It's over, write a testimonial and talk about ideas as usual.

From April 1, 2019 to August 12, 2020, it lasted a full 499 days, 11976 hours, 718,560 minutes, and 43,113,600 seconds. "The Black Duke of Pirate" is finally over.

It's not easy, it's like a dream.

During this period, I experienced many, many things.

At the beginning of July last year, grandpa fell ill and went to the city for treatment, and he was eventually diagnosed with chronic leukemia.

It was also that day, for the first time in my life, I had codewords in an Internet cafe. It was 4,000 words. God knows how I did it.

At the end of November last year, my uncle passed away and went to the funeral, feeling that life is impermanent. My uncle was only in his fifties.

At the end of last year, two days before the New Year’s Eve, I accompanied my grandpa through the last journey of life. I still can’t forget the picture of my grandpa dying in front of me. At that time, I was in the hospital, watching my grandpa who brought me up since childhood. I gradually lost my breath in front of me. I didn't know what it was like. I just felt helpless. Suddenly, I didn't dare to cry loudly in the hospital, so I kept wiping my tears and then took my grandfather back to my hometown.

Before the outbreak of the epidemic last year, the day before New Year's Eve, Grandpa was sent away.

More than a month later, in March of this year, the grandma passed away.My loved ones leave many times, once again let me feel the impermanence of life.

Then last month, because of the epidemic, I opened the company for four years and went bankrupt. It was only a few days ago that I finally completed the liquidation.

(I was also the boss before, but the company went bankrupt.)

I really don't know how I persevered, and I don't know how much passion is left after the intermittent coding during this period of time.

In the past 499 days, it has been like a dream, and it feels particularly unreal.

But it is over after all, with the end of this book.

It's like an emotion that has been suppressed for a long time, can be vented, and it is completely over.

I know that there are a lot of hips at the end of the plot, the article is not written tightly enough, and the end is a bit hasty, but I really can't keep on writing.

Writing is a long job, especially when I only get a small income. I know that the pace of this book is too slow and the rhythm is not very good, but I am proud that I did not order a hundred , And now they have set a score of less than 300, with 2.16 million words written.

Although the grades were not good, and although there were many problems with the plot, I finally persevered, and it was an explanation to the hundreds of book friends who subscribed.

There must be an end, right?

The ending may not be very good, but the ability is limited, do your best.

Although the results are not satisfactory, but I also wrote a fan story in my heart, a traveler without any blood, background, talent, the greatest achievement that can be achieved.

In the 499 long days, Reinhardt spent more than 30 years as a pirate. If he thinks back to the past, he will have a dreamlike feeling.

This book is nothing more than to say, the end is an attitude, and even more a kind of ability, dissatisfied friends, please forgive me, and accept reasonable criticism.

Thank you for your support, especially the brothers and sisters who paid to subscribe. The only thing I can do is to bring you better and better creations.

In the past 499 days, all I have felt are the tolerance and understanding of everyone. For the tolerance of my half-hearted Internet writer, I know that although the Internet is thousands of miles apart, this is love.

Thank you for the support of the six rudder masters in the total fan list (1EvanWind, 2 Sugu Fengfan, 3 mystery Xiao Ge, 4KENTccc, 5 flammable and easy to explode, 6 a lonely drink), and thank 127 deacons in the fan list for their support ( 7 Spring Breeze Love the Sea, 8WWX91, 9Super Li Da, 10 Farmer’s Orchard... (Wait, there are too many, see the works first close [Fan List TOP500]), thank you for the support of the 296 disciples in the Fan List, thank you for the Fan List Support from 71 apprentices. (Only 500 fans can be seen).

Without you, there would be no this book, and there would be no story of Reinhardt’s magnificent life as a pirate for more than 30 years. The only thing I can do is to write the story, I can only tell you sincerely. Thank you.

Thank you!

I regard the importance of this testimony as one of the most important articles in this book, and I will post it separately after the end, because this is my responsibility to myself and also to the many book friends who have spent money to support me. responsibility.

There are also thirty book friends in the book friend group. For a long time in the past, they have supported me, especially [He Ming Lanyan] [D Gouzi] [Silent Him] [ZERD-] Book Friends Group Thirty book friends are waiting inside, thank you.

I can be regarded as a feat that is not big or small. I wrote 2.16 million words with the first order of less than 100. This number is in the same person. Although there are some, it should not be too much. This is the only thing I can be proud of. .

Many friends asked me about my plans for the next book. I have been writing a lot of new book outlines, but none of them are satisfied. In the end, I decided to continue writing fan fiction.

As an older young man who likes watching Japanese anime since I was a child, maybe this is the plot I can't let go of. I always feel that there should be a better way to deal with the stories in those anime, so it also caused me to write various original stories of fan fiction. The origin of.

So the next book is for Hokage, and the outline has been done a lot, but some details still need to be improved.

What I can guarantee is to make the rhythm of the story more compact within the scope of my ability, and learn from the experience of this book, and have the confidence to write better stories.

Please continue to support my new book "From this moment to penetrate the Ninja World", Naruto colleagues, please look forward to it at the end of the month.

Friends who are interested can join the group: 185322346, you can come to the group to give me opinions and criticisms, I will read and refer to everyone's opinions.

Above, starting point Chinese author [Ban Hu] on the night of August 12, 2020, has some feelings.

Thank you for your support!