The Prince of Tennis Perfect Tennis

The Prince of Tennis Perfect Tennis Chapter 136

This time, Tezuka devoted himself to the perception of the tennis trajectory. He stared at the tennis ball that was running at a super high speed. Even in order to see the tennis trajectory completely, Tezuka did not even use the Tezuka domain. .

In other words, Tezuka completely gave up the idea of ​​trying to hit the ball back, just to figure out what the tennis ball is all about!


Tezuka's eyes moved with the tennis, and his insight was completely focused on the tennis.

Over the net...landing.....

Then... there is no more.

Tezuka was surprised to see that the tennis ball didn't bounce again after it landed. Instead, it quickly drew a perfect'S' trajectory on the ground like a "snake" and did not bounce again.

"That's it."

Tezuka finally understood it, no wonder he just wanted to control the tennis when it bounced, but he didn't feel the trace of the tennis at all. It turned out that all the problems were here.

I looked at Wei Yilin admiringly. For the first time, Tezuka felt that Wei Yilin deserved to be called the "perfect tennis player". He was able to create and play such skills. Wei Yilin's strength is indeed well-deserved.


Tezuka roared loudly, the rare blood boiled.

As a minister, he must be calm. Only in this way can he be the backbone of Qingxue and defeat all the powerful enemies, and continue to lead Qingxue. The term enthusiastic is really not suitable for him.

And now, Tezuka really wanted to, really wanted to put aside all his considerations and fight with all his strength!

He wants to know that if he did this, what is waiting for him will be victory or defeat?

Chapter Thirteen Small Victory


Tezuka roared loudly, the rare blood boiled.

As a minister, he must be calm. Only in this way can he be the backbone of Qingxue and defeat all the powerful enemies, and continue to lead Qingxue. The term enthusiastic is really not suitable for him.

And now, Tezuka really wanted to, really wanted to put aside all his considerations and fight with all his strength!

He wants to know whether he will win or lose if he waits for him after doing so?

Seeing the current state of Tezuka, the Qingxue people suddenly felt shocked.

Is this still the majestic Minister Tezuka who is known as the "Iceberg Face" of the iceberg?

They couldn't believe it.

However, whether they believe it or not, such a scene really happened.

On the referee's bench, Ryugasaki smiled silently when she saw this scene. She always felt that Tezuka had put too much pressure on herself. Although he was indeed the backbone of the youth school, he couldn't stay away like that. Allow yourself to relax!Individuals cannot bear it.

Moreover, Ryugasaki felt that the reason why the hidden wound on Tezuka's hand would recur after healed was not unrelated to this.

"Have a good fight! Tezuka, before leaving."

Ryugasaki thought to himself, watching this extremely exciting game well.

"extremely suspicious!"

It was this serve again, in response to Tezuka's intention, Wei Yilin played out again'coordinated'.

And this time, Tezuka didn't make the mistake of the last time. As soon as the tennis crossed the net and entered the range of Tezuka's domain, Tezuka began to use the power of the domain to consume the powerful rotating force on the ball.

He succeeded!

Before the tennis ball landed, Tezuka successfully wiped out the spin on the tennis ball.

However, another difficult problem posed in front of Tezuka.

Over 230 kilometers per hour, even the powerful Tezuka has no time to react at the super-high ball speed that can't even be estimated.


"Ace, 30-0"

Another Ace ball, plus the previous two, this is already the third Ace. If Wei Yilin scores again, there is no expectation that he will keep the serve and take the lead.

This is not just a one-goal lead like the first goal just now. The advantage of one game can completely put the initiative of the game in the hands of Wei Yilin.

Not to mention controlling the overall situation, at least the pressure on Tezuka in such a game will be absolutely incalculable.

Tezuka's blood was still boiling, but his expression couldn't help but became serious. He also understood the meaning of this ball.

The game continued, and Wei Yilin used the "Cup Bow Snake Shadow" again without hesitation.


The loud hitting sound seemed to rush towards the hand mound with the horn of the end. It was still that position and the landing point, but it represented Wei Yilin's extraordinary confidence.

Everyone couldn't help but quieted down, there was no sound around them, everyone's eyes were fixed on Tezuka's body, expecting him to create another miracle.


Tezuka's expression condensed, and it was never his character to sit and wait.

Taking a step to the left, Tezuka domain opened without hesitation, consuming the rotating power of the tennis ball. At the same time, a white light lit up, and a faint fluorescence completely wrapped his left arm.

"The state of selflessness?"

Qingxue everyone exclaimed, but Buer shook his head lightly.

"No, this is one of the three gates of the selfless state of China and Germany, the limit of tempering."

"Tough tempered?"

Everyone was waiting to ask again, but the situation in the field completely attracted their attention.

The tennis ball has crossed the net and quickly landed on Tezuka's left hand side.

It is indeed the left hand side. This is completely the effect of Tezuka's step left. Wei Yilin's serve is not far from Tezuka. This step is completely the difference between the sky and the earth. You can receive Wei without moving. Yilin's serve also gave Tezuka a chance to catch the ball.

Seeing Tezuka's performance, even Wei Yilin couldn't help but silently give him a compliment. This is indeed a very wise approach.With this step, Tezuka might receive his serve, but without this step, Wei Yilin was sure that Tezuka would never receive it.

You know, this tennis ball speed can definitely be called a big killer even if it is placed above the world.

However, although Tezuka has a chance to receive the ball, it is also a chance. Whether he can receive it is still two.

At this time, Tezuka was fully immersed in finding the time to swing. This was basically a difficult or even impossible situation in the past, but when facing Wei Yilin, it definitely appeared. Up.