The Prince of Tennis Perfect Tennis

The Prince of Tennis Perfect Tennis Chapter 195

And now there are only two thoughts in his mind, that is, to make a quick fight, and give a good lesson to the arrogant boy in front of him.


The ultra-high-speed tennis flew out again, and when Chiehara had agreed to play with Wei Yilin, he had already foreseen his current end.

Tennis is flying. Every time Wei Yilin serves, Qiyuan will withstand a tennis impact. He still has many tricks that are useless, but under Wei Yilin's total suppression, he has not used any of his skills. Chance, because the speed of tennis is beyond his imagination.

Obviously, this time Wei Yilin was really angry.


For the fourth time, the tennis ball hit Kirara hard, and Kirara fell for the fourth time.

"At the end of the game, Wei Yilin won, the score was 1-0"

Tachibana announced in a flat voice that he had no mercy for Kirara's current misery, because Kirara had the same attitude when he saw her brother was injured.

"Can you still stand up? Kelp takes the lead." Wei Yilin asked coldly, like an orange apricot, without any pity.


ps: Three shifts delivered!The update is complete today, please!

There are some card plots. Yuqi now apologizes here. In addition, I saw that there was a big problem that said the book was plain. Regarding this point, Yuqi didn’t know why it became like this when it was always written, but in the future Yuqi will try to write more passionately, and I hope everyone will remind you more to make Yuqi aware when Yuqi makes old mistakes again.

the above.

Chapter 72: Fury

"Can you still stand up? Kelp takes the lead." Wei Yilin asked coldly, like an orange apricot, without any pity.

"Ahem!!" Qiyuan coughed a little bit painfully. The tennis ball sent by Wei Yilin hit his chest directly, making his chest tight and very uncomfortable, plus other severe wounds. The pain made him feel crazy.


Kirara, who had been slow due to injury, stood up suddenly and quickly, his eyes widened, and the same red color began to condense in his eyes, making him look evil and crazy.

This sudden change caused the orange apricot on the sidelines to jump. The somewhat scared Chao Wei Yilin approached a few steps and asked in shock, "Master, what happened to him? It looks so scary."

"This is... demonization?"

Wei Yilin thought with some confusion, but Kirara's current state is similar to that of Jaihe Yajujin, but there is a big difference.

He shook his head and didn't want to understand. There always seems to be some strange things happening in this world. Wei Yilin simply doesn't think too much about it, because he is confident that he is fearless no matter what the current state of Qiyuan is. This is the establishment. Unparalleled confidence on top of powerful strength.

"It's nothing, Xing, it's just a state trick." Wei Yilin comforted Ju Xing, and his gaze towards Kirara didn't fluctuate at all, as cold as the beginning.

"Kelp, aren't you ready to serve?"

From the first sight of Qiu Yuan, Wei Yilin knew that he is definitely a person who is easily provoked by others. This can be seen from the fact that he came to Qingxue to provocation before the start of the Kanto Conference finals. Because people who like to provoke others are most likely to be provoked by others.

This kind of person is very easily agitated as long as he is slightly stimulated. In his opinion, such an opponent is very easy to deal with. As long as he is irritated, he can lose his calmness. Just like the current situation, Wei Yilin is just ' Slightly'using tennis and language to look down on Kirara, he has become the present state.

"Stop you! Hey! I want to completely defeat you! Let the blood stain you red!"

Kirara said to himself, his eyes were completely filled with blood red, and he had completely lost his calmness.

"Let's wait and see!"

Wei Yilin said coldly, holding the racket tightly with both hands, standing on the bottom line waiting for the original serve.

"go to hell!"

Kirihara roared, his left hand flexed his four fingers, and his thumb pressed the tennis ball tightly on the flexed fingers.

It was visible to the naked eye that Kirara's hand was squeezing the tennis ball hard, and the veins were all visible.

Then, just when the power reached a limit, the tennis ball suddenly bounced off Kirara's left hand, and then he slammed the tennis ball out with his right hand.

It was indeed smashed, it seemed that only this way could vent the endless anger in Kirara's heart.


Wei Yilin raised his brows and his expression began to become solemn. The power of Qiyuan's serve was a bit beyond his expectation. Whether it was speed or power, it was very powerful.

And, if it’s just that, that’s all, when Wei Yilin’s super dynamic vision gathered on the fast tennis ball, he found that the tennis ball was constantly trembling irregularly, showing a kind of blur in his retina. status.

In this way, it is difficult for Wei Yilin to judge the rotation strength of the tennis ball, and also unable to judge the direction of the tennis ball's bounce after landing.

"Underestimate the enemy!"

Wei Yilin secretly said in his heart, and at this time, the tennis ball landed, abruptly changing the original normal bounce direction, and hit Wei Yilin's face straight.

Because he didn't judge the course of the ball, Wei Yilin couldn't swing the ball correctly.

"Dye you red!"

Qiyuan laughed, as if foreseen the scene of Wei Yilin being hit by a tennis ball.

"Want to slap me in the face? You are still far away!"

Wei Yilin sneered coldly when he saw it. His usual practice of kung fu was not for nothing, and his nerve response far exceeded anyone's imagination.Facing the attacking tennis ball, Wei Yilin's head was only slightly on the side, and the tennis ball drew over his face.

With a sound of "~~~!" Wei Yilin could even feel the powerful force carried on the tennis ball. With this ball, Qiyuan didn't show any mercy.

That's right, if you were smashed in tennis by others, if you still show mercy, you are either an idiot or a fool.

And Kirara, obviously neither.

"Shit luck!"

Chie Yuan's laughter stopped abruptly, and he murmured, seeing that Wei Yilin was not hit by the tennis ball.

"This time, you will never get past!"

"Really? Kelp, you are not qualified enough if you want to hit me." Wei Yilin's calm tone completely angered Qiyuan.

"I'm not called kelp!"

Kirara roared angrily, and once again hit the irregular serve of the last time.


The heavy hitting sound seemed to represent Qiu Yuan's determination to hit Wei Yilin and avenge himself just now.

This time, Wei Yilin took a step to the left after cutting the original serve, and the racket was ready to swing. He wanted to know whether the original serve was the same as before. If that was the case, Wei Yilin was confident. This time, the tennis ball was hit back.
