The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 1005: The Struggle for Life and Death

“Don't be discouraged! Again!”

Shi Mu took a deep breath, closed his eyes again, and the force of the five lines in his body worked again, and the five colors of light on his body rose again, and then went towards the convergence.

Beyond the five-coloured pod, a white bead suspended in the air is the bead of the Spiritual Divinity.

When the Spiritual Son of Water had flew out, he stood on the pearl and looked quietly at the five-colored flower pot.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Every once in a while, the five-colored flower pod trembles violently, while a burst of muffled noise bursts deep.

“Doesn't look good.” The Spirit muttered to himself.

His voice did not set, a burst of loud noise came from inside again, the five-colored flower pod violently shocked, much more intense than before, even several cracks appeared on the pod, but it was quickly repaired again.

In the flower pod, Shi Lian's face was ugly and his eyes were full of agitation.

“What's wrong with it? He said to himself that the process of integration in his mind had been thought over and over again, and no problems had been identified.

Was he not able to practice the first eight revolutions of the Nine Revolutions? That's why he couldn't succeed?

He shook his head quickly and rejected the idea.

If he doesn't cultivate enough, he'll never understand the balance of the five lines.

Five Lines Balance?

A lightning bolt crossed the mind of Ishima, recalling the five-line balance on the five-line boundary map in the Spiritual Sea, which is the exact opposite of the five-line cycle in one's body.

“Is the five-line balance achieved in my body a phase balance that does not meet the requirements of Nine Revolution Profound?” He was shocked, secretly.

The White Monkey Ancestor left him with a map of the five lines. Could it be that he also pointed to the balance of the five lines?

The gloomy and uncertain look on Ishima's face.

If so, he needs to change the balance of the five lines in his body.

However, his body has long been accustomed to the five-line balance of the Phantom, especially after the restoration of the spiritual vein. His body is more deeply rooted in the balance of the Phantom, and it is very difficult to change it, which almost amounts to discarding all previous cultivation results.

Moreover, he does not have much understanding of the balance of the five lines of birth, and who knows when to understand.

He hesitated in his heart and could not hold his attention for a moment.

At this moment, Shi Mu's underground space suddenly fluctuated.

Meanwhile, a golden swirl emerged over the five-colored flower pod, dotted with golden light chips flying out of it and falling towards the five-colored pod.

“What's that?” Waterspirits looked at the golden vortex, his face changed and he shouted.

As soon as the golden light scraps touched the five-color flower pod, the pod immediately broke apart and turned into a five-color light, which was swallowed up by the golden vortex, revealing a shocking stone pasture inside.

The strength of the five lines in the stone pasture violently vibrated, and there was a sense of disintegration in the hidden.

“Is this... Has he broken through eight turns?” Ishima looked over her head at the golden whirlpool, and her face was hard to see.

He rushed to stabilize his body's five-line strength and tried to resist this swallowing power, while his body flew out to escape the golden scraps.

Just at this moment, in his body, in the field of dan, for a moment, then the surface five colored spiritual flash room, appeared five small five-colored fictional shadows, from which five five colored glow light, under a winding rotation of the top of his head, turned into a five-color swirl.

The five-color swirl suddenly emits a large five-color light that condenses into a five-color cloud, blocking it above the stone pasture.

As soon as the golden light scraps from the golden vortex hit the colorful cloud, they were immediately devoured and disappeared.

The power of the Five Lines in the Stone Shepherd also restored calm and ceased to vibrate.

However, the golden vortex in the middle of the sky has not disappeared, still spraying a piece of golden light scraps, but it has been devoured by five colorful clouds.

Ishimaki was surprised and surprised, but restless and not much diminished.

He took a deep breath and immediately sat down, forcing himself to continue to immerse himself in practice.

From the current signs, Zhao Xiao is most likely to have advanced nine turns and started some atmospheric luck in the underworld, beginning to absorb all practitioners of Xuan Gong in order, if so, to leave him little time.

His body represents the five lines of Xuan Gong Xiaoding spontaneous protector, and he doesn't know how long he can persist.

He had no hesitation at all, and the force of the five lines in his body immediately moved away, but instead of following the pattern of the five lines, he immediately reversed and cycled according to the five lines.

However, it was only a Sunday, when the stone herd's body trembled with a mouthful of blood gushing out.

He did not understand the five lines of symbiotic circulation, forced the operation, and immediately wounded the five organs and six organs.

But now is the time to live and die, not to think about it!

Shi Mu did not stop the force of the five lines in the body, and took out several medicines to heal the wounds, pressing down the five dirty wounds.

“Five lines are born! The Way of Balance! ”

His mouth muttered to himself, and every trace of the power of the soul in his mind was summoned as much as possible, enlightening the balance of the five lines.

The five-color light emanates from the stone pasture and spins rapidly to form a five-color vortex.

However, these five-color vortexes are not stable, and a spiritual conflict erupts from time to time.

From time to time, there was a murmur in the body of the stone herd, his face grew whiter and his mouth continued to bleed, and it was clear that his inner wounds were getting worse and worse.

The Spiritual Son of Water saw this, wrapped around the beads of the Spiritual God and flew out, flashing through the five-color swirl around the stone pasture, and came beside it.

Words were read in his mouth, a large blue light gushed out of the beads, wrapped around the body of the stone pasture, and a blue water light rapidly penetrated.

Ishima's face slowed and her injuries were immediately suppressed by the beads and quickly recovered.

Ishima naturally knows what is happening at this moment, and thanks again to the Spirit of Water, but this is not the time to thank him.

Without the worry, he immediately fully runs the Nine Spin Xuan Gong, and the five-color swirl around his body accelerates immediately.

His consciousness has also spread out long ago, covering the entire underground space, observing the force of the five lines of this space, as well as the cycle of force of the five lines of the top-five lines of the boundary map, and doing his best to enlighten.

Perhaps the threat of death is imminent and sparks the potential of stone husbandry.

His understanding of the five-line cycle quickly grabbed the trick, and the five-color vortex around him gradually stabilized.

The golden vortex on the top of the stone pasture seems to have increased several times due to a long period of inability to break through the five-color cloud.

Countless golden scraps of light erupted, forming a golden arrow shadow that flashed towards the stone pasture.

Immediately, the five-line boundary map of the top of the stone pasture sensed that a large five-color ray of light suddenly appeared in the five-color cloud, rapidly converging together to form a five-color vortex as if the five rows were balanced together.

The golden arrow flashed into the whirlpool and was instantly shattered.

Stone pasture senses a five-color swirl, and the body is vibrating, and some chaos in the mind is perfectly open about the five-line birth.

Shi Mu opened his eyes and emitted a long whistle, and the circulation of the strength of the five lines in the body was reached.


The five-colored light around him spins quickly, and there is a hint of compatibility.

The look of ecstasy appeared on Ishima's face.

Turns out it was the wrong way to balance his first five lines!

He immediately closed his eyes and tried his best to run the Nine Revolution Xuan Gong again, heading towards the Nine Revolution Dacheng breakthrough.

Large pieces of five-color light rise from the stone pasture and submerge their shadows inside.

An unknown and colorful aura gradually emanates from the five-colored light.

A white light flies out of five colors of light and falls nearby, just like the Spirit of Water.

“It's a way to merge the forces of the five lines into one! Depending on the situation, he had the knack and could succeed with some time. This technique is not small, but once it succeeds, strength will surely increase, but there seems to be not enough time...” Waterspirits eyes flashed, revealing the complexity of the words.


Returning to the top of Xuan Tower, Zhao Xiao looked somber and his hands quickly squeezed the law in front of him.

As he moved, he returned to the hundreds of thousands of ticket doors in the Xuan Tower, and the light shined brightly, from which a colored light column containing the power of Xuan Gong flew to the top of the Spirit Tower.

In the large world of the stars, the level of Xuan Gong practitioners varies. Most of them are between three and six turns. The vast majority of them are people who practise Xuan Gong remnants. Therefore, the color of the column, the thickness of the columns, and the strong and weak light of Xuan Gong are also different.

Only hundreds of thousands of Xuan Gong's forces condensed into all kinds of rainbow light, danced up, remitted into eight huge and incredibly bright rainbows, poured into the eight open mouth beasts.

In time, the entire white spiritual tower became spectacularly eye-catching as it was covered in colorful floods.

However, no one can imagine what kind of blood and cruelty is hidden under these magnificent sights?

Among the dense and numb ticket doors on the spiritual tower, countless lights illuminate, corresponding to the gradual depression of the cheeks of countless Xuan Gong practitioners throughout the large world of the stars, as well as the rapid aging of the less powerful faces.

The eight beasts under the octagonal platform were filled with a large influx of colored light, and the surrounding body became transparent, and the interior flashed with colorful light.

These colored lights flow along the top of the tower onto the octagonal platform.

A "buzzing” sound, all the ancient inscriptions engraved on the surface of the platform, suddenly brightened a bright light.

The colored light emitted into the platform flows out of the script, divided into five lines of pure and incredible spiritual power, each emitted into five giant optical dings.

Zhao Qiao's body shook suddenly and his mouth shouted bright and long.

His hands flew fast in front of him, his mouth kept ringing and chanting, and he began to strike the ninth turn of Xuan Gong.


Zhao Yanggong had just begun to operate, and a loud thunderbolt rang from above the Nine Heavens.

The light works on the white spiritual tower, the speed of the emission of the power of Xuan Gong suddenly surged dramatically, the force of the five lines that emerged from the script, wildly through the five light dings, infused into Zhao Zhao's body.


Zhao Xiao's face suddenly changed and a low voice was heard in his mouth.

The blue muscles above his forehead, showing a slight colour of pain on his face, seem somewhat unbearable.