The plain and unnoticed me is no more

172 · What you need to have is a friend - Part II

"Elaine, thank you for waiting. Um...."

When Sin and I were alert to the group that Maria had brought in, a woman slipped forward and made eye contact with Maria.

"These people really want to talk to Elaine. Can I just have a minute?

"Yeah, that's fine, but...."

"Great. Please be brief, Mr. Cornelia. I want to talk to Elaine a lot, too."

"I know. Thank you, Maria-sama, for listening to me."

What on earth do they want to talk about? The men lined up in front of me stare at the ground with a magical look, and I know it's not a fun story.

Cornelia is a powerful beauty with gorgeous curly hair and an atmosphere of nobility. His eyes are strong, and so is his mind. As far as I can remember, my hair was black, but now it is dyed by a flashy blonde.

Because she has the same academic year as His Highness Frederick, she has not had much interaction with me under the age of one.

But I remember staring at His Highness and Sandra more sharply than anyone else when I was blamed for my innocence at the school's founding party.

"Long time no see, Elaine. My fiancée and her associates would like to apologize sincerely to you. Can you hear me?

"Eh... yeah"

"Thank you very much. Now, they're going to listen to me. Apologize quickly."

The men surrounded by His Highness lined up in front of me, staring at their fiancée standing behind them, and began to apologize. Somehow, it is a scene that reminds me of a moral program for elementary and junior high school students that I watched in my previous life.

Their apology was that they breathed extra life into Evan and convinced him that I was behind Sandra's assault.

"Evan tried to believe Elaine's innocence, but he blunted his judgment by saying something appropriate that we could do if we were jealous of her. That made you isolated. [M] I'm really sorry for what I did."

Cutting through the words, the men bowed their heads to me with apologies.

The people at the party are paying attention to something. This will ruin the atmosphere of my birthday party.

Looking at Maria with that in mind, she smiled with satisfaction.

In contrast, however, Cornelia-led women continue to stare at their fiancées with dissatisfaction.

"Wait, there's something else you'll have to apologize for. You used to discriminate against Elaine with your old values, and you used to say bad things in the shadows."

"Cornelia! If I hadn't told you that...!

You really didn't think they'd find out, but the men leaned on their heads and turned away from me. But it wasn't once or twice that I happened to hear bad things about passing by.

Besides, there are people who will tell me because they think it's good, so I can hear it even if I don't like it.

I'm sure Cornelius is going to take this opportunity to change their minds. A light sermon began.

Maria must have lent me this place to save me and them at once. All you have to have is a friend. I will join Cornelius in giving you one of these.

"I'm sure... like a ghost, the ghost of a destroyed country, what else did they say...?


"You don't think I know anything, but if you just slap me in the back like that, I'll get it in your ear."

The men who heard this turned pale and lowered their heads at once.

"Sigh... I'm sorry! Exactly! I'm sure she was on time to be friends with the Virgin and His Royal Highness the Prince. I'm sorry... no, I'm really sorry!

Looking around the venue, you can see people with awkward faces. And then some of them sat here and lowered their heads together.

I know Sandra was talking to me before she showed up, but let Cornelia keep it quiet.

"Ha... pathetic. I can't believe he's my fiancée...."

Cornelia was stunned.

The Virgin and His Highness Frederick, on whom the men relied, lost all influence and could no longer be counted on.

Besides, if the Duke of Norris was watching me, he might have made his fiancée think too narrowly.

Oh, that's why the men were so pleased with my arrival.

If you could apologize to me today, you'd expect less backpointing in the social world and a return to trust.

"Everyone, look up. I'll ruin the birthday party atmosphere."

"But I haven't heard the word forgive from you yet."

I exhaled a little and saw how Tilali and Sin were doing. He's trying hard to hold his emotions down, but he's looking down at men with sharp eyes.

When I pulled Shin's sleeve and drew his attention to me, he saw me smiling calmly, not angry or sad, and Shin felt angry with a complex expression.

"Forgive me."

When I answered that, there was a clap in the hall.

"Thank you! We were wrong. I'm ashamed to see you in a biased way, and I'm going to take advantage of you... I swear I won't discriminate against anyone in appearance anymore."

"Yes, of course."

Cornelia and the other fiancées' women bowed deeply to me and left the scene to meet Maria, who gave me this opportunity.