Because it doesn't fight with people or fight wars, sword intent is rarely used.

As a result, the bee-eater fucked up.

This is a mental and soul attack. If one is not careful, the attacked person will become an idiot.

If the gap is too large, you will die mentally.

The bee eater is a person with mental ability, and it is still level 5, and the mental power is relatively strong.

But even so, she lay down until the next evening before swaying up from the bed.

"It hurts..."

He held his head and sat motionless for a long time before he got used to the pain of mental tearing.

At this moment, even thinking is hard.

But slowly it gets better.


Long sigh of relief.

Put down the hands covering his head and raised his head to look at the surrounding environment.

Unfamiliar room.

Thinking back to the things before the coma, I felt a little headache again.

"That guy..."

Is it also a mental ability person?

Misaka-san, when did you know such a person?

Why haven't you heard of it?


It seems to have neglected this aspect of intelligence collection, making it so embarrassing now.

But also asked for it.

Thinking this way makes it even more headache.

While thinking, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a teenager walked in from outside.

It is the leaves.

"How do you feel when you wake up?"


The bee-eater did not want to talk to him, but just wanted him to taste the pain of mental tearing.

Unfortunately she can't do it.

She can rewrite other people's memory, manipulate other people's thoughts, etc., but she can't do it by attacking other people's spirits.

She didn't speak, Ye Ye didn't care, and walked directly towards the bed.

Said as he walked.

"I'm really sorry. I counterattack this thing automatically, just like conditioned reflex. It's difficult to control. By the time I react, it's too late."

Although it wasn't my fault, I still said sorry.

This makes Bee Eater Fuck Qi feel embarrassed. After all, Ye Zi reminded her, but she just...

It really shouldn't.

But as the "Queen", she couldn't make her apologize.

And there are more important things.


"Don't worry, I'll tell you the matter and treat you by the way."

Leaf went to the bed and sat down.

Reach out.

"excuse me."

When she said this, she put her hand directly on her forehead, and directly instilled the spiritual power of the carrier's relevant information.

Then there is the spiritual energy of the yang attribute, which heals her brain or something.


The bee-eater did not escape the hand of the leaf.

As soon as I wanted to say something, strange information appeared in my mind.

As a person with mental ability, she is very familiar with this situation and knows that Ye Zi is sending a message to her.

Then I felt an air flow into my brain, quickly alleviating the pain.

It's much more comfortable now.

Holding back what he was about to say, he scanned Ye Zi's face a few times.

Not much to say yet.

Close your eyes and analyze the information that Ye Zi sends to her.


Kihara Huansheng...


It is very convenient for people with mental ability.

Almost all information can be shared through mental power.

In a sense, it's like Misaka Network.

The goal of Kihara Kensaku this time is to use Misaka network to feed back to Misaka Mikoto's body, so that Misaka Mikoto can evolve: to make her an absolute capable person of level 6.

The price is Misaka Mikoto's life.

Although this method of ability improvement can make Misaka Mikoto reach level 6, because he can't grasp that power, he will be assimilated and swallowed.

Kihara Huansheng didn't care.

Because all students, even all human beings and living things, to him are nothing more than experimental objects.

He has no respect for life, ethics, etc.

Even if mankind is extinct, he doesn't care.

He just wants to fulfill his ideals.

But the leaves care.

Misaka Mikoto and Bee Eater Doji also care, they will not allow this to happen.

So a consensus was reached soon.

This time, it is not only necessary to rescue Dolly, but also to go through the woods.

By the way, let the bee-eater exercise to get rid of the "external brain".

In other words, it will be calculated.

Using Kihara Kansei's plan, in turn sent him to hell.

But the specific implementation has nothing to do with it.

Although he wants to be the main force.

However, Misaka Mikoto and Bee-Eater Chi wanted to solve them personally, so he was put in charge of logistics support.

invalid objection.

In the end, I chose to accept it.

After all, there are plans, and it makes no difference who does things.

And a certain librarian also said: Women can hold up half the sky.

Ye Ye does not engage in patriarchal or feminist rights.

All beings are equal.

Of course, in certain things, he still has different standards.

Needless to say this.

The action plan is there, and so are the executives.

Next, is the specific operation.


Before the Da Ba Xing Festival officially began, many people had already entered from outside.

The students who had been separated from their parents for a long time finally met again. They were all very happy. There was a happy New Year scene.

It's just that there are fewer lights and festoons.

The planning of the site has been carried out long ago, and what is to be done now is the specific layout.

Most of it is the responsibility of the students.

Ye Zi is neither a student nor a teacher, so he has nothing to do in his spare time.

It just recovered the clone who had been reading and studying outside, because the valuable library had already read it.

Some avatars are idle and bored, and they do side jobs, but they make a lot of money.

After receiving these messages after recycling, Ye Ye was also a bit speechless.

"Although there is no movement in my body, the clones have been working, as expected, I am still a worker."

Slightly helpless with emotion.

Then put this matter aside.

But now that there is a lot of money, the arrangements of Bu Shutoi, Phoebe, and Jenny have also fallen.

The new residence, the house next door, can take care of each other.

Moving is not troublesome.

Just change the room.


The day before the start of the Daba Star Festival.

in the afternoon.

The final piece stays at home to play with Phoebe and Jenny.

Ye Zi came out alone, and met again with Flanda, Mai Ye Shenli, Jianqi Favorite, and Taki Hu Lihou.

This is the third meeting.

Also the last time.

Having been idle these days, Ye Zi also met their requirements by the way, this time it was to formally confirm the partnership.

For Ye Zi, it is cooperation.

But for the four young girls, they believed that they were working for Ye Zi and selling their lives to Ye Zi.

In countries where the feudalism remains, some thinking leaves are awkward.

At this time, I really wanted to print an anthology of 100,000 points, a manifesto, etc., and distribute it to the proletariat, assemble them, smash the three mountains and smash the living god statue of the Emperor.

Of course I thought so, but I didn't do anything in the end.

Sometimes, Ye Zi is very lack of action, if it is not forced by life, then he is definitely a salty fish with no energy.

In any case, the props already belong to him in name.

The power further expanded.

Recently, I also had contact with bee-eaters.

After the plan is completed, in the eyes of some people, maybe even the bee-eater exercises are part of his influence?

After all, they all acted together.

In this case, three of the seven level5s will stand on his side.

It's even more daunting.

However, he didn't want to form any power at all, just did something that he felt necessary to do.

In this indifferent world, it is necessary to report to the group to keep warm.