The Prince of Tennis Perfect Tennis

The Prince of Tennis Perfect Tennis Chapter 254


The short and hurried sound of hitting the ball flashed, Wei Yilin started from throwing up the tennis ball in his hand, jumped up, raised his racket, and bowed, until the final hit hits the ground, but in just half a second All the actions were completed in the time.

"Want so fast!"

Seeing the orange + colored tennis ball shot at his own half like a sharp sword, Murong Zi was shocked. To be honest, he was really not prepared for such a serve. No, it should be said that he had not expected Wei Yilin. This serve is actually a super high-speed serve, and not only the speed of the ball is so fast, even the action of the serve is completed so fast!

The tennis ball landed and bounced. During this period, there was no obstacle. Wei Yilin's second serve ended in Ace!

"Brother, at least tell me before this kind of ball next time, don't you embarrass me?"

Murong Zi curled his lips and said helplessly. After the initial panic, he quickly recovered his calmness. Wei Yilin's'bow bow' did not bring him the shock that he imagined.

"As you wish! I am coming!"

Wei Yilin smiled and reminded him, and he jumped high into the sky!

For some reason, Shiba Saori and the others on the sidelines always felt that something was about to happen when they saw this smile!

"bring it on!"

Murong Zi's expression finally became serious. To be honest, the serve of Wei Yilin just now surprised him a lot, but although the tennis ball is fast, it is still within his tolerance.


There was another soft sound, Murong Zi was already fully prepared to catch the ball, but after taking a step forward, his movements froze in place.

"This is... Minister Tezuka's zero serve!!!"

An exclamation sounded again in the small room. This time, everyone's eyes were on the man who looked at the computer screen with a flat expression.

"Good post!"

Tezuka lightly praised, because on the screen, Wei Yilin's serve immediately after the bow is nothing but his stunt zero serve!

"Don't be too surprised. With Yilin's technique, experience, and his strong body, it is not surprising that he can hit a zero serve. It's just that he didn't want to use other people's tricks before!" Gan said lightly, seeing Wei Yilin hit the zero serve, but he was the most indifferent one, because in his data book, the data records about Wei Yilin are the most incredible.

Hearing this, the Qingxue people thought of Wei Yilin's performance and easily accepted this reason.

"Hey! Do you think A Lin will use our skills again?" The giant frog suddenly thought of something interesting and asked enthusiastically.

"It's very possible!"

"No way!"


There are two points. Wei Yilin doesn’t know what the Qingxue people are doing, but it’s been a long time since I saw those familiar friends. He really missed them a little, and he planned to play in this game even before the game started. Use their skills to win the game leading to the main game.

As for why?The reason is simple, it is willfulness!

Seeing Murong Zi's face that looked as if he had eaten shit, Wei Yilin couldn't help being a little amused. Today's opponent is still very interesting.

"Hey! Didn't you say you want to use the bow you just used?" Murong Zi exclaimed angrily, and even the shock that the zero serve brought him was suppressed in his unhappy heart. Because Wei Yilin's actions gave him a feeling of being played as a monkey.

"Is there? I just said, I'm coming, I didn't say which trick I would use!" Wei Yilin smiled. He found it very interesting to watch the so-called'big brother''s slumped face. This made him feel like he was always happy.

"Have it?"

Murong Zi raised his head and thought for a while, but then he was depressed to discover that the facts are exactly the same as Wei Yilin said.

"I'm going to start serving!"

Wei Yilin stretched out his hand to throw the tennis ball up again, and at the same time his body jumped up. Of course, he did not forget to remind Murong Zi: "This time I used an external spin serve!"

"Do you serve an external spin? Don't think I still believe you! Brat."

Murong Zi thought angrily, obviously the anger still remained.


ps: One more delivery!Please spread flowers!The next chapter will be updated before eleven o'clock.

Chapter 15 Super Speed


The tennis ball fell and bounced, everything was exactly the same as Murong Zi expected.

There is no super-high-speed serve, without that zero-type serve, it is even more impossible to be an external spin serve!

and many more!External spin serve?

Murong Zi suddenly remembered that an external spin serve is not a super high-speed serve, nor is it a non-bounce serve like a zero serve, but a magical necessary for the legendary face fight!

"Wait! Slap?"

An expression of horror suddenly appeared on Murong Zi's face, especially when he saw the tennis ball bounce on his handsome face at high speed, he made a move that no one could think of.

Discard!Cover your face!

"I can't get hit in the face anyway!"

Murong Zi firmly thought that he would never regret his choice!Because he is a man who plans to eat on his face in the future.

Handsome, so capricious!

What he didn't know was that at this moment, in the crowd not far away, a man who was not much older was looking at him viciously, his determined face was full of an expression of hatred for iron and steel.

"alright, you win!"

Seeing Murong Zi's movements, Wei Yilin said to his heart that this'big brother' is really amazing!He has seen Longma's opponents panicked and at a loss when facing an external spin serve, but he didn't cover his face for fear of being hit. This Murong Zi can be regarded as a pioneer!


The sound of tennis piercing the air rang in Murong Zi's ears, but the pain he expected did not come.

"It's okay! It's okay! This brat doesn't have the idea of ​​slapping me in the face, otherwise I will be angry!"

Murong Zimei thought about it, but at this moment, his eyes inadvertently caught the determined figure in the crowd.

"Why! Why is he here?"

There was something wrong in her heart, and Murong Zi covered her ears and Pirate Ling said: "Oh! Why did you squint your eyes just now by Sand! What a bad luck!"

"Are you OK?"

Wei Yilin asked strangely, are you sure you are not insane?