The Prince of Tennis Perfect Tennis

The Prince of Tennis Perfect Tennis Chapter 511


I have to say that Wei Yilin was really frightened, because it was hard for him to believe that with his own eyes he could not observe the trajectory of Fuji's ball.

"It's kind of interesting!" On the sidelines, Fuji Nanjiro and Shangguan Hiroshi looked at each other, and they both saw each other's surprise in each other's eyes, because Fuji's shot was even bothered by them. I've concealed it, I didn't find the trajectory of Fuji's serve at all, especially where did the tennis go after it landed?They don't even have a clue.

"It's really surprising! The vanishing serve, Zhou Zhu, your strength is beyond my expectation." Wei Yilin slowly calmed down and kept thinking about the scene where the tennis ball just disappeared. Undisguised exclamation.

"I hope you haven't let Lin Jun down." Buer replied with a smile.

At the same time, Fuji's second serve is coming again!This time, Wei Yilin had no intention of slacking off, cheered up and watched every move of the tennis.

It's just that Desdang Fuji played the tennis. After the tennis landed, the scene just now appeared again. The tennis suddenly disappeared without any trace.

"Still not working?"

Wei Yilin felt very uncomfortable. This was the first time he encountered a shot that Duan Rui didn't notice.

And if you can't see through the principle of a hit like a serve that disappears, and you can't find the reason, it's impossible to crack.

"There must be flaws!"

Wei Yilin thought firmly in his heart, because the perfect serve did not exist, he began to not care about the scene of the disappearance of the tennis ball, starting from the time when the tennis ball was not second-hand, he was looking for the best serve. The'vulnerabilities'.

But time does not wait for anyone. With Wei Yilin's thinking, Fujitsu's third and fourth goals were also shot, and Fujitsu easily won the first game.

But when the referee announced the score, Wei Yilin took a long breath, and a faint smile came up at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Wei Yilin's appearance, even Fudi was a little surprised: "Have you seen Mr. Lin through my serve?"

Chapter 54 The Showdown with Fuji (3)

"Have you seen through my serve, Jun Jun?"

"I'm not so sure, I will know it when I need the third game!" Wei Yilin replied frankly. He had guesses in his heart, but he was not 100% sure, only to wait until the next match. Check it to know that the guess is correct.

"But now, Fuji, are you ready for my serve?"

"I have been preparing for a long time!" Fuji replied seriously.

"I've always wanted to see the current power of Yin Gong!"

"Really? Then you can know it right now!" Wei Yilin smiled and picked up the tennis ball. The tennis ball in his hand is ready to go!

"Game start!"

The referee's loud announcement sounded, and Wei Yilin did not hesitate at all. The moment he heard the sound, he threw the tennis ball into the air.

At the same time, Wei Yilin stepped heavily towards the ground, and the next moment, the whole person rose into the air with the tennis ball.

"Year bow!"

A cold drink!The tennis ball left like real lightning, and the tennis ball with a speed of more than 260 kilometers per hour headed straight towards Buer!

Wei Yilin's bow does not have any other magical effects. Some are just speed, but they have reached the ultimate speed, surpassing all speeds. Although simple, it is the most tricky existence.

On the other side, I only felt a gust of wind blowing, and the tennis ball had already fallen off the court, and even no reaction could be made.

"Yin Gong....... Only when you really face it, you can feel your terrible! Lin Jun." Buer was not surprised, because he had predicted that he would face Wei Yi before the game. The scene when Lin draws the bow is no different from the present, or compared to his own expectation, Fuji's real performance is more unbearable, because according to his expectations, he can at least detect the trajectory of the bow. , But in fact he didn't see anything at all just now.

"Lin Jun deserves to be Lin Jun, as strong as ever." Buer praised from the heart.

Hearing this, Wei Yilin smiled and copied Budu's words and said: "I hope Zhou Zhuo has not disappointed you."

Fuji shook his head with a smile, and said, "But Lord Lin, although I can't keep up with the speed of the lead, or even can't see the trajectory of the lead, it's not that I can't get the lead!"

"Really?" Wei Yilin looked at him curiously, his body moved, and the bow was shot again. This time Wei Yilin felt that his condition was better than ever, even faster than the previous one. A lot.

However, when the tennis ball is advancing very fast, its heading is covered in front of the tennis ball with a net composed of strong silk threads. It is the best tennis racket!


A crisp hitting sound rang, and the tennis ball was received by Fuji!

I have to say that Wei Yilin was surprised too much today, whether it was the serve of Buu just now, or the easy way that Buu received the bow now.

Yes, it’s easy. I received Wei Yilin’s bow without any effort. It’s like a tennis ball hitting his tennis racket. Except for the strength needed to catch the ball, I don’t need anything else. thing.

Wei Yilin was a little surprised, because the only possibility that this could happen was that Fuji had completely seen his serve!What kind of speed will it have, when will it come to what position, it is conceivable that Fuji has made sufficient preparations to receive his lead bow.

Because Wei Yilin believes that what Fuji said just now is true, he really can’t see the trajectory of the lead, let alone the speed of the lead, but due to the lack of changes in the lead, as long as he intercepts in front of the orbit in advance, In fact, it is not very difficult to receive a lead bow.

However, this requires a thorough understanding of Yin Gong, otherwise it is impossible to judge where Wei Yilin will reach.

Wei Yilin believes that in this world, except for himself, I am afraid that everyone in this world knows his lead better than everyone else.

Of course, it's not the time to talk about this. Watching the tennis that Fuji played back, Wei Yilin moved. His figure disappeared from the original position and appeared behind the tennis ball. The power in his hand was not reserved at all. Drew towards the tennis ball.


There was a huge hitting sound, and the tennis ball flew in the direction of the best with its rolling power. That powerful power was nothing but the power naturally generated by the huge power.

Faced with the ball, Buu just felt that a fast train was hitting him. Without any hesitation, facing Wei Yilin's counterattack, Buu turned sideways and let go!

This time, it was not just Wei Yilin.Even the referees and spectators on the sidelines were shocked by Fuji's surrender. What's the situation?

Upon seeing this, Fujia faintly explained the reason: "I feel the power I can't resist in this ball!"

Indeed, due to Wei Yilin's power attribute to reach the limit of this world, the tennis played with all his strength is not weaker than that of ordinary power tennis players, or even stronger!Fuji itself is not good at strength, even if it has been strengthened in a year's time, it is still too weak compared to Wei Yilin's huge strength!In terms of the ten-point power attribute of this world's limit, Fuji's current power is at most seven points. How can it be able to compete with the ten-point attribute Wei Yilin's tennis ball?

Saying this, Fuji suddenly laughed: "Actually, I know that I have no hope of winning this game, but I am not reconciled to admit defeat, and I don’t want to end the game early due to accidental injuries, because I want to You have to finish this game with Lin Jun!"

"Of course, Jun Jun, don't be merciful because of this! If you still recognize this friend of mine."

Fuji’s words are sincere, because he knew from the beginning that he was not Wei Yilin’s opponent, especially after watching the duel between Wei Yilin and Brian, he could not see the hope of winning, of course he He didn't want to win, because he just wanted to meet Wei Yilin in the World Cup. Now this wish is about to come true.

Hearing this, Wei Yilin said helplessly: "No two..."

"Stop talking, Jun Jun, let's serve!" Buer interrupted Wei Yilin.

"Okay!" Wei Yilin sighed. The tennis ball in his hand was shot again, which was undoubtedly a lead, but the lead could no longer pose any threat to Fuji, and was easily beaten back by Fuji.

Upon seeing this, Wei Yilin

Once again, he made a full shot, and the second one was to turn sideways again so that the tennis ball didn't even try to catch Wei Yilin's full shot.

Immediately, the second game must be passed quickly, Wei Yilin won the game, the score was one to one.

Chapter 55 The Showdown with Fuji (End)