The Pirate's Bad Doctor

Piece of Piece Chapter 164

Although she is coming soon, Li Mu also reads the identity of that person, is his thief who has just been looking for Emilia.

When the three robbers were finished in Firt, the face suddenly changed, and I couldn't help but dull.

Robbery Li Mu, that is the idea of ​​starting, now they want to live "six two or three", it is already a good choice.

"This ..." Li Mu Gang is preparing to teach them, and he felt the Amylia's breath, waving: "Okay, let's go, don't do this kind of stupid thing."

"Yes Yes, the knight." Three people are like liberation, crazy running out of the outside.

Several people just left, Emilia ran came in, see Li Mu, first stunned first, then with a silk joy.

"Li Mu, how are you here? Who is it?"

"Oh, I am here, I am here, as for the three fools, I want to rob me, I am gone by me."

"Oh ..." Emissa nodded and did not ask.

However, after a while, Emilia suddenly looked at Li Mushu: "Li Mu, just what happened, are we going to find that thief? How can we suddenly be separated?"

"This ..." Li Mu just wants to talk, thinking that Emissa seems to have not forgotten everything, it is because of Awaron.

Suddenly, Li Mu returned the words of the mouth and reorganized the language: "We should just be a magical, a large-scale coverage magic, that is, the time is back, and everyone has this magic.

And once this magic is in, then in addition to some people, others will lose their memory and return to a while. "

"Is there such a magic?" Emilia was shocked.

Let the time fall back, and still everyone, this is a powerful force.

And on the side of Parker eyes, I couldn't help but read Li Mu.

"Yes, this kind of magic is indeed." Li Mu nodded, and then said that his face was dignified: "And you should know this kind of magic, after all, she is a very famous person."

"Who?" Emilia asked surprised.

Li Mu silently said that the tone didn't focus: "Her name is San Li, the legendary destroyed the embarrassment of the world."

"No ... It's impossible." Emily picked the sound of the sound.

, she is the taboo of this era, almost swallowed someone in half of the world, but the sage, dragon god, the contemporary sword holy three people will barely seal, so it can be seen How strong Sirai is.

And she is also because of the influence of Saira, she will hate so many people, so she screamed after he heard.

After half of the half, Emilia also responded to himself too lost, and quickly explained: "Sorry, I am just too surprised, Shaira should be sealed, should not appear."

Li Mu wanted to think that I thought of a vegetable chicken, I feel that I should help him, or I can't afford it.

"I once saw an ancient book, I have always thought that it is fake, now it seems that it may be true."

"Ancient books? What ancient books?" Emily asked.

"This is the case, the ancient book says that Sirai has chosen a person from another world, and that person has the power to release her from the seal, and Shandra also gave him a protection, determined He won't die. "Li Mu She thought for a moment, or decided to sell Lai Yue.

And Emilia was silent, I didn't know what I thought about, and the Parker side hesitated, and the inner entry should not tell Emily.

After a while, Emilia looked up and looked at Li Mu and continued to ask: "What is the protection? Isn't you true?"

"That protects you should know that it should be that people are dead, so we will be paid by the time, as for what I said is true, I can guarantee the name of the knight. ..."

I heard Li Muyi Knight's guarantee, Emilia is not suspected.

After all, this world, the knight is also a knight, and naturally cares about his knight honor.

But I think that Shalira may resurrect. Her heart has a kind of dignity, she is worried about the world, she is afraid that the world will be destroyed again.

Li Mu also saw Emilia worried, and at the same time, he felt that it was time, he opened: "Well, Emilia, don't worry, we still have a way."

"Measures? What is the way?" Emily Asked urgently.

"It is very simple, as long as people who are selected by Saitra, they will hit him strictly, so they can prevent him from accidentally released Shanda."

Emilia Asahi is dark, is it: "But ..." But I don't know who is the person? How did you find him? "

"It is very simple, that person is a foreign world, and it is certainly not known to this world, and it is also a very strange, and still recently, because I can feel that the death button has recently."

4.8 Intercise of speaking, Li Mu was stealing.

When I said this step, it is estimated that Lai Yue will be suspected, no matter what he does, it is estimated that Emissa will be cautious.

After the Emilia listed, I nodded and I was also vigilant.

The two will be silent again. Later, Li Mu opened his mouth: "Right, Emilia, this thing don't say, the power of the witch is too big, maybe someone around you is their kind, be careful One point, it is always not wrong. "

"Well." Although I always feel like this is not very good, I think of Shaira's things, Emilia's face is dignified, and it is not allowed to agreed to Li Mu's opinion.

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The 357th chapter has to be a lancing (five more)

"Right?" Li Mu suddenly remembered Emilia's purpose, could not help but say: "Emilia, what did you just do? I see you seem to be very anxious."

"I have finished, I actually forgot a big thing." Emilia also reacted, urgent and asked: "Li Mu, you just have seen the little girl from here, he took a very important thing."

"Oh, I saw it. Isn't you looking at the person you're looking at? She should now go there now, let's go there."

"Yes, I almost forgot." Emilia also remembered, it seems that the time will be reversed, so her things should be stolen.

Suddenly, Emily Face is difficult to look.

She was actually stealing twice, and she can even say that it is three times and even many times. Although she doesn't understand, I think of here, she has some blush.

Li Mu also saw that Emissa's ugly, the opening: "Okay, Emilia, you don't know, so don't care."

"Well, Li Mu, thank you, let's go now." After finishing, Emilia is walking in front.

Because if you know that someone can post back, the two people have a very fast speed, and they will come to the slum.

After the slums, Emilia was stopped alone: ​​"Can you know if there is a blond little girl here? She just took my things."

And that person looked at Emilia, and then did not say a word. Directly left.

"What is going on?" Emilia's face did not know what to say.

Li Mu smiled and came over and explained: "This kind of thing is very simple, the poor he has money, and the long and handsome handsome, and in this slum, they live in high pressure, so even more hate you."

"How to be` "! "Emilia is a little ugly, although I don't want to admit it, he can feel the hate that I have just just.

At the same time, she is still secretly warning himself, be sure to change this world.

"Okay, this is given to me, I can solve it."

Said, Li Mu took a gold coin, throwing planing in the air, looking around greedy people: "I find a blonde, a tiger, a 14th year - or older girl, tell me, you can take this Make a gold coin. "

It is worth mentioning that gold coins is famous in this world, so it is called a holy gold coin.

And because of a lot of gold coins, there is little quantity, which is very expensive in the price.

And those people saw the gold coins in Li Husu, and the eyes were filled with a desire. If Li Mu is not a knight, there is no strength, maybe these people will be bee.

But good, they have no courage and ability, to a knight.

After a while, Li Mu won the news of Philut, gave the gold coins, then leaving Emily Asia.

On the half-way, Emilia looked at Li Musu: "Li Mu, you are really powerful, actually solve this, I am very admiring you."

"Where is it." Li Mu shook his head and said modest: "In fact, you can talk to the wizard in the air, they also know these."

"Yeah, I didn't think of it." Emilia was also reacted, annoyed: "I know this, I don't do it, but also a gold coin."

"It doesn't matter, I will not mind, if it is Emilia, you."

The voice just fell, and the Emilia was red and shy low.

At this time, Parker also took it out, flew to Li Mu, took a shot of Li Mu, seriously said: "Li Mu, when I am playing the daughter in front of my father, this is not very good."

But a moment, Parker's face revealed a smile, and he said: "Of course, if you are you, you can still marry your daughter."

"Parker." Emilia was ashamed, and immediately grabbed Parker, blocked his mouth, and shy and peeked Li Mu.

"It doesn't matter." Parker avoided Emilia, said: "Li Mu Xin is good, strength is very strong, is a good candidate."


"It's, we should arrive, everyone is careful."

Emilia listened to Li Mu, looked at the house in front of him, and suddenly didn't talk to Parker, but a vigilant looked at the house in front of him.

The two waited for a moment, and Li Mu took the lead and gently knocked on the door.

Subsequently, Li Mu took a buzz in the back of the door.

Although the footsteps are very light, Li Mu still can understand it clearly, the man's body is very large, of course, he is familiar with the plot, nature knows who is coming.

Inside, when Rom is ready to open the door, the Lai Yue on the stool suddenly called.

"Don't ... don't open, will ... will die."

After listening to the Emilia listed next to Li Mu, he said that he was dissatisfied: "Something is a bit wrong, how can we kill people."

And the very vigilant Roma looked at Emilia, and once again saw Li Mu, it will give it a heart.

After all, it is also a thief, and Li Mu looks like a knight, and ten is related to them.

Li Mu went out of Roma's concern, smiled: "Don't worry, I will not do it, after all, everyone needs life, you are not bad people."

I heard Li Mu, the words of Li Mu (Wang Hao), although Rom was still vigilant, but did not refuse Li Mu, but opened, and scattered Li Mu came in.

Li Mu and Emilia have just come in, and Lai Yu is directly gone, and she said: "You are here, I am worried about you."

After saying, Lai Yuang also looked at Li Mu, confirmed that Li Mu's dress was proud of his heart.

"Great, it is the protagonist treatment, I have a danger, there is a knight to help, I should go to the peak of life."

Always listen to Li Mu, who listen to the sound of everything, heard the self-calling of Lai Yue, the corner of the mouth.

This will only take advantage of him again.

When I think that Lai Yu is likes to use him, Li Mu feels that she must continue to pit him, and the pit is not dead.

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The 358th chapter is annoying Lai Yun (one more)

When I thought I had to go to the Yue Yun, Li Mu's mouth was slightly rising, and I immediately looked at Emilia, with a wonderful confusion on my face.

"He is your friend? Do you know?"

"My friend?" Emilia was a bit awkward, shakes his head: "Although he looks knowing me? But I don't know him."

Li Mu fake his face and slightly changed, and then recovered calm, gently waved: "Can you come over, I have something to ask you?"

"Is there anything to say?" Lai Yuyang said Li Mu asked with Emilia and asked dissatisfied.

The voice just fell, not only Li Mu Wei, and even the Romai was also despised him.

I don't want to think about my own, what is my identity, actually this is like a knight.

Emilia is also a slightly frowned, and some are somewhat dissatisfied.

They are obviously to say private things. As a result, Lai Yu is still wanting to know, and she has gone like it.

"Military countries, you don't have to know." Li Mu said coldly, and immediately pulled Emily Asia left.

After Li Mu, Emily Face was shame, but did not refuse, but 997 slowly followed Li Mu.

On the side of Lai Yu, I'm angry, I looked at Li Mu, as if I was dressed in a green hat, my heart is very dissatisfied, my heart is even more reluctant to squat.

Unfortunately, he didn't know if it was in the heart of Lai! It was basically known by Li Mu, and Li Mu also intended to teach him a good job.

After Li Mu and Emissa arrived outside, Emilia was ahead of the red face: "Li Mu, what is it? Can not be said inside."

"Have you forgotten it? He knows your identity, but you don't know him, wear a weird, and it also holds a strange thing in your hands. It is not the people in our world. He may be a person in Shanra."

Emilia was also immediately reacted, secretly looked at Lai Yuen, and his eyes also wondered, and the heart began to doubt.

"So Li Mu, what should we do? Do you want to tell the Wang Guo Guard?"

"This ..." Li Mu wanted to shake his head: "There is no evidence after all, let him go, secretly find evidence, and finally confirm that he and the witch have a relationship, in order to whole the world, only solve him "

The reason why the kingdom will not take him, naturally it is afraid that he suddenly stopped, then the time is back, this feeling is very unhappy, it is better to control in his own hands.

Emilia was hesitated, or nodded: "Well, we do this, but if he is not, we can't kill him."

"Yes, but if he is, you must execute him. If you can't do your hand, I will do it, or it is a disaster for this world."