The Prince of Tennis Perfect Tennis

The Prince of Tennis Perfect Tennis Chapter 497

"It's not just touch?" Brian asked as he ran toward the tennis ball, "That still has..."

Halfway through the question, Brian stopped what he said, not just what he said, but also his running motion.

"And... visual?"

A tone of exclamation came from Brian's mouth, because he was surprised to find that his eyes could no longer see anything, and his eyes were so white that he stopped his steps immediately.In fact, even if the visual touch is blocked, with Brian’s strength, he can judge the position of the tennis ball according to his own impression, the control of the tennis court, and the hearing in both ears, but he has no choice. this way.

Because Brian didn't know whether the blockade of Yukimura on the opposite side had ended, he rashly went to catch the ball, and once something changed again, everything would have to be resigned.He is very clear that the top priority now is not to pick up tennis, but to break his own blockade is the most important thing.

Give up to pick up tennis?

So now will be my time to fight back!

Yukimura secretly said that the tennis ball in his hand was shot out by him without hesitation.



The score was quickly chased by Yukimura, but this situation stunned a large audience off the court, because they didn't know what happened on the field. The confrontation between Yukimura and Brian was more spiritual. It is impossible to tell with the naked eye.

At this time, after Brian's tactile vision was blocked, it didn't take long for his hearing to disappear.

The whole body was silent, the white vision, coupled with the disappearance of touch, Brian felt as if he had been separated from the body, only the soul was left.

There is no doubt that this feeling is terrifying!However, his strong willpower made Brian force himself not to panic and calm down!Because once he feels panic, then he loses the game!

To be honest, Brian, I was surprised that Yukimura was able to possess such terrifying skills, because compared to his own closing speed and power, compared with Yumura's completely closed senses, it was a little bit insignificant.

However, surprise is surprised, but Brian is not envious. Although his own mental moves are slow, the effect is irreversible. That is to say, once Brian’s blockade is unfolded, then only until the power and speed are completely blocked, It will not gradually recover until the final blockade of consciousness (fainting).

For Yukimura’s five senses of destruction, the effect is naturally terrifying, but Brian saw the possibility of breaking through the blockade!

To be honest, Brian is very fortunate that Yukimura is still very young and his spiritual will has not reached perfection. Otherwise, if Yumura really grows up, it will not be so easy to break through the five senses.

"I have to break through this kind of blockade soon, or I'm afraid I really lose!" Brian thought secretly, focusing on breaking through the blockade of Yukimura.

Outside, after almost the entire game was completely suppressed by Brian, Yukimura finally ushered in the moment of counterattack. After Brian was closed to the five senses, he neatly won a round of victory.It's just that the right to serve will be transferred. Although Yukimura hopes to end the game quickly, it is now Brian's time to serve.

According to the regulations, the player has 20 seconds to serve from one point to another, and there will be a second chance to serve after a missed serve. But like Brian now stands still, when the time is up It is counted as a service error. Although he did not serve, it means that from one point to the next, Brian has 40 seconds to win a game with four points, plus other The time it took was more than one minute, that is to say, Blaine’s serve, he had about five minutes, and Yukimura’s serve, it took at least fifteen seconds for Yukimura’s serve to judge the score. , Plus the time it takes for the referee to calculate the score, a game will take at least two minutes.

In the previous game, Yukimura fell behind by 0-4. To catch up with Bly’s score, four rounds were needed. Two rounds of Yukimura’s serve and two rounds of Blaine’s serve, which is 14 minutes. To win, it takes Yukimura to win 6 consecutive rounds. That is to say, Yumura needs at least 21 minutes, plus a five-minute intermission. In other words, Yukimura needs at least 26 minutes to win. victory.

It's just that such calculations often have a huge gap with reality, so let's not talk about the others. Don't forget, it is not just Brian that has hit Yukimura's five senses of destruction, but Yukimura has also been hit by Brian's mental moves.

Blocking power and speed, to the final consciousness, although this seems to be a slow process, don't forget that it is an accelerating process.

In the first ten minutes, Yukimura didn't feel much, except that the tennis he played was lighter and slower.

However, the eleventh minute passed...

The twelfth minute passed...

The thirteenth minute passed...

When the fifteenth minute passed, Yukimura was surprised to find that his strength and speed had passed by almost to the extent that he could feel it. Calculated at this speed, his strength would be exhausted in only twenty minutes at most. is also like this.

However, this speed will continue to increase!In other words, in less than twenty minutes, less than fifteen minutes or even less, Yukimura's speed and strength will be exhausted.

"By then, I'm afraid it's time for the consciousness to be closed!" Yukimura guessed in his heart, he wanted to know the time when his power and speed were completely exhausted, but at this time he had no time to calculate these things.

Invariably, both Yukimura and Brian are racing against time at this time. Yukimura needs to win the game before Brian breaks the blockade, otherwise he is not Brian's opponent by hard power!So he wants to end the game faster!And what about Brian!He must break the blockade as soon as possible, otherwise the game will be lost, so he must break the blockade before Yukimura ends the game!

As time passed, whether it was Bryan or Yukimura, eager sweat gradually leaked out of their foreheads. They never felt the preciousness of time like they do now!

Chapter 36 Results

Seeing this scene in the field, Wei Yilin couldn't help but frowned. Yukimura in the field didn't have time to calculate the time he needed to finish the game, but he had plenty of time to sit in the audience. It is not optimistic, who will win and lose in this game, in fact, everything will fall on Brian.Disappearing the five senses is not so easy to break, but it is not so difficult!

Gradually, time came to Yumura ten minutes after he could clearly feel the speed of power lapse, Yumura was horrified to find that an irresistible sense of powerlessness spread from all over his body, and his consciousness became less clear.The direct result of this situation is that Yumura is no longer able to accurately hit every ball, and sometimes even makes mistakes. This greatly prolongs the time of the game, which is very powerless for Yumura.

In the eleventh minute, Yukimura even felt that tossing a tennis ball and hitting the ball was a difficult task. Even his physical strength was consumed very quickly due to the changes in his body, and his abundant physical strength was passing by at a terrifying speed.

In the twelfth minute, Yukimura's power was blocked to the limit, almost dragging his body with a strong will to play tennis!

At the thirteenth minute, the first second, an unstoppable feeling of drowsiness came from deep in his mind. Yukimura felt that he seemed very tired. As long as he got down, he could fall asleep immediately, but he knew he couldn't!

There is one more goal. He only needs to hit the last one to win the game!Therefore, he must persevere!

He bit his teeth hard on the tip of his tongue, and a bloody smell and an unbearable pain spread throughout Yumura's brain, making him barely awake.

"Tennis must be played!"

This is the only thought in Yukimura's mind at this moment.

Step by step, although Yukimura has an extremely young appearance at this moment, he looks like a dying old man. It seems that he has come to the end of life, but his only wish has not been fulfilled, so he cannot just pass away like this. !

At the 30th second, Yukimura finally threw the tennis ball in his hand, barely raised the tennis racket in his hand, and hit the tennis ball lightly, really lightly.


An inaudible hit of the ball sounded, Yukimura smiled and smiled happily. At the same time, he finally couldn't resist the tiredness that came in his mind, and fell back toward the back.

The audience was silent. Every spectator’s eyes focused on the slowly flying tennis ball. This ball is so fragile, so ordinary, but also so dazzling, because this is the game that determines the outcome. The ball!

On the other hand, Brian still did not break through Yukimura's five senses of disillusionment at this moment!But the eyes are already moving slightly, this is a sign that the blockade is about to be broken!

The next second, the tennis finally came to the position of the net, but Brian had already opened his eyes!He finally broke through Yukimura's five senses of destruction at this moment!However, Brian did not take any action.

"Is it still late?"

Brian smiled bitterly. It's not that he doesn't want to move, but the distance between his position and the net is too far away. No matter how strong he is, he is only a person, not a god, but can't move instantaneously, so he has judged it. , I can't catch up with tennis anyway.

"Are you going to lose?"

Brian stared at the tennis ball flying in the air. To be honest, this game was completely careless. Otherwise, if he exerts his strength, this game will definitely be a crushing victory. Any accidents, and the game must be over long ago, where does the current problem occur?It's just that I have read Yumura's information before the game. When I discovered that Yumura is also a tennis player with mental skills, I saw Hunter Xinxi wanted to try Yukimura's mental skills, otherwise he would be so easy to be recruited?You know that this is what he was good at. It’s just that Yukimura’s mental skills are beyond his imagination. To be honest, if he can, he really wants to take Yukimura as a disciple. No matter his talent or tennis, Yukimura will definitely become his disciple. The best choice.

It's just that he never expected that Yukimura's mental skills were so strong, even if he broke through the blockade, it took a lot of time.

At this time, the tennis ball slowly encountered the net, but I don't know if it was because Yukimura's strength was too weak. When the tennis ball fell directly above the net, it suddenly fell towards the net below.

This fall caused the hearts of tens of thousands of people in the audience to jump.

Could something accident happen?

The so-called bad spirit, Wei Yilin Ryoma and others on the sidelines looked at each other speechlessly, and involuntarily lamented Komura’s misfortune, because the tennis ball actually landed on Komura himself after hitting the net. In the half-time, a serve error!

It's just that Yukimura has no ability to make a second serve!Countless people are sorry for Yukimura's misfortune.