Kakashi Konoha, Shinoban flag;

The fourth unit: the long-range combat wing, which is also the largest wing. The wing leader is Gaara, but the command is in charge of the acting wing commander Nara Shikamaru;

Fifth Unit: Special Combat Wing. The leader of the Wing is Mifune, the warrior leader of the Iron Kingdom.

It is roughly divided according to the fighting style of ninjas.

In addition, there are sensing troops, intelligence troops, etc., which are responsible for sensing the enemy's position, receiving and transmitting intelligence.

The location is at the joint army headquarters.

The members include perception-type ninjas such as Yamanaka Kaiichi and Mizuhide Ninja.

There are also smaller units such as the medical logistics unit, the investigation team, the daimyo guard, and the surprise attack team.

After learning about these configurations, Tian Tian couldn't help but complain.

"The high-level team really doesn't understand the power of mixed combat units!"

This configuration method divided into categories...

Is it a tactic similar to that of infantry and infantry, and cavalry and cavalry?

Obviously the configuration of the team is very good.

Long-range, medium-range, short-range; ninjutsu, physique, illusion, medical ninja; attack, assistance, support, etc.

When it comes to large-scale operations, such a configuration actually comes up.

"It's better to let me come."

This configuration is very unreasonable.

Not only Tiantian, Hinata Hinata also wanted to complain.

But it didn't say anything.

Just shook his head up and down.

"Calm down, it's already decided anyway, it can't be changed."

"That's true."

It’s been a few days since the war, and now it’s too late to change the configuration, which will cause chaos in the ninja army.

At that time, maybe the enemy will seize the opportunity and take the opportunity to launch an attack, and the loss will be great.

And the two girls, there is no way to change the high-level configuration.

They have no power.

The Konoha Ninja battalion that was originally commanded has now been broken up and is no longer the position of the battalion leader.

They form a small team by themselves.

In addition, the high-level team also assigned several ninjutsu and illusion ninjas to form a special team with the two of them.

They have a relatively high degree of freedom and can choose the battlefield by themselves.

The main task is to destroy the enemy.

At the same time, support is always provided.

Especially Tiantian and Hyuga Hinata, because they can fly.

For the flying ninja, the Ninja Continent is not that big, and it can quickly support other battlefields.

Simply put, wherever support is needed, they will go wherever they are.

This work is very tiring.

But since it is a task, we can only honestly proceed.

Just keep complaining.

What kind of system warfare, mixed warfare, and synthetic battalion are there?

Open discussion.

This made some ninjas who heard it stunned, because they didn't understand them at all.

In fact, this is still possible.

In terms of ninja's mobility, combat capabilities, and various ninjutsu, systematic combat can barely be achieved.

But no one has ever practiced, so for the time being it's just a talk.


Konoha Ninja Village.

The ninjas have all left, and there are only a few old, young women and children in the village.

The number of people watching is not many.

The whole village seemed to be quiet suddenly.

The ninja who stayed behind did their duties faithfully.

Without a hand, Ji Lai Ye walked in this strange village and thought of his dead disciple.


Thinking of that disciple with reincarnation eyes, his mood is very complicated.

Turn around the street.

Then he walked down the street to Ye Zi's house.

The door was open.

During the day, everyone is welcome here, you can enter without knocking on the door.

Although very few people come.

Jilai would not be so polite, and walked in directly.

Ye Zi was still sitting in the corridor.

Drink tea and snacks.

Look at the scenery.

Jilai didn't understand the meaning of what he did, but he didn't ask.

Just walk to the side and sit down.

Pick up the pastry that you haven't seen before, and hold it up to observe carefully.

He was talking.

"Where is the little girl from the Hyuga family, as Konoha's security captain, she has to go out and show her face at least."

"In retreat."

Leaf replied.

Hyuga Fireworks has begun to retreat again, and it seems that he has found an opportunity for a breakthrough.

And he still couldn't make progress.

It seems that the rapid progress in the early stage was really brought about by the resurrection because of death.

He was never a genius.

After all, even this ability was "stolen" from someone else.

What a failure.

"Retreat? Have you improved again?"

Jiraiya's expression was also a little dazed.

"It's amazing."

In this era, there are so many geniuses. There are so many masters among teenagers and girls.


"If that little girl goes further, I'm afraid she will be the best player of the new generation."

"I am very sure of that."

Ye Zi is very confident in Hyuga Fireworks.

In this world, there is no one more genius than her.

Don't talk about the new generation.

If you fully comprehend the two qi of Yin and Yang, it is estimated that you can become a new generation of "Six Dao Immortals".

Xiuxian is so unreasonable!