The picturesque rice cakes are delicious today

Episode 8: Night Country * 7

I hold my breath in Mr. Talk's clothes and gaze outside. [M]

... I think the grey dragon that brought me to this country, that is, someone who tried to feed my guts a little.

The grey dragons aren't a very good match for me, either, because Rene's obviously hiding me.

Rene and Tark will do well for me, but I understand that not all people in this country do that to me.I also know that Lene and the others are special.

... but right now, in front of us, the gray dragon is gladly looking up at the tree in the blue sky.

The little sun there seems to have liked it.I approached the tree happily, measured the size of the small sun with my fingers, and looked a little sad... but from the side, Rene said, "Fuck?"and nodded as if she had regained her mind while returning the word" hoo. "

I wonder what it is. I guess the real sun was smaller than I expected.But it's warm, so it's kind of cool, right?Hmm...

Afterwards, I started talking with Rene pointing to the sky, but... if there was no movement and just a conversation, I wouldn't know anything about anything other than "poof", so I thought I'd think about this tree and this country for a while.

First of all, I'm pretty sure the reason I've been snatched by this country... was to feed on that scallop.... I'm really glad Lene helped me.Ugh...

... so when you feed me, it looks like you're going to bloom a little and give me warm golden honey.

Well, maybe I had to feed the ginger. [M]No matter how many other guts I gave you... did you need the magic of the forest spirits, or did you want the blood of the creatures of our country during the day...?

I don't know the details, but in the meantime, I think you just needed to feed me.There is no doubt there first.I saw it with my own eyes.

And when you give honey to a tree in the blue sky, the tree produces a small sun... and the morning sky spreads slightly over the tree.I know because I saw this with my own eyes.

... well. If you sort it out so far, you'll get a sense of it.

I think the people of the night country want the blue sky in the night country.

I wonder what position Rene and the grey dragon people are in.

When I was caught at the exit of the forest town, immediately after the resurrection of the demon king and the attack of the monster, so that grey dragon man, the demon king....?No, it's hard to imagine that the newly resurrected Demon King will come directly to grab me, and I wonder if the person in the grey dragon is under the Demon King.

... and I think Lene is probably related to a grey dragon.

It looks a little alike. Because the gray dragon looks good too.Parents and children seem to be too old, and brothers are too far away, but dragons may take different ages from humans, and I don't know.

Nevertheless, the gray dragon is brilliantly dark gray, but Rene is sparkling starry.That's not very similar.I wonder if Rene is special?

If that grey dragon person was a demon king, or a demon king's subordinate, or something like that... then what is the demon king's purpose to turn the night sky into a blue sky?

No, it's not necessarily the will of the Demon King.Hmm... I don't know anything about this area.Ask Princess Faye and Princess Large when you get home.If we know the purpose of the Demon King, we may know what kind of person René and the Grey Dragon are...

Eventually, the grey dragon man and René finished talking.

The gray dragon man glanced at Tark... but without noticing me hiding inside, he talked to Rene a little bit more at the end, and stared at the small sun that flew into the blue sky tree as a dragon... and flew to the original direction.

... and when the dragon is completely invisible, Tark gently lets me out.

Rene came in relieved, then grabbed my hand and said something.Maybe it was good, or reassuring, or suddenly surprised, or something like that.

I was surprised and wondered if they would find me, but I'm glad to be here.

I've seen a lot of beautiful sights, and I know a little about this country.... more mysteries, but more things I've learned.

Then, I think it would have been nice to have seen the gray dragon person up close.I think it might be helpful if you could see who took me.


... when I thought about it, Lene pulled my sleeve a little.

As I thought it was something, I followed Lene, and Lene lowered her hips to the root of the blue sky tree and puffed next to it.I sat down next to René as instructed. [M]

The root of the tree is covered in fluffy soil and fluffy moss, kind of like a natural cushion.However, it wasn't very wet, and there was a warm feeling of dust from under the ground, and it was very comfortable to sit down.


"Yeah. Beautiful."

Sitting side-by-side, looking at the trees and the sky for a while...

"...... Phew"

I thought Rene had a little bit of a coma, but I started to sleep easily with the tree.... I wonder if you were tired.

I had a lot of things going on today, but I'm sure Rene had a lot of things going on.I came back as a half bloody dragon, and then I had to take care of myself a little bit, and then I traveled to the polo and hid me from the grey dragon guy.

... I wonder if I've used my strength and energy.Rene was sleeping softly and comfortably, so I let her take a little more nap.

After all, I pointed at Rene with my face facing Tark and tilted my neck, "What should I do with this?I asked you, but Mr. Tark looked at Rene nearby, then twisted his neck a little bit... and sprayed a thin blanket on Rene to see where it came from.I think you should take a nap.

... and Tark put a blanket on me. It looks like I'm wearing half a large blanket with Rene.

When I thought about it, Mr. Tark lowered his hips a little further away and started looking out of the island as if it were his watch.

Um... this is my nap advice, too?

If I'm in trouble, I'm surprised that Lene's head is on my shoulder. [M]

I was a little surprised, but Rene stayed the same and slept smoothly with me. [M]... mmm.

... okay. I'll sleep, too.Good night...

Ah, I woke up with a small voice that tended to hesitate.

When I saw it, Rene was peeking at me and playing with me.Apparently, I feel a little sorry for taking a nap with my pillow on.It's okay. Put it in a hot tub or pillow.

When I wake up, Mr. Talk will slow down the blanket and then we'll go home.

Return is the same as return, a polo trip.When René grabbed the scale of his hand on the tablet on the edge of the island, a polka dot jumped out of the lake like when he saw it at the fountain.We will enter the polka dots again and return to the castle of the country at night.

... it was slightly brighter to return than to go.I think it's because the country at night has become a little bit of a country at dawn.

Looking up at the sky with such a sight, only the blue sky trees were slightly white... and the narrow moon was visible in the night sky.

... it's time for me to go home.

We went back to the castle of the country at night, back to Rene's room... and took a bath, changed our clothes, and went to bed.

I was worried if I could sleep because I took a nap, but I may have been tired from going out for the first time in a long time.I slept well.

When I slept well and woke up, Lene was always sleeping with me.I wonder if it's cold.

Sure, it gets cold here.Because it's a stone building, it's as cold as the cold seeps from the floor.The country at night is so cold that the sun doesn't shine.

No matter how much I'm in bed right now, it's not like when I was warming up under a tree in the blue sky in the real sun.Even if my hands and feet stick out of the bed, it's cold, especially now, because I'm sleeping alone in the bed, so it's easy to stick out...

... I wonder if the people of this country want the sunlight.So I suppose you're trying to make the blue sky tree produce a little sun and make this country a little bright and warm.

When I was thinking about it, I felt a little overwhelmed, and then I wanted to play a little aggressively.

Rene said in her sleep, "Phew..."Yeah, I want you to fill your eyes.I'm not paying you back for your help.

Then Rene woke up and prepared himself... and showed me the book before leaving the room.

It's a book with lots of moons that you showed me the first day I came here.

Among them, Rene pointed to the picture of the moon, and then to the outside of the window.

Today, huh?

When I asked, Lene leaned a little lonely, then grabbed my hand and said something.Then he smiled at me to reassure me, and then showed me my painting on the back wall of the bed.

... finally, I can go home.

It's kind of weird that I don't feel it.But... I have to go home.Everyone's probably worried.Ah, I hope the letter arrives properly...

"... thank you"

Rene looked at me and said something.

But it doesn't come out that far.Did you give up words that you couldn't understand even when you came out, or was it harder to say anything else?


I called my name and peeked into Rene's face.Then Rene shook her neck to the side, saying, "Nothing." Then she slipped out of the room.

... yeah.

I don't understand the words, but somehow, I understand.Me, too.

... I'm a little lonely.

Until Rene came back, I drew.I even drew it.

You can help, you can hide, and you can go home.That's why I want to thank you properly.

Besides... you don't have to thank me.I want to leave a gift of goodbye for a strange friend who has had a strange encounter.

On the way, Mr. Talk brought me some food.He peeked into what I was drawing and looked at it with excitement.If you can get this reaction, will Lene like it?

I ate a meal with a little confidence and then started packing.

That said, it was about drawing clothes and changing them, and putting out thin, small bags and putting sketchbooks there.René's scales are pockets on the chest of the shirt.Never drop it because I put it in a pocket with a button.

The paint is hidden back in the shoes for watercolor, and the paint for magic painting and the painting in the middle of the drawing are still being used, so it stays the same.

... okay. Now that you're ready to draw as close as you can, you're on to the final finish.

I was a little confused about the choice of paint, but... I decided to use a blue sky paint.

The one who painted the blue sky as it is, not the huge bear-gummied egg shell color.I wanted the color of Lian and Ange's eyes to make it.Using that, you take the jewelry out, powder it, put it in a bottle... and you're ready.

Gently move the paint of the blue sky itself...

... at that time.

Baton, the door opens.And...

"Thank you!

Rene ran back.

Change the blood phase.

"What, Rene?

I thought it was strange, but before I could find out why, Mr. Talk would come into the room and lock the door.... one second later, there was a bang and a knock on the door.

... and then I hear a voice.Angry, low voice.

The voice of that grey dragon!

René rushed to the window and opened it with vigour.

"Thank you!

And he calls me to hurry. [M]I hurriedly carried my bag, shoved an empty magic stone paint into my pocket, and rushed to the window holding the painting with only the finish left.

... and then...


Gyu, Rene hugged me... and flew away like that.