The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 321: Siege and Murderer

Shi Mu and Caier, led by the shop mate, came to the second floor of the tavern to sit in an elegant room, and soon a runway second sent a few snacks and wine.

Colour's eyes lit up, cheered, and pounced on the huge pleasure.

Ishima looked at Colour like this, and the corner of her mouth revealed a slight smile.

This leisurely situation has not passed for a long time, and now it is a little easier in my heart. I reached out and held the glass and took a sip.

The wine is spicy and rich around the tip of the tongue and is truly the finest of wild spirits.

At this moment, there was another footsteps coming down the stairs, and the pedestrians walked upstairs, looking like a lot of people.

Shi Mu's heart moved and looked out through the door suture, his eyes couldn't help slightly gazing.

There were some people in grey robes, with canes, swords, just the people of the Lunar Church.

However, several of these people have distinctly different clothing and are actually dressed as Orthodox in the Undermoon.

A pedestrian sat in a larger compartment not far from himself, pulled up the screen, covered the compartment with rigor and solidity, and the sound inside was covered and rarely emitted.

“Rock, what's wrong?” Caier, who buried her head bitterly, raised her neck and hit a hiccup, noticing the change in the look of Ishima, asked.

Ishima made a silent gesture, put down the glass, closed his eyes, silently transported the power of totem, his ears slightly bounced, the sound received suddenly grew louder, and the sound of the compartment then clearly entered his ear.

“Brother Li, this cup is for you! ”

“Brother Ba is so polite, I should toast you first! ”

“Brother Li said that we would see each other. We used to be in different geographies, but we were all a sect. Since you and these brothers have been sent to Rikang City, then you will be my Baming brothers, and we will take care of each other in the future! ”

“Ok, then I'll be in trouble for Buddy. ”

“Where? Come on, have a drink! Tell us about that adventure in the ocean! ”

Even a glass collision and a toast.

Shi Lian heard here, brow tip picked.

It seems that during this period of time, the Lunar Eastern Church led by Willow Bank should have been in contact with the Lunar Western Church.

Although it is unclear what the situation is today, it can be seen from these conversations that these Orthodox disciples should have been integrated into the western Church and assigned to various city pools.

He laughed softly, and the Western Church did so, fearing that the Eastern Church would seize power, deliberately dispersed the disciples among the various branches.

However, Yanagishi was arrogant and eager to rise again here in Dongshan. He did not necessarily want to live under the hedge for a long time.

Looks like there's going to be a lot of fluctuations in the future.

“Stone, what are you laughing at? Tell me, don't have fun alone.” Colour was unhappy with the mumbling.

“Actually, it's nothing. It's just some Pluto people.” Ishima briefly said what she had just heard and speculated.

“This willow bank is so insidious, you should be careful if you encounter rocks later! When Caleb heard the name" Willow Bank, "he shook his body for no reason and seemed to hear something terrible.

“Oh, I don't want to see him again.” Shi Liam Dao.

“There are also people in Cannes who are Orthodox on this day. I'm afraid they'll be in trouble if they recognize you. What are you going to do?” Caier asked.

“I have nothing to do with the Orthodox Church of the Undermoon. If they recognize me, what can they do about me?” Shi Lian raised a glass and drank it all.

Clear drinks linger along your throat, shocking your spirits.

“It is true, though, that no one in the house, other than Willowbank, may be able to keep you.” Caier said.

“Well, if you're full, let's go.” Ishima stood up and walked out toward Yama, and Caier hastily followed.

Ishima left the tavern and walked straight towards the city entrance.

“Have you decided?” Caier said.

“Well, westbound.” Shi Mu nodded.

He was not interested in disputes between the various ethnic groups of the Xihe mainland, but only wanted to improve his strength while travelling to Ling Tianfeng.

At this moment...

Boom, boom!

A burst of sound came from the outside, low and magnificent, even the ground shook slightly, and the tiles on the houses on the side of the street trembled.

On the street, people stopped what was in their hands and looked at the place where the voice came from.

“What's wrong? ”

“What happened? ”

Shi Mu's face also changed, and then he shook his figure and headed towards the city gate, while releasing Colour, let him see what was going on.

A moment later, a little bit of golden light quickly magnified in front of me, and the situation at the walls of the city suddenly appeared in my mind.

At this moment, the barbarian soldiers stationed on the city wall post on all sides of the city pool looked like they were waiting. The huge gates on both sides of the east and west have been slowly closed.

Outside the city, at the horizon in four directions, there appeared a variety of demonic beasts that laid heaven and earth, and Zheng Huangshang came toward the city of Jaikang.

Demonic wolves, demonic foxes, more of all kinds of serpents, dense and numb, at least tens of thousands of heads.

Many small demonic beasts are preceded by several large demonic beasts, huge in shape, the rumbling vibrations are the sounds of these demonic beasts running.

As the four demonic beasts approached, the barbarian soldiers on the walls began to look radically different, almost completely stuck.

“How come there are so many monsters and beasts! ”

“Yes… it is the tide of the beast… we are surrounded! ”

“Tell Lord City Lord! ”

A moment later, at the corner of a tall building near the walls of the city, a figure stood here, exactly in the stone pasture that had just arrived.

He looked out of town and his face changed dramatically.

At this moment, a majestic horn came out of the city, a street figure flew out of the city and landed on the surrounding walls, dozens of people.

Meanwhile, the buzz buzzed for a while.

The four corners of Hikang City lit up and spread rapidly, turning into a huge hemispherical light, like an inverted giant bowl, covering the entire city pool.

When the shield appeared, some of the city's already panicked crowds suddenly subsided.

The two bodies rose from the city, exuded tremendous pressure and stood side by side in the air.

Of the two, one on the left is a dignified middle-aged man with a yellow golden belt, tall figure, wearing a purple gold crown, slightly white hands, but hands are as white as jade, immensely stable, giving a feeling of infinite power.

The other is a young lady in a grey dress with a generous body, beautiful lines, a smile in the corner of her mouth and a unique style in her eyebrows.

Shi Mu's eyes fluctuated slightly, revealing a slight surprise.

The golden crown middle-aged man, of course he had never seen before, but this gray skirt young woman was one of the princesses of the Orthodox Church of the Undermoon.

Ishima was not surprised that this person appeared here, just that the temperament of the jade and the changes that had taken place before seemed to be no longer the cold beauty.

Moreover, the pressure emitted by this woman is more hidden than ever, giving him a feeling of palpitation.

“Is this woman any strange encounter in a short period of time, or is this place rich in spiritual energy, what has broken the bottleneck?” The heart of Ishima speculated on itself.

“Pass the word! All guards guard four walls and turn on all guard machines.” The Golden Crown middle-aged man spoke.

It was quiet, but instantly spread all over the city.

The city guards surged up the city wall, busy, the wall rose a huge wooden column, the wooden column was erected with a huge bow, stone bike and other objects, engraved with a Barbarian totem character, it seems that some of the magic instruments have been held by the token array.

Not long after doing this, the demon beast outside the city has come a hundred feet from the city wall, but did not immediately attack the city, just lay still.

However, the demonic beasts that have laid out the heavens and the earth, alone, emit enough momentum to frighten the hearts and minds of the people in the city.

The golden crown middle-aged man and the gray skirt young woman saw the monster beast outside the city and looked a little pale.

The two glanced at each other and the golden crown middle-aged man waved a green light, touching the light screen around the city wall, the light screen suddenly split a gap.

They passed by and flew outside the city.

“The Lord of Jaikant City is glorious! This is Lunar Moon Church Day Kang sub-altar master Yu Yu. I wonder why your demonic friends are suddenly attacking Rikang City. Do you want to start a war between the demons and the barbarians?” The golden crown of middle-aged men's voices rolled like a tsunami.

The weak demon beast beneath revealed fear and took a few steps back.

At this moment, a black Qi flew out of the demon clan and floated in front of the golden crown middle-aged man and the jade.

The black light flashed, revealing a man dressed in a black cloak.

Although he is a human figure, he has a long pink black snake tail behind him. He also has a bumpy black scale on his skin. His pupils are red, as if they were two dots of red fire. His slim vertical pupils emit an icy light.

He had a gold ring on his finger and a white gem on it, which looked flat, with a sixty-seven number on it.

The golden crown middle-aged man and Jade Eye both fell on the golden ring at the same time, slightly changing complexion.

“Your Excellency is the chief of the Python Demon clan, who has the marshy, handsome name of O'Quaido?” The golden crown middle-aged man sighed slightly and said.

“Nice. This is O'Quinn!” The man in the cloak opened his mouth and murdered in cold blood.

“O'Quaido suddenly leads a large group of men here today, for some reason?” The Golden Crown middle-aged man asked.

“Get a killer!” said the cloak man.

The Golden Crown middle-aged man heard the story and looked at the jade next to him, and seemed somewhat stunned.

“Murderer?” The Golden Crown middle-aged man asked.

“Humph, the tribal brother was murdered in the Snake Cave Swamp a few days ago, and even the animal's soul was taken away. I was investigated and received accurate information that the murderer was hiding in Jikang City at this moment.” The cloak man snorted coldly.

As soon as this was said, over the high building in the city, Shi Lian's face changed. Colour also looked at Shi Lian with amazement, and his body trembled a little uneasy.

Both immediately recalled the red ring demon python that had been killed in the Snake Cave Swamp.