The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 342: Flipping Faces

The Blackskinned Barbarians raised their hands and waved. Several of the Winged Cranes immediately dispersed and walked towards the inn.

In the capital city, a dark building brightens bright lights and brightens the lights of the capital city.

“Gentlemen, please go inside. The reception is ready.” The old man in the black robe walked into the mansion with Zhong Xiu and Ling Toad.

Along the way, the garden false mountain, elegantly arranged, the old man smiled and introduced the two populations to the river, walking constantly towards the inside.

Zhong Xiu's expression was faint. From time to time, a pair of beautiful eyes looked around him. The color of vigilance in his eyes never diminished by half.

“Miss Chung, don't worry, Yunyang Daoist is a friend, there will be no bad intentions.” Toad's lips fluttered slightly, the propaganda and Zhong Xiu said.

“Be careful with everything.” Zhong Xiu glanced at Toad and echoed the sermon.

The old man in the black robe walked in front of him, looking at what he was saying, seemed not to see the two people behind him communicating.

The three of them crossed two corridors into a spacious living room with a round table filled with delicious food dishes.

At this time, there is already a woman in red sitting at the round table. If Shi Mu is here, she can certainly recognize that this woman is Yanagi's sister-in-law, the woman with Zhen's surname.

Zhong Xiu and Ling Toad saw Zhen's surname as a woman, their faces were slightly flashed.

“Gentlemen, nice to meet you!” Zhen Zheng stood up with a sweet smile on her face and greeted Zhong Xiu and Ling Toad.

“Oh, this is Zhen Daoyou, a Middle-Moon Chinese and a good friend of my husband, who also happens to be in Yunying City, so we invited them together, don't you mind?” said the old man in the black robe.

“Of course not.” Toad nodded amicably to Zhen's maiden name, smiling hastily.

Zhong Xiu measured Zhen's surname twice, but did not speak.

“Please have a seat, these dishes are a specialty of the Wing Crane Mountains and are carefully prepared by our local chefs and cannot be eaten anywhere else!” The old man in black said enthusiastically.

Several people sat in separate seats. The elderly black robe and toad were good at socializing. Zhen's last name was also spoken by women from time to time. The atmosphere quickly warmed up.

Outside the living room in the garden corner, in a shadow, Ishima stood motionless.

Colour's perspective powers give him an overview of what's happening in the living room.

“Stone, what do we do now?” Caier asked.

“This old man will invite Zhong Xiu to come over. I'm sure he won't like it. You and I will split up and explore before planning.” Shi Lian sighed for a moment, his eyes swept away and said.

Colour promised, winging toward the distance.

Shi Mu also lurked towards the other side.

In the lobby, three tours of wine.

“Master of Yunyang City, the wine and vegetables have already been used, we don't know where the goods you are talking about, let's check them out first.” Zhong Xiu said.

She hardly eats and doesn't touch the glass in front of her.

“Oh, Miss Chung said yes.” The old man in black laughed and stood up.

“Goods?” asked Zhen, curiously.

“Not bad, my husband had a shipment to go to, so he invited Miss Chung to see it. Yan Daoyou is not interested in seeing it together.” said the old man in the black robe.

“Since Yunyang City is mainly engaged in business, the little girl can't go with us. Thanks to the owner of the city for the banquet today, the little lady said goodbye.” Zhen Zheng smiled and arched her hand at several people in this room.

The old man with the black robe sent the woman with the Zhen surname to the door, and the figure with the Zhen surname quickly walked out.

“Gentlemen, please follow me.” The old man in black said a word to Zhong Xiu and walked in a direction beside the lobby.

Turning a few turns, the three arrived in front of a remote attic building surrounded by a light black curtain.

Zhong Xiu saw this, and Xiu frowned. For some reason, there was a bad feeling in her heart.

“This is where the old man keeps important things, so there is a layer of restraint on the outside.” Black-robed old man explains.

Meanwhile, he turned his hand and took out a black token, reading words.

The token light flashed and a black light * * * * came out, not into the black screen.

The black light flashed and slowly cracked open a door.

Zhong Xiu's mind came out and probed for a while on the black light screen, his eyes slightly loosened.

She also has a certain understanding of the Dao of Arrays, which is a protective kind of prohibition without other attack functions.

“Gentlemen, please.” The old man in black said pushing open the attic door and walking in.

Zhong Xiu and Toad followed.

The old man in black heard the footsteps behind him, his eyes flashed with a slight discoloration, even if he disappeared.

There is a lot of space in the attic, but it is very empty, there are no tables, chairs, benches, etc., there are more than a dozen shelves in the center of the room, the outside is covered by a layer of grey fabric and the inside is not visible.

Zhong Xiu's eyes shined and quickly walked to a shelf, reaching out and lifting the grey fabric covered on it.

Yet the shelf was empty, and there was nothing.

Zhong Xiu smiled and froze, turning to look at the old man in the black robe.

The old man in black stood aside with a smile on his face and had no intention of explaining it.

Toad also lifted a gray cloth on a wooden shelf at this moment, and it was also empty below.

“Yunyang Daoyou, what do you mean?” Toad's face sank, he said.

Black-robed old man still laughs without saying a word.


Zhong Xiu's face changed, his staff waved in his hand, and a white light flew out, turning into a huge blade of light and chopping it in the head towards the old man in the black robe.

The old man in the black robe did not hide at all, and his body was split in half by a blade of light.

It's just that these two bodies then “bang” and turn into a black smoke that quickly dissipates in the air.

“It's illusion!” Toad's face changed dramatically and his face was stunned for a moment.

“We're screwed! Let's go!" Zhong Xiu shouted in a low voice and ran towards the entrance to the attic.

The toad also reacted instantly, and the two people's bodies were transformed into two rays of light, heading outside * * * *.

But at this moment, the attic door slammed and closed.

The black light outside also automatically closes to re-enclose the entire loft.

Zhong Xiu and Toad lit up white and blue rays of light almost simultaneously.

“Bombing”, the attic door was smashed, white and blue two rays of light heavily bombarded the black light screen.

The black light screen trembled violently and rippled like water, but withstood.

Outside the screen, the old man in the black robe stood with a smile on his face.

Next to the old man, at some point, more than a dozen winged cranes appeared. Words were read in his mouth, and a black light was emitted in his hands, which blended into the black curtain, and the black curtain quickly stabilized.

Instead, the surface of the light screen slowly emerged with the pattern of the head of the eight beasts.

These monsters look strange, look fierce and fierce, like eight demons, swimming indefinitely on the surface of the light screen.

Inside the light screen.

A glittering light flies out of the attic, brilliant and brilliant, making a whizzing sound that can pierce the eardrum.

In the green light is a blue spear, and the speedy thunder punctured the light screen.

The tip of the gun pierced the light screen more than half a foot, then stopped, and it was harder to move forward by half a minute.

On the surface of the light screen, out of eight monsters, a monster with a human sheep's head flashed red eyes and a red light flew out of his mouth, bombarding the blue rifle.

The blue spear shook up and was blown back.

At the entrance of the attic, Toad's face changed and with one hand, the blue gun flew back into his hand.

The eight monsters on the light screen are becoming clearer and clearer, as if to disengage from the light screen.

“Yunyang, what do you mean?” Toad's face was particularly ugly, staring at the old black robe outside the curtain, said silently.

“What do you mean? Hahahahaha... this is ridiculous, you still don't understand this situation?” The old man with the black robe laughed furiously, with no more goodness on his face, looking sarcastically at the toad.

Toad's face was extremely ugly and her body trembled because of anger.

“You tried so hard to bring us here to kill us and plunder our supplies?” Zhong Xiu coldly opened his eyes and looked at the eight devil patterns on the light screen.

“Ha ha, still Miss Chung is smart.” Black-robed old man haha laughed.

“Your Excellency has offended the Heavenly Wu Merchant Association by doing this. Don't you worry about the consequences?” Zhong Xiu asked coldly.

“Now that we've decided to do it, we're naturally fully prepared, so don't bother with Miss Chung.” The old man with the black robe laughed.

Zhong Xiu Mei's eyes flashed, the pink was like ice, but one hand was behind his back, holding a purple jade Jane, above which there was a lane of purple light.

The purple light lit up for a moment and immediately went out.

Zhong Xiu frowned slightly and grabbed Jade Jane's hand tightly. The purple light on it lit up again, but it immediately went out again.

“Hey, Miss Chung, you don't have to try it. This formation that traps you is called the Black Ear Tire Hidden Array. It can't be called from inside.” Black Robe old man hey hey smile.

Zhong Xiu's face finally sank.

“And those of you who stayed in the inn, they've already been dealt with, and I'm afraid it's already a bloody sea.” The old man with the black robe laughed.

Zhong Xiu and Ling Toad heard this and their faces changed dramatically.

“It was that woman just now, you colluded with the Church of the Undermoon!” Zhong Xiu's heart changed sharply and he lost his voice.

“Zhong Daoyou is so thoughtful, you guessed it all right. But for now, you should be concerned about your situation!” The old man in black laughed.


As Muyunyang said, today's inn is already a battlefield, shouting, fierce fighting noises, huge noises of house collapse.

In the courtyard, the only remaining guards of Heavenly Wu Merchant Association circled against the convoy, each with injuries.

They're surrounded by myriad dead creatures, skeletons, rotters, zombies, rushing up like a tide.

Outside the courtyard, the void opened a three-square circular space passage, pitch-black and dark.

Above the Space Gate, Zhen surname women tread on the black cloud, her eyes glow, and her mouth reads words.

Around the woman stood several gray robe figures, just some of the men who had previously been named Zhen Feng.

Several people also read the spell, waving a light into the space channel, which seems to maintain the stability of the channel.