The Pirate's Bad Doctor

Piece's bad god doctor Chapter 154

Huge Sea also instantly attracted the attention of the residents of winter, even even the naval base not far away was attracted.

"This ... what is this? Monster?"

"Don't know? Don't there be Ottman? You say that Ottman will not appear."

Everyone was surprised, but it also reacted after a moment, quickly ran in the distance.

The conquest king took the lead in sitting on the Kwai wheel quickly and rushed to a tentacle of the sea, cutting it hard.

Suddenly, a tentacle of the sea was cut down.

However, I haven't waited until I was happy, the tentacle of the sea was recovered, and the patient made a pace of the conquest king.

Conquer the king of dancing and dangerous to avoid the attack of the sea, then kick off the distance and the distance of the sea, smile: "This is really powerful, I just almost hit."

· ·······································

"Rider, are you nothing?" Weber asked some concerns.

"Don't worry, I am conquering the king, how can I make things."

Weiber saw something, nothing, but looking at the sea magic, some frightened: "What monster is this, what should we do now? It is impossible to take it on the shore."

"This should be the monster summoned from Caster, but no need to worry, there are other universities, and others can solve it."

When I said Caster, there was a hateful dislike in my heart, and it couldn't accept the Caster behavior.

......... ..... .......

"Why, is you coming over?"

Sudden proud voice, conquering the king look, see the hero king standing on the other side.

"Hey, it is Archer." The conquer king also quickly drove the car, and said that he was interested: "How do you come over to solve this monster? So just give you."

"Give it to me?" Hero Wang looked at the purple sea devil in front of him, revealing a trace of disgusting, disliked: "This is a ubiquitous thing, this king will not do it, deal with them is tarnishing my treasure."

"Yes, look at the other people." Conquer the king shake his head, helplessly said.

After a moment, conquering the king and other people have not come, have to manipulate the gentle wheel rushing to the sea.

"Little Master, I will delay for a while, you have to be careful."

"I know, rider you should be careful." Weber also knew the seriousness of things, nothing to say, just tightly grabbed the car.

After a while, conquer the king and the sea.

Although the king cannot achieve advantages, it can be greatly delayed.

In this way, when the king is hard to fight, the hero is driving, and Li Mu also came here with Altolia.

At the same time, I also saw the purple sea demon on the sea.

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The 335th chapter of the blood battle is not far-reaching (four more)

Seeing the first eye of the sea, Altolia frowned, the face is ugly: "Is this a sea devil? It's too ugly, Caster doesn't know what ghost."

"Okay, no matter so much, we still go on, others are here."

Said, Li Mu came to the bottom of Altolia.

At this moment, the Hero King has standing there, Dilu Mu has just arrived, holding a double gun standing there.

At Li Mu, when they arrived, Dilu looked at Altolia, obviously did not expectant Altolia's true.

Subsequently, Dilu took a trace of war, but it was still necessary to deal with the march, he recovered his own war.

Not far, the conquer of the prunity of the king is coming, and I also gave up the "three zero seven" battles, and I was busy driving, looking at Li Mu and others.

"Arthur king, unknown king, you are here, I don't know if you have a way to solve this monster."

"I don't know, but we can try it against the battle."

Although Li Musu knew the situation of the sea, but also try to use other methods, maybe it can be successful.

"Other ways?" Conquer the king slightly frowned, the face is ugly: "I just tried this sea magic, and the recovery ability is particularly strong. As long as there is a silk magic, you can completely resurrect.

And once he is on the bank, absorb a lot of magic, then his magic is very powerful and cannot solve it. "

After that, in addition to Li Mu and Heroes, everyone's face became iron.

Li Mu him is purely knowing the characteristics of the sea, and also knows how to defeat the sea, so I don't worry.

And the hero king is a powerful convinced of his lying sword, so he did not put the sea magic in his eyes.

"Forget it, let's try it, you can solve it."

Li Mu shook his head, then stepped forward, the right hand was placed in the sea, and immediately screamed: "The Ice Age."

The voice just fell, a white fog rushed out, then getting bigger and bigger, quickly spread toward four weeks, and freezing the sea.

In the blink of an eye, on the black sea, there was a white mist. After instantaneous frozen, the huge fierce is turned into a cold ice.

Not far from the sea magic, they also took out a lot of white chilles, and the whole sea is covered, and it is frozen in the ice.

The temperature of the whole sea is reduced, the spirit is okay, and the Weiber is can't stand, curled, and the body is not going to keep it.

"Come, put it on it, it may be better." Conquer the king, take his cloak, and handed Weber, and helped him together.

Just stood up, I looked at the two of this 'intimate', smiled: "I see your relationship is good, don't conquer the king, you will take him to make people."

"Hahaha ... I think too, but he disagree."

On the side of Weber, he also calm down, and quickly opened the distance: "Rider, you don't ask for a mistake, I can't do your woman, the man can't do."

... ...

Li Muzheng is ready to say, the ice is suddenly broken by the ice of the sea in the near future, and there is a wingdoma to fall on the ground from time to time.

"It's really, you should be able to be frozen, so you can't do it now."

On the side of Weber listening to the black line, I don't know what I should say Li Mu.

In his opinion, Li Mu is so powerful, likes to be in front of him.

After conquering the king, I suddenly laughed, I said: "I should see that he should not be caster, you should be Caster, magic is so strong, no one is more than you."

In the eyes of the conquest king, just the ice is magic.

On the other hand, Caster saw Li Mu and others to talk, but ignored him, and his eyes were angry, and he walked: "My Sea, hurry, this will solve them, I want to welcome back "

The voice just fell, the Sea rushed out quickly, and ran quickly toward Li Mu.

Li Mu saw the hormone, not to turn his head, the hero king, smiled: "Heroes king, the most old king of humanity, or you can help, let us look at you."

"Yeah, you can't do it, or you don't know if you are so powerful."

The hero king looked at the two and immediately understood it.

Looking at the sea magic, although I want to express it, but still shake the head: "No, if you want to see, when you can, I don't want to fight with this ugly guy today."

"There is no way, I can only fight." Li Mu married a sigh of relief, then looked at the distant sea and waved a punch.

Suddenly, a red magma fist rushed out, quickly rushed to the sky, illuminated the dark sky.

Then the magma became countless small fists, and smashed the sea devil in the absence of the sea, and the diameter was left behind, and the body of the sea was burned.


After the red magma falls on the sea of ​​the sea, the flesh of the Sea is evaporated directly, and many big caves have appeared on the body, and the hot gas has been released.

But change, this meat recovered again, and all the scars on the body disappeared, and quickly rushed to the shore.

Always along the way, the sea is over, the ice on the sea is broken.

"Rely, this is not." The conquest king can't help but get rid.

If he is the ability of the Sea, he is even if he uses the king's army, and it does not consume the sea devil 2.6, and maybe you may be deserved.

For the first time, the conquest king feels that his treasures seem to have a little difference.

And the Dilu Muo is more depressed, he found that he seems to be the most unlucky, his own double gun seems to be a sea devil.

Even if his treasure is the yellow rose, it is not necessarily to curse the sea.

I thought about it, conquering the king and Dilu Muo can't help but put their eyes on Li Mu, I want to have only a few people left, or it is estimated that I can't solve it.

And Li Mu also wrinkled, followed by the sky, suddenly flaking in the dark sky suddenly flashed, and quickly sliding in the night, like a piece of electric snake.

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Chapter 336 Caster end (five more)

"This ... What is going on? Is it difficult to rain today? But today I didn't report it." Weber asked curious.

"No ... should not." Conquer the king shake his head and looked at Li Mushu: "This should be the ability of the unknown king, it is estimated that you can manipulate the sky."

He just saw it, Li Mu just looked up to the sky, but that is, the weather changes, so he guess is Li Mu.

After others listened to Li Mu, I didn't expect that Li Mu actually had so many abilities, and I was ice, and it was a fire. Now it is still a lightning.

Weber's more worship Li Mu, not only ruled the world, his wife is so much, so beautiful, now you can manipulate the weather, it is his life idol.

Li Mu looked at a few people, and did not expect the conquest king. He is so good. He is just a sense of consciousness, and it is found.

However, he did not care too much. In this world, Tao Tao is the most important, his magic is absolutely victory.

Boom Lung Long ...

Looking at the slow navigation, Li Mu He moved, a huge thunder fell directly from the sky, squatted on the sea.

Huge thunderstorm's hot high temperature rapidly melted the body of the sea, from the head to the end, soon it quickly melted the sea.

Everyone just felt that his eyes were bright, and a roar was brought to their ear, they saw the body of the sea disappeared.

When they shocked the power of this Thunder, the body of the Sea's body quickly recovered, just in the blink of an eye, the Sea did not have a little gap.

Li Mu saw the shape, slightly frowned, and did not expect it to be such a result.

He just misses the anti-thermalness of the sea and the degree of glitship on the body, so the Thunder did not directly evaporate the sea.

"This sea magic resumption is actually so strong, and it seems that Caster should plunder a lot of magic."

Li Mu just finished, conquering the face of Wang and Weber's face, remembered those who were killed by Caster, anger.

Others have a slight change, and they all understand that there are many magicals in the caster, must be a lot of magic for people who have accumulated countless people.

"Li Mu, have you still have a way?" Altolia went out and took a shot of Li Mu's shoulders. For Li Mu, he would not use itself.

Li Mu looked up and saw that Caster was at least 100 meters away, shook his head: "Lily, you pay attention, here, I will give it to me, let me try it."

"Lily?" The conquest king suddenly understood, crowded with eyes: "The king of the unknown, your means is good, actually hook another king on it so quickly."

Altoli listened to the face and red, lifted the weapon points to conquer the king: "Rider, do you want to fight against me? So, come, I will accompany it."

"Don't have, don't have you, wait until I will say it later, now we must first solve the sea magic." Conquer the king shake his head refused.

He is not stupid, this time and Altolia decided, it is not worth it, after all, there is no last step.

Li Mu did not pay attention to a few people, walk forward, the ability to manipulate the weather and mobilize the ability of the soul soul fruit, and all around all the Lei Yuan are all accumulated here.

Suddenly, the whole of the entire Over-Overkawa is all dense Thunder, intertwing each other, like countless dragons are being swimming.

The gold-sparkling Thunder has not stopped, the golden rays have not given warmth, the opposite, bringing the inner heart to their hearts.

Some people think this is the symbol of the last day, and most people think this is the tsunami, in short, many people have left the winter.

Boom Lung Long ...

Suddenly, a huge thunder ruthenium was straight, directly smashed on the sea.

This thunder is very large, and it is a bit more points compared to the thunder that has just been just.

After the thunder, after the sea of ​​the sea, the radius broke out, and the whole winter city was shrouded by this light, and countless people were stabbed.

However, this is fast, go fast, just a moment, the blue light disappeared, the march of the sea appeared in the eyes of everyone.

What is disappointed is that although the sea magic has a large piece, there is still a lot of body, and it is fast to recover with the potential of the naked eye.

"Hey, unknown king, have you still have? Can your Taoo solve it?" The conquer king could not help but ask, his face also took a trace of anxiety.

Now the sea devil is getting closer and closer, no longer attacking, saying that the sea magic has been logged in, and it will not be too late.