The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 93: The Puppet Plan

Dawn was silent. After calming down, I think about it carefully. The crusade by the world government that she said is only a very low possibility, and her remarks are simply not valid.

"If I let you become the female king on the surface of this country, would you like it?"

Suddenly, Xiao Xiao said something that shocked her.

"Is this... possible?" She didn't say whether she would like it or not, but asked if it was impossible. Obviously, this position was still very attractive to her.

This is what Dawn has carefully considered in her heart. First, Fiona and Fiona are two souls, which are relatively easy to control. Second, Fiona is Princess Polkaya. The king and the prince die, she is the only one who can inherit the king Location candidates.

The last reason is that Dawn can be commanded remotely behind the scenes, and it will not be bound by this country.

Fiona was stunned in surprise, and then said softly, "Is there a country in this world where women are in power? Even if it is only on the surface."

Dawn nodded and told her with a smile: "On a remote island in the New World, all the islands are women, and the people in power in this country are also women."

"Who is she?" Fiona asked in surprise.

"The Empress!"


After listening to it, Fiona was shocked, what an overbearing name this is, but why has never heard of it.

Thinking of this, her cold eyes suddenly lit up.

She currently doesn't know about Boya Hancock, because she shouldn't have become Qiwuhai, and in the six years since the dawn of her rebirth, she has not seen the news of the Empress becoming Qiwuhai from the World Economic News.

In the original work, the empress became the emperor of Lily at the age of eighteen, but the time of becoming Qiwuhai has never been clear. According to legend, she was invited by the world government to become Qiwuhai because of an expedition. The timeline should be in Haiyuanli 1507 Between -1518.

However, the moment she thought that Reinhardt would manipulate her behavior behind the scenes, she instantly lost interest.

"Be your puppet!" Fiona looked at him coldly, no matter whether the empress in his mouth was true or not, she didn't want her already bleak life to be manipulated.

"Some people have the value of being manipulated, and some people have no value of being manipulated." Xiaoxiao said. In his opinion, Fiona will definitely agree. At least she wants to look at this country, and she doesn't want to see this country. It is possible that the guy in front of him will push Shen Yuan step by step.

But then again, so far, Fiona's soul has split into a strange independent personality-Fiona, which can be said to be a controlled life.

After hearing this, Fiona remained silent for a long time, and then suddenly said again after a while: "Even if I would, she would not."

Xiao Xiao gave her a surprised look and saw the doubt in his expression, so Fiona continued: "She has been resisting my existence, especially the most intense recently."

So the conversation changed: "I used to be free to wake up as long as she fell asleep, but recently I don't know why, she always has a strong sense of resistance in her subconscious."

"Have you ever thought about telling her everything completely and letting her choose." Xiao Xiao said.

"I thought about doing this." Fiona nodded. "But she is a softhearted person, and she will only hurt herself if she knows it."

"I and her are one body, she hurts herself is hurts me."

"Moreover, even if she knows everything, she may eventually accept my existence completely, but she may also be more resistant."

Akatsuki nodded to understand the meaning of her words, but after thinking about it, she finally said, "One thing is positive and the other is negative, always try."

...... At this moment, the door of the mansion began to knock.

"It's a soldier."

The two said at the same time, both knowing that even the princess’s residence would be searched.

"You are here, I'll go out and solve it." Fiona gave her a calm look, then put on her clothes again, took the foil in her hand and walked out of the house.

After half an hour-

"Resolved?" Dawn smelled a faint smell of blood, so she asked suspiciously, and she was shocked when she saw the blood on the corner of Fiona's clothes.

"I killed all the soldiers on patrol." Her tone was extremely indifferent, as if she had done a trivial thing.

Is this her solution?It's so cruel and ruthless.

"Don't worry, there are not a few soldiers, I did it very cleanly, at least I won't be spotted tonight." Fiona said as she looked suspiciously at Dawn.

Before dawn the next day, at dawn, he sneaked out of the princess's residence and came to the city gate and saw dozens of soldiers patrolling around.

After a night of rest, the injury on his chest has recovered a lot, at least it has condensed into a scar.

Because of the king's order to kill, the city gate was closed, but this did not stop the dawn. He raised a sword and slashed towards the soldier guarding the city gate. The soldier panicked and begged for mercy.

The surrounding soldiers surrounded him at the same time, and then he turned his sword around, slashed soaring, and exploded directly from the intersection where the soldiers rushed.

"Open the city gate." Dashi Xiao gave a cold cry, and the soldier immediately took out the key, tremblingly walked over and opened the city gate.


After the city gate opened, rushed out at dawn, and immediately saw Blatter waiting with twenty soldiers with muskets.

"Big Brother!"

Blatter yelled happily, but seeing countless soldiers rushing into the city, he ordered shooting.

Bang bang bang!!!

The tongue of the flintlock rifle scattered, and the soldiers who rushed out fell to the ground.

"Go." Dawn swung a sword out, the huge white light covered the soldier's sight, and the slash rushed directly through the crowd.

Dawn and Blatter turned and fled immediately. Anubi took the musket squad back and fired while Moselle held the sniper rifle in both hands and shot it in the crowd. After a while, everyone escaped.

After returning to the winery, Dawn began to arrange one by one, and then immediately made a phone call with Chitila of the Beihai Branch of the World Economic News.

"Post a news article with the headline that Polkaya settled accounts after the fall and re-collected heavenly gold. Reinhardt failed to negotiate with the nobles, and the reef colluded with the prince to ambush Reinhardt. The whereabouts of the latter is seriously injured and unknown."

"Probably that's what I mean, you add oil and vinegar to polish it yourself."

After the phone worm was connected, Dawn did not talk nonsense, and directly said what he was thinking.

"Are you... okay?" Kitila asked worriedly, as if only hearing what Dawn said about being seriously injured...

Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "If I have something to do, will I still have a chance to call you?"

"Um... this news needs the editor-in-chief to decide, but I will do my best to help you." Chitila whispered.

"Okay!" Dawn replied, "I have something else to do, and I will send someone 30 million Baileys to your editor-in-chief."

"What do you want? I'll let someone take it for you."

"Um...I want an Irish parquet dress." Kitila thought for a while and said.

"No problem." Without waiting for Chitila's answer, she hung up at dawn, Chitila pouted, idiot...

But she was not really angry, so she turned and walked towards the editor-in-chief's office.