The picturesque rice cakes are delicious today

Episode 2: Night Country * 1

What should I do? What should I do?I feel anxious, but I can't think of any concrete solution.

I hurriedly put out a knife to make it resistant.... I've never used a knife other than sharpening a pencil.

Hold the knife in your back and wait.

... and as soon as he did, he showed up.

In front of the jail, he appeared on the other side of the iron lattice...

"... I'm not human."

Standing there in slippery clothes with matching hoods is like a person made of a pale flame or a baked doll.Plus, you're wearing a soft white porcelain mask... invisible human?No, only the mask, gloves and clothes float...?

... that's obviously not human, there's a lot of creatures in front of me.

I thought there was no point in putting out a knife.

As soon as the prison door opened, the creatures that had entered the prison quickly seized me. [M]The knife was also confiscated there.It really didn't make sense.

... or maybe it wasn't good.

The fact that I had a knife makes it look like the other person was on increased alert. [M]Looking at the knife they took away, they all looked at each other and said something.

I don't understand what they say. [M]So I don't know what you're talking about, but I know that you're probably talking about something that's not good.

I was seized and lay face to face on the stone floor, and in the meantime, something was prepared over my head or beside me.

... and I was put on a platform that seemed to have been carried inside the cell.

I resisted because I felt like a bad guy when I got in, but it was a complete waste.I've tied my arms and legs to the table and now I can't move.

I wonder. I wonder what they will do.... beside the table, there are tools that you don't know exactly.Something like gray ink in a bottle, something like a vine of a plant that moves slightly as thick as my thumb, something like a dark gray bird feather, a stick-shaped object made of a smooth material, and... a blade.

Looking at the glittering blade, you can see that this is not safe anymore.

... escape. We have to get out of here.Do something.

In order to do that, I must at least have the paint nearby.I also need paint for magic painting.Because I can't move my hand right now.

So I have to make something that can be made real by drawing pictures, and then I have to get out of here somehow.

What should I do? If you recall what you put out when you first came to this world... would you draw a rope and tie up the creatures here?No, I can't. There aren't so many paints of various colors.A rope alone would be impossible if we were to draw a picture of the creature here tied up.

So you're purely trying to produce weightless weights and crush them?No, I'm sure I won't be able to give you anything too big.

I don't know if I have a seal attached to myself, but I have a feeling that I can't do it well or not.

I suppose there's some sort of trick in "this jail" because something is about to start in the jail I was trapped in right now.

I think we can handle it if we get out of jail for now.I want to think. If I can get out of the cell, I can use the help of the Phoenix and the tube fox, I can paint as many magical paints as I want, and I can draw anything.

... yeah.

I mean... I want to get out of jail.But... it's so far away.

I didn't take any measures.I wore a Summon Monster, and I also had a portable painting set.But... the magic itself has done something to me, and I wasn't able to counteract it.... uhh.

When this happens... yes, it looks like my hands and feet are going to stop coming out.

I desperately looked around, wondering if there was anything that could be moved by the magic painting.

I look at the dark gray ink next to the fixed table and try to manipulate it to draw a picture, but... I couldn't move it a bit, but it's quite difficult.

Still, I managed to concentrate on manipulating something like ink...

... at that time.


My shirt gets caught around my chest. [M]Moreover, the other hand of the creature holding the shirt... was held by a knife.

Looking at that, you can only keep staring at the blade of the knife that is slowly approaching me. I'm only anxious about my feelings, but I can't move my body... and it's plumping.

"... eh"

The cut of the knife was stuck on my shirt.

And with that, the knife rips the shirt apart.Only the sound of the cloth ripping off resonated in the jail.

... when my chest and stomach are completely exposed, there's now zero grey ink.


The cold thing suddenly touches the bare skin and your body feels irritated.

... the grey ink was more viscous than I expected.I said I'm going to wet it. In addition, it spreads like a bird's feather.What is this...?

Seeing the mysterious ritual begin, I don't know what it is, and I can't do anything.The strange creatures are saying something in a language I don't understand, but I don't know what it means, and I can't read information from anything other than words...

When the mysterious liquid spreads from my stomach to my chest, it starts to tingle a bit, or twitch... um, it's a little itchy?No, I don't know, this.Melting...?

No, it's a little weird in the back of your body.Uh, it's like when a bird makes you eat weird tree nuts.In other words, I think my magic is strange inside me...

When I was in trouble, the creatures began to consult next to me... and then I reached a conclusion like 'I knew it!', reaching out to my pants.


At first, I was trying to remove the belt, but these creatures don't seem to understand the structure of the belt.Eventually, the belt was also cut with a knife.

And creatures who don't seem to know how buttons and chucks work, like, "I should be able to cut my belt," put their pants down.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Stop."

I don't want to be removed to the bottom by the boulder, so I resist, but since my hands and feet are fixed in place, I can only twist my body a little bit.

"Stop it... hey, please"

But somehow, I don't like it.Please don't say anything you won't understand, just to make sure you stop...

... and as the pants go down to about half the buttocks, the numb creatures bring out the knife again.

So, a knife came in beside my pants, and the cloth ripped apart...

... hello.

What was in my pocket fell to the floor.

Fairy candy, cracked pencils, and the starry sky shards I got from a strange customer the other day.And the one with the woodpebbles and the white part of the bread rounded to pieces.

They fell on the floor, plenty, after a beat.

A whistle sounded like a whistle.

... it didn't take long to realize that a whistle sounded like a scream from one of the creatures surrounding us.

When I saw what fell on the floor from other creatures who heard the sound of a pizza, a pizza, a giggle, a karakara, and so on, there was a dreadful noise.

"... um..."

The creatures that surrounded us just now left me as if they were scared of me. [M]Stay back until you stick to the walls of the jail, and only I will be left in a completely empty space.

"Um, um, what...?

Then the creatures began to talk about something.It solidifies as far away from me as possible and desperately consults something. [M]

Uh, uh... what is this...?

... while they were consulting, I could only do what was in trouble.And as they glanced at me, the mysterious creatures kept consulting me like they were in a hurry....

"... eh"

Afraid, the creature approaching me started wiping my stomach and chest with something like a cloth.Ah, will you take it down?

"Um, what is this... really?

When I asked him, he didn't understand me. [M]They just shut up and wipe my body, I'm afraid.

I wonder what.In the meantime, for some reason, I feel like I've removed myself from a bad situation, but...?

I was completely wiped up while I was still warm and then removed from the table. [M]

"Um, thank you...?

I don't know if I should thank you, and I don't know if I could say it in the first place, but in the meantime, I would like to thank the creature for untying my limbs.

There was no response.However, the creature escapes like it scares me. [M]

... and after I was completely able to move my body, the cell was locked again.

Um... ah, that?I didn't mean to let you out...?

... in the meantime, I'll pick up what's falling on the floor.I think the mysterious creatures are starting to freak me out because this fell on the floor.

There are 5 drops in total.Fairy Candy. A chipped pencil.Pebbles. White spot of bread.And something like a starry sky shard.

... if those creatures react in here, I think it's candy, pebbles, starry sky shards, or something.

Fairy candy is made by fairies, so if you don't like fairies, maybe you don't like them.

Pebbles are forest pebbles, so it's not strange to have a power you don't understand.

But... um, somehow, I feel like a piece of the starry sky that I got from a strange customer the other day...

I was able to put out a sawing set with portable materials, so I started repairing my pants.My pants are soaked in the gray melting just now, and I would like to change if possible, but the sentinel creatures are looking at me worried from outside the prison, and I don't want to take off my pants in that way...

... when I was sewing my pants so I could wear them for now, there was a banging noise and the mysterious creatures brought back.Wow, what is it?

If I'm surprised, they're all screwed up from the gap between the bars in the jail and fall this way. [M]

Uh... a dark blue grey blanket with a fluffy, smooth feel.Soft pigeon-colored cushion.I wonder if it's a soot, uh, robe.Such sluggish long clothes.And blankets. And blankets again.More blankets.

"Um... will you lend it to me?

When I asked, there was no response.Well, I thought so.

But thank you for letting me use it.

Quickly, have the blanket laid on the floor, make a place to sit with cushions and blankets, and sit.... was it fluffy?This is a pleasure because the stone cell was a little cold.

And clothes.... I had a little resistance like a girl's dress, but I thought it was better than half naked, so I wore it.It was a little big for me, but for the time being, hidden things were hidden, and the robe made of a slightly thick soft cloth was warm.

... because something hidden was hidden, I painted my pants and changed my clothes.It's about changing clothes at the swimming pool.


... suddenly the treatment gets better and while I'm confused, a variety of things are brought in.

Several lamps like Magic Stone Lamps were brought in to make the cell brighter, and blankets were added.Also, tea and tea confectionery came out.No, I didn't eat it because I was a little scared...

I wondered what it was, what it was, while I was outside the jail looking at creatures that were twitching and worried the other side of the jail hallway.Um, what are you waiting for...?

Then, about 2 hours after suddenly getting soft and warm treatment.

... light footsteps echo from the other side of the hallway.

I wonder what I'm waiting for...


I ran out of breath over the bars of the jail... my hair like the night sky, my starry skin, and above all, my eyes like the starry sky... those customers back then!