The Pirate's Bad Doctor

Pirates' bad god doctors Chapter 772

"English, I am coming, let you wait."


Li Mu picked up the heroes and then started at night.

I haven't come to say anything yet, I feel Li Mu give her love.

Li Mu is moving while turning the window.

Time is dropped, and the gentleman feels Li Mu's powerful, and the hands have grown the arm of Li Mu.

If it is not considered that Xiaolan is not asleep, he will not help but call out.

Now I can only take low my own voice and don't let the sound go out.

I don't know how long, the English and Li Mu still continue, and the outside of the outside is not asleep.

Xiaolan saw the English and genius has not yet appeared, and even busy, go to the toilet.

"¨` Mom, you don't have something? Why is there not good, now it is half an hour. "

Inside, the body is trembled, like an eight-legged fish, fixing Li Mu's body, not let Li Mu continue.

Li Mu also worried that he was discovered by Xiaolan, and he stopped a little, but both hands could not stop.

Call ~

((())) ,,

"Okay, I get it now."

Xiaolan has no doubt that turned and wants to leave.

Li Mu has been paying attention to Xiaolan, Xiaolan left, Li Mu suddenly harded.


I can't help but exclaimed.

"Mom, what happened to you?" Xiaolan worried.

"Nothing ... Nothing." Ying Ying gave Li Muyi, then explained: "The game is over, I can't help but shout, you sleep early, don't bother me."

"So you continue, I will take a break."

Xiaolan still didn't doubt, and turned and left.

Li Muhe Hei is still a big event in the bathroom.

The love of the big air sea is invincible, the red, the red, the beginning! .

Chapter 1482 Chapter of the Balanced Department of Eye (two more)

Li Muhe Peng's English continued for a long time, and finally calmed down.

"Li Mu, you have become more and more powerful recently, I can't eat it."

Just two people lasted for an hour, and it was a few times during the inferiority.

But Li Mu is still very spiritual, especially before Li Mu and Xiaolan come once, how to see it very strong.

Li Mu hugged the gentleman and shouted: "That is, you don't look at who I am, today, I am still with Xiao - Lan."

"When you are during the day?" He said in the gentleman: "Are you not in the warship during the day? Where did you come?"

, but although there are rooms in the warship, it is impossible to give those people who visit.

Most lounges, men and women are separated, common.

"Of course it is the toilet, I and Xiaolu are there."

Li Mu said while talking, the little hand moved slowly in the heritage.

The exquisite face is red, and there is some expectations.

Every time she thinks her and Li Mu, especially the task of the toilet, her face is a red.

I have forgotten myself, I have been in the bathroom now, and Li Mu just finished, my heart is rippling.

"Okay, Li Mu, you will go alive, if you are found to be found."

I feel the hand on my body, and I quickly pushed Li Mu.

There is still some unresponsiveness between pushing.

"Well, I am gone."

Li Mu slowly opened the window, and he jumped directly.

Fortunately, this time Xiaolan's ward is on the second floor, or Li Mu may not be so calmly jumped.


The next morning, Li Mu slammed, and came directly to the hospital to see Xiaolan.

Of course, it is also coming to pick up the courtyard.

After all, Mao Lan did not have a big problem at all, and there was no need to hospitalist for too long.

After a while, Maori Xiaolang and others came together, and the Lang Lan took back to the Maori Detective Office.

Outside the Office, the heroes looked up at the building, turned around: "Li Mu, can you send me back? How many cases do I have to deal with today?"

"Ah, mother, do you want to go back? Do you want to stay." Xiaolan is someone.

"No, I still have something today, next time."

Li Mu did not say anything, driving with a cross-deputy, leaving the gross profit detective office.

Along the way, the gerbera is sitting on the pick-up seat, reaching forward, relying on the window, beautifully staring at the scenery outside.

"What's wrong, do you look so good outside? You have already gained it."

"Nothing, just look at it."

The ,,

Now I saw Li Mu, my English genius thought of last night, and the body has a numb.

After half an hour, Li Mu went to a parking lot near the legal affairs and stopped directly here.

"Lawyers, why do you have anything?"

Stop in a nearby car park, this is naturally an idea.

Although I don't understand why, Li Mu still stops here.

"Of course it is important."

The gentleness is slow and low, and the opening is gently biting.

Li Mu smashed, then closed his eyes and enjoyed the service of hearing.

After a long time, the gentleman quickly picked up the paper on the car and spit out all the foreign matter in the mouth.

"Cough and cough ..."

After spitting foreign objects, he did not cough up.

Li Muyi was busy shooting the back of the way, and whispered comfort: "How, you don't have something? You don't pay attention."


Li Mu did not say anything, gently taking a shot.

Socketing for a while, the gentleman broke the paper and opened the door to leave.

Li Mu also drives back to the Maori Detective Office.

When I arrived at the firm, Li Mu not only saw the juvenile detective group, but also saw the peace and clothing department.

"Lee brother, you are back."

· 0 Seeking flowers ········

I saw Li Mu and waved happy.

Li Mu took the front step, reached out on the small head of the leaves, gently knead.

Close your eyes with your heart, just like a kitten, enjoy Li Mu's touch.

On one side, the service department looked at the expression of the leaves and the bite to teeth, and his eyes stared in Li Mu, and he can't replace Li Mu.

"Hey, Li Da Ge and his sister's feelings are really good."

"Yeah, but also Li Da Ge is so good, how can anyone compare with him."

"I want to be more than Li Big, someone is too much, whether it is the long-term or other, the difference is too big."

You said that you said that you said that the part of the suit is a red ear, and the heart is more dissatisfied with Li Mu.

.......... .......

Connan looked at the right part of the clothes, even busy pulling the part of the department.

"Well, the department, don't be angry, you are not worth it, you are ignored."

How can the Ministry of China may not be angry?

As the East Asian Vinegar, the existence of self-existence of the abdomen is very unhappy, and it is very uncomfortable.

For Li Muyi, sometimes the ministry of the department is still quite incorporated, but sometimes it is the object of him.

"Okay, don't be angry." Conan comfortably.

The size of the department suddenly lowered, not satisfied: "You, you see Li Mu and that gimmick, will you be unhappy?"

Conan, then looked at Li Mu.

"Yes, they are happy, I am not happy, I hope that I can be happy, not they are happy."

"Yes, yes, it is like this."

The part of the department nodded again, a very much agreed.

Li Mu fir is moving, and his mouth is rising.

These two people say this, how can they return two people?

I thought about it carefully, Li Mu thought about what I thought, turned it, and then pretending to stand firm, pounced directly from the leaves.

I haven't responded to Ye, Li Mu has already rushed to her, and the head stuffed into the fierce borders.

The love of the big air sea is invincible, the red, the red, the beginning! .

Chapter 1483 and Ye Soft (three more)

And the fierce of the leaves is particularly large, after Li Mu multi-time touch, it becomes more big.

So Li Mu's head is put in it, I feel a soft and very soft.

An aroma is also sent from time to time, and the body fragrance coming on the leaves.

At the same time, Li Mu's hands hugged and leaves, two hands were placed on the porpoise with Ye Ting ~ Pulling the championship, holding hard.

On the side, the quality of the part is prepared, and suddenly I saw Li Muhe and Ye, and the whole person was stunned.

Conan and others have also.

Not long ago, the part of the department was in the case, and his favorite girl was tarnished by Li Mu.

The size of the part of the department stunned his mind, and he did not hesitate to rush to Li Mu.

"I am evil, what is your bastard, what to do with my and leaves?"

Li Husu has already gaked the principle of the service.

After the part of the department grabbed him, Li Muyi said: "The department, let's let your hand, or I am welcome."

20 "I am evil, I must throw you into the big river."