The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 10 010. Winery Plan

Although he tried to teach the nobleman of the kingdom named Gefu last time, everyone knew that Gefu would definitely be found again, and the collection of heavenly gold in Zhonglou Village had not been completed, and Gefu would definitely not give up.

But at present there is no better solution, only one step at a time.

Just like what Dorag said in the original book, everything that happened is just a microcosm of the whole world. Similarly, what happened in Zhonglou Village, including but not limited to the conflicts and contradictions of the collection of heavenly gold, is just a microcosm of the whole world.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiao suddenly had a plan in his heart. Combining the oppression of civilians by the nobles in Pirate World, and the survival of a series of refugees, he was ready to take advantage of the trend. Maybe this is a great opportunity.

As for the retreat, he also thought about it. It was the nobleman Holt Barron who had been rescued before. Everything seemed to be arranged in fate. Thinking of dawn here, he couldn't help laughing, making Roentgen next to him very much. doubt.

"Brother, what's your nerve?"

Dawn looked at him cheerfully: "Go, let's sort out the plan of the brewery factory."

He spent an entire night working out the preliminary planning process for the brewery.

Start-up funds are also a problem. Although it is much stronger than the treasures on the Archie Pirates, it should not be enough, and the other plan that was suddenly envisaged just now also requires a lot of money.

He is going to perfect the preliminary plan of the brewing factory first, and make other plans.

So he took Roentgen and Blatter to the tavern to find a remote corner, and spread the paper recording the entire planning process on the table.

The first step is to choose the location of the brewing factory. He chose the chaotic port city defense town of the Polkaya Kingdom at the junction of the three countries.

The island where Polkaya is located has a ring shape and is the largest island in the North Sea. In addition, there are two other kingdoms on the island, namely Maple Kingdom and Utan, which are rich in maple leaves.

The Polkaya Kingdom is the largest in area, located on the southwest side of the island, occupying a central position, next to the other two countries.Chengfang Town is located at the junction of the three countries, but belongs to the territory of Polkaya.

It was precisely because of this heavenly gold accident that it was dawning that they had the idea to build a brewery factory in Chengfang Town.Chengfang Town is a natural sea mouth and at the junction of the Three Kingdoms. It has plenty of popularity. The sea is to the west, Maple Leaf Kingdom is 30 miles deep to the east, Utan is 40 miles to the north, and Polkaya King City is 15 miles to the southwest. A natural trading port, a place where businesses must compete.

It's hard to imagine that such a perfect geographical location has resulted in extreme poverty, not even a chamber of commerce.

According to the preliminary idea, Dawn will take the lead in establishing a brewing factory in Chengfang Town, with Chengfang Town as the center, gradually radiating to three countries, and then using the three countries as the logistical basis to sell the brewed liquor to the great sea-level routes.

Another purpose of choosing Chengfang Town is that Blatter, as the captain of the Chengfang Town defense soldiers, can avoid some armed conflicts. After all, development is the last word, and fighting all day long will not be good for the economy.

Roentgen and Blatter have no objection. In their opinion, Chengfang Town is obviously the best place to build a factory.

The second step in the planning process is the decomposition of the brewing process: material selection-fermentation-distillation-blending.

This series of processes is broken down into many steps by him, but he has not written more about the specific proportions and detailed processes.

Seeing this, Dawn began to reorganize the improved brewing process, and then implemented it in front of Roentgen and Blatter.

"Brother, do you want to help?" Roentgen asked suspiciously as he watched Dawn carrying a few large buckets of materials.

Xiao Xiao shook his head: "You can record what I say later, and record every word."

He wants to record this series of processes, which is also conducive to subsequent improvement.

There is no shortage of distilled liquor in Pirate World. The rum that Pirates often drink is distilled liquor made from sweet potato molasses. However, the selection of raw materials and the process flow are not the same as that of white wine, so although rum does not have much reference value , But it provides some ideas for the liquor brewing at dawn.

He slightly changed his thoughts on the raw materials. He removed barley, buckwheat and glutinous rice, leaving only corn, rice, highland barley, and sorghum as the four main materials. Considering that Pirate World is dominated by rum, he added sweet potatoes at dawn. Molasses, but in a small proportion, are only used as garnish, in order to incorporate a hint of sweetness in the fragrance.

Based on the memories of previous lives and the five-year research summary, Dawn divides the brewing process into fermentation, distillation, and blending. The fermentation is broken down into six processes, namely 1, raw material ratio crushing, 2, ingredient selection and addition, 3, cooking Gelatinization, 4, cooling after cooking, 5, adding fermented koji and wine mother, 6, fermentation.

He started to do it. First, he allocated the proportions of the raw materials, smashed the materials step by step, and incorporated the previously made koji into it. The new sweet potato molasses and starch were added in proportion, and finally water was added.

The water is not sea water, but is taken from the springs of Wulidi in the back of Chengfang Town. It is natural mineral water. It is the most suitable source for wine making. This is why he envisioned building the factory in Chengfang Town. one.

After all this is completed, the fire starts at dawn and the ingredients are cooked for about five hours. After the cooking is completed, the natural cooling begins.

It takes half a day to cool down, and this half day is not idle at dawn. In order to remove the magazine, coordinate the fragrance, and at the same time reduce the spicy, he blended the previously brewed liquor.

Blending is also a cumbersome project, but he has no experience in blending, because it is a scientific and cumbersome process, just adding water and fragrance based on feeling.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, the basic blending was finally completed. After taking a sip at dawn, the alcohol smell was still a bit strong, so I kept it in the shade and waited for it to evaporate.

The cooling of the raw materials was finally completed. He put the barrels full of raw materials into the fermentation tank, and finally sealed them. It will take at least two weeks to ferment before the next distillation.

He is not a winemaker, but he has studied some wines in his previous life, so he was able to use the impressions in his memory and fumble for five years before figuring out the current formula.

"Big brother, do you think we can really make a fortune with this?" Roentgen obviously didn't believe that the mush in the barrel before was just a mixture of crushed grains and water and starch.

He obviously doesn't understand the meaning of fermentation, and naturally doesn't know that winemaker is also an extremely rare profession.At least six years after Dawn came to this world, I have never seen a professional winemaker.

Xiaoxiao smiled and patted his palms: "Of course."

He picked up the paper recorded by Roentgen and looked at it for a while, and then began to improve. The two did not bother by the side, and waited quietly.

It took about an hour to finally complete.

"These brewing processes need further improvement." Xiao Xiao suddenly sighed: "Although I have researched these things, after all, my winemaking talent is too low. If there is a professional winemaker, the whole process should be It goes a lot."

Brewing is also extremely talented. As a rebirth, it is very lucky to be able to inherit the superb swordsmanship talent of this body owner.

"I'm trying to find one for you." Blatter said in silence for a while.

Dawn nodded: "Okay, this matter is not in a hurry, we will continue to study and straighten out the entire process."

Time flies quickly. They did not leave home for three days of research. Blatter stayed at dawn except for working hours. After some sorting, the plan of the entire brewing factory was finally clear. Now Just wait for implementation.

"Brother Dawn, are you looking for me?" Mosel stood at the door, followed by six pirates headed by Eugene.

The six people who originally belonged to the pirate status now let Moselle manage it at dawn.

After entering the house, Dawn divided the treasure into a third and gave it to Mosel.

"this is?"

"I'll give you a list, you can buy according to the above, the money should be enough." Xiao Xiao said with a smile.

Mosel took over the list and the treasure, which was worth ten million Baileys. After a series of requests at dawn, he left with six people.