The Pirate's Bad Doctor

Piece of Piece Chapter 234

If Li Mu is here, it will find that this person is four series.

At this moment, the four series is walking on the street, shouting soft: "Four Series, where are you? Four Series, where are you?"

The four series is not crying, there is a nose sound in the nose, and the nasal sound is also a swallowed, which is obviously crying.

At the same time, when the four series is cry, the space surrounded is a little unstable, and a silky cold is emitted from time to time.

PS Great Air China Sea Marriage Make Dragon Pearl Roll! .

Chapter 56 to get four series (four more)

The next morning, after Li Mu woke up, I had dinner with everyone, and then I went to school.

This day, the same is the same, there is no big problem, still is so boring one day.

At noon, after school, Li Mu walked alone in the street, and then went to the place where people were rare.

"Four Series, where are you?"

Suddenly, a sound came, Li Mu shouted, and then saw that the four series did not find anything.

"Four series, what happened? Is there anything?"

I heard Li Mu's voice, the four series turned to see Li Mu, and suddenly his face was happy, and he quickly ran over.

"Li Mu, have you seen four series, it is not seen yesterday, how do I find it?"

"Four Series". "Li Mu thought about it, and the memories of the memories of the mind.

After a while, Li Mu suddenly remembered that four servants like a home of , couldn't help but take a hand: "I went to my home to see it, yesterday my friend is nearby, maybe I have gone."

"Well." The four series nodded, and did not doubt Li Mu to do her.

Subsequently, Li Mu and the four series will stroll along the street and walked in the home of the black.

On the other hand, I can't find Li Mu, I am not happy, and I will go in the home.


After a long time, Li Zha took the four series and came to the family of the, but just entered, he saw the ten incense in the door.


The four series was screaming in the first time, and then she remembered yesterday, and suddenly ran away from the outside, and disappeared.

Because Li Mu and Tenxiang explained that ten incense did not be angry, and even prepared to say hello.

However, I haven't greeted it yet, and the four series is left, and I suddenly gone.

"Li Mu, what happened, I am also preparing to say hello, she actually scared."

Li Mu's mouth was twitching, speechless: "It's not that you scare her yesterday, or she may escape."

Ten fragrance also reacted, embarrassed the black and beautiful show: "I forgot this, but you can rest assured that I will apologize with her."

"Well, you are waiting here, I will pass it right away, first comfort her, ten incense, take a break here."

Li Mu quickly walked at home, and then a room found a room in a room.

Fortunately, the home of the

After getting the four series, Li Mu ran in the direction of the four series, because he felt that the four series is not particularly good, and the spiritual power in the body is constantly expanding.

On the other hand, the four series is left after leaving, and the mood has become more and more unstable, and the spiritual value is also perceived by AST.

After the AST person felt the movement of the four series, he immediately pulled up an alert, then quickly rushed to the direction of the four series.

After finding the four series, the AST people did not hesitate, and the radius took up their own weapons to attack.

There is a rapid rush of countless missiles, flies towards the four-strares that are running speed.

"Four Series!"

After being attacked, the four series suddenly called, and then the right hand was placed on the ground, and a lot of colds came out, and many blue rays appeared around.

At the same time, her suddenly had a huge embarrassment, and huge colds surrounded, and formed a large ricinth.

In the vicinity of the neighborhood, there is no light rain, close to the four-way, and it is more frozen, and it has formed a very strong defense.

After the missile is hitting the ice knot, he suddenly was frozen, and even the explosion could not be done.

"Is it blocked? Then continue the attack."

The lower part of the next part saw his attack was blocked, and it was shocked and then immediately attacked.

The members of other ASTs saw their own chiefs, naturally won't be closed, and they also started attacking.

However, although AST's attack is violent, but the strength is much more, it is not possible to destroy the four-series nation, and it is not to say that the four series is.

It was attacked for a moment, and the four series did not stop crying, and the four weeks were getting bigger and bigger, and the cold also became more cold.

"Continue to attack."

Although the attack is still blocked, the AST's people still have not stopped and continue to use their own attacks.

Just when everyone attacked, Li Mu also rushed over and looked at the four series of attacked, and slowly got the past.

Li Mu is so bright and big, and the AST's people are naturally eye, and they are busy persuade: "` "Hello, the gentleman, this is very dangerous, you don't have to pass."

"Is Li Mu?" I also reacted the origami, quickly rushed forward, trying to block Li Mu.

"I'm doing a raise, what are you doing." The next son of the Japanese saw that the blast of the blast was left, and it was anxious.

"Origami, don't come over, here, give it to me."

Li Muadai drunk, followed by slowly walking in the ice frozen boundaries.

If it is a general person, natural will not come in, but Li Mu is also the power, and there is also the ability of frozen fruits, naturally can enter and do not give yourself harm.

After hearing Li Mu, I heard Li Mu, I also stopped, and then stopped, gave up to find Li Mu's intention.

After Li Mu went into the frozen boundary, Li Mu thought for a moment, and then the body became a hot magma and kept burning cold (good) ice.

After a while, Li Mu walked into the frozen boundary, and the four series Na.

"Four series, don't cry, do you see this is not a four-series?"

The four series was heard of the four series, immediately looked up and looked at Li Mu, and then acted through the four series, put it on the right hand.

"Four series, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are okay."

"Well, I am fine." The four series nodded, and the ice and ice behind him also disappeared.

At that moment, Li Mu grabbed four series, the whole person quickly flying out, moving near the building around the building.

In a short while, Li Mu slammed the trail of AST and came to a building, and the four series was hiding.

After confirming no one, Li Mu will put the four series.

PS Great Air China Sea Marriage Make Dragon Pearl Roll! .

Chapter 56 and (5 more)

Li Mu saw no one around, and put the four series, then the blue hair in the Shuquen is.

"Four series, you don't matter?"

"Well, I am nothing, thank you big brother." The four series nodded. At the same time, her face with a faint blush was obviously held by Li Mu, so there were some shy ~.

"Little brother, this time is really trouble, there is four series, do you like a small-brother, actually blush."

"No ... Nothing." The four series is a more ruddy, and the next consciousness is refuted.

"Right, four series, four series, you have no home, do you want to go to my house, then I will be with me in the future?"

"Go ... Go to your home?" The four series hesitated, and then nodded: "You can, go to the home of the big brother."

"That's good, let's go." Li Mu saladed in the four-series, and walked out of the outside.

But I took a moment, Li Mu suddenly reacted, turned, smiled: "The four series is, the last time, ten incense let me apologize, I hope you don't mind."

"ten spices?"

"Yes, it is ten incense, which is the big brother of the last and four series, she wants to apologize to you." Li Mu took a nodded.

"No, it's okay, the last thing is not right, it should not say that others."

"Hey, the four series, you are not very good, I last last time, how can you blame me?"

Li Mu looked at the two people with a quarreling trend, and even the head of the four series is: "Okay, the four series is not angry, no one is wrong, just when he passed."

"Well." The four series nodded, and then did not say anything.

After a long time, Li Zha took the four series and returned to the home. At this moment, ten incense is not at home, Li Mu did not care.

With the last experience, Li Mu did not replace the four-strand is a seal strength, but prepared some of the four products that can be used.

After ready, Li Mu sat next to the four series, looked at the four series: "The four series, you are the elves, the power is easy to rush, don't know if I can seal it, this is nothing."

"Seal, can, but I don't know how to seal it." The four series asked curious.

"It's very simple, as long as you sincerely, I will take me."

"Ah ..." The four series is shocked, and the face brush is red.

The four servings on one side have also begun to ridicule: "Hey, little brother, this is a brightly moving, you don't like the four series."

"Of course, I like it, four systems are so cute, who doesn't like it?"

Li Mu's words hit a four-series, the four series was a slight red, and immediately lowered.

"Well, as long as the big brother likes it." Finished four is close to Li Mu, kiss Li Mu's mouth.

Suddenly, a light broke out, the four series was covered by Blu-rays, blinking, blue light disappeared, the four series did not have clothes.


The four series reacts, and grabbed his body, then quickly squatted there, low, did not dare to look at Li Mu.

"The four series, this is a dress, put it quickly."

Li Mu took the clothes and wore it for the four series.

The four series did not refuse, let Li Mu helped her to wear clothes, but they were very ruddy, and even dared to look at Li Mu.

After a moment, Li Mu will, after wearing clothes, the door outside is also open, and ten incense came in from outside.

After the coming, I saw the four series, and I went to the past.

"The four series, the last thing is really sorry, I hope you don't mind."

"Nothing ... Nothing." The four series is also reacted, the small voice said: "I have no things, I have forgotten it last time."

"Great, you can rest assured, I will apologize, I can give you the soy powder bread."

In terms of ten incense, she gave her soy sauce bread to the four series, and she can get the forgiveness of the four series.

Li Mu took a smile, then suddenly felt the breath outside, and quickly went out.

"Tenxiang, I will go to the origami, you are waiting for me here."

"Origami? No, I ..." Tenxiang just want to refuse Li Mu, intend to separate the two, but I remembered the disgust of the ,.......

0 Seeking flowers ·········

"I know, let you talk to her, I am watching the four series here."

After Li Mu went out, looked at the blacks of the flasks that came over, and grabbed the hand of the blast, and he looked at the blast paper.

"Origami, I have something to help, can you?"

"Yes, I ..." a fold paper just prepared, suddenly looked at Li Mu, remembered what happened today.

"Li Mu, can you bring a wizard in your home?" During the speech, the took a disgust.

However, Li Mu didn't care, as long as the time is long, then the , just like the original Zhongnang's adoption, the ... ...


Now Li Mu only needs how to let the , the time is long, there is no matter.

Li Mu made a look at his thoughts, then Shen said: "Origami, I know your things, but this is not what they do, they are all good people, you have not seen them to kill people, how to give me A face? "

I didn't talk after a folding paper, I didn't talk about Li Mu's eyes, and Li Mu also looked at the blast paper.