The Prince of Tennis Perfect Tennis

The Prince of Tennis Perfect Tennis Chapter 869

"Don't worry about this problem." Tsunade suddenly walked in: "We Konoha have a special kind of ninjutsu. As long as we make the seal, we can use our psychology to transmit information. Then, as long as we put such a mark on everyone. That's it."

"This way, there is no problem at all." Terumi Nodded, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Well, that's how the battle plan is decided! Adults, do you want to rest in Konoha for a day before going back?" Wei Yilin invited.

"Stay in Konoha for a day?" Tuying was lost in thought.

"Masters don't have to worry about the time issue. You can send someone back to the village first. If you want to stay a few more days, you can bring my Flying Thunder God Kuunai, and you can return to your village in an instant." Yi Lin said with a smile, although it would consume a lot of internal power to carry a person's long-distance teleportation, it is not too large for his current internal power.

"Oh? The Art of Thunder God? I forgot that Naruto Master will also give you Konoha four generations of Naruto's signature ninjutsu with golden glitter!" Raikage Ai grinned: "It just so happens that I will play in Konoha for a few more days! I will see the Zhongnin exam tomorrow. It seems that someone from Yunren Village has entered the finals this time? Just look at his performance. Master Naruto, don't forget to send your Flying Thunder God Kumu here."

"Don't worry, I won't forget it." Wei Yilin nodded and looked at Tu Ying O Yemu, Shui Ying Zhao Mei Ming and Feng Ying Gaara, as well as the leader of the Iron Kingdom Mifune: "What about the four of you?"

Tuying glanced at Rai Ying: "Since this guy wants to stay too, I'll stay and have a look too! It just so happens that my lovely granddaughter also took the Zhongnin exam this time, so I can cheer for her."

Speaking of her granddaughter, a kind smile suddenly appeared on Tu Ying's face.

"Is it the girl named Hei Tu?" Wei Yilin asked with a smile. The only girl in the ninja team in Tuyin Village is Hei Tu.

"Yes, Master Hokage has seen her?" Tuying asked curiously.

"I have seen, a very talented girl, very strong." Wei Yilin praised sincerely.

"Not a strong one! Can't compare with Master Naruto."

Even so, Dokage Ohnoki's face was filled with a proud smile.

"I want to see Chojuro's performance too! Anyway, it's Naruto-sama's express, no need for nothing." Terumi Ming smiled gracefully.

"In that case, I will stay too!" Gaara also nodded, he still wants to meet and chat with Naruto.

Mifune set her gaze on Wei Yilin: "I heard that Master Naruto is good at using swords, and Mifune has a ruthless please."

"Master Sanchuan, please." Wei Yilin said curiously. He was very surprised that Sanchuan would make any request.

"That's it." Mifune's face showed emotion: "Naruto-sama also knows that the age of samurai has fallen, and now belongs to the age of ninjas. This is the change of times. Mifune doesn't think there is anything but now it includes iron. People in the country are slowly reluctant to learn kendo, so I heard that Naruto-sama also uses swords, so Mifune wants to compare with Naruto-sama after the Chunin exam tomorrow, which proves that although the samurai has fallen, there is no kendo. To form a strong combat power, Mifune’s request is a bit abrupt. I hope Master Naruto will not mind."

"Of course not." Wei Yilin shook his head and said that he didn't mind, and then thought about it carefully, and finally nodded in agreement: "In this case, it is better to end the battle of the candidates for the Zhongnin exam tomorrow. Let’s learn. I am also very curious about the power of samurai kendo."

Mifune was overjoyed immediately: "Thank you Hokage-sama!"

He had been thinking about this for a long time before he came, and he was a little hesitant to say it, but now he finally said it. To his surprise, Wei Yilin actually agreed!

So Mifune and Siying left Wei Yilin happily under the leadership of the ninja arranged by Wei Yilin. Today's task was also completed.

As soon as he walked out of the meeting room, Wei Yilin realized that the time had come to the afternoon, and it was going to darken soon.

"The war! I don't know when it will end!"

Wei Yilin sighed, tightened his clothes, and walked slowly towards his home.

Chapter 45 Untitled

"The war! I don't know when it will end!"

Wei Yilin sighed, tightened his clothes, and walked slowly towards his home.

There are too many battles in this world, every moment, endless.For the sake of morale, for resources, for the country's village, for hatred, for the purpose of achieving what one wants, or even for the unpleasant gaze, reasons large and small can cause fights and even wars.

If possible, Wei Yilin feels that although he is just a passer-by in this world, he also wants to end this world of struggle and bring a little peace and tranquility to this world, even if it is temporary.

After returning home, Wei Yilin found that Hiroshi Hexiang was sitting in the living room and waiting. Next to them, Silent, Lin, Shion, Sunset Red, Xiaonan and Tsunade were also quietly doing their own things.And on the dining table in the dining room, the steaming meal is still there, no one has moved.

Seeing Wei Yilin coming home, Xiang immediately stood up: "Son, I'm back! It's time for dinner."

It turned out that they were waiting for Wei Yilin to come home for dinner.

"You don't have to wait for me, parents, you can eat first. Just leave a little bit for me." Wei Yilin was moved with a warm smile on his face.He took off his Hokage jacket and hung it on the wall.

"How can this work? Even if you are not at home at noon, of course you will have to eat with the family when you come back every night." Xiang immediately retorted.

So a family of nine people sat next to each other in front of the dinner table.

Lin is also very supportive of Xiang's approach, and said with a smile: "Brother Lin, I think my aunt is right. The whole family is just going to have dinner together!"

"Well, I lost to you." Wei Yilin pretended to be helpless.

"Well, don't talk so much nonsense, hurry up and start the meal!" Xiang looked like the head of the family.

After a nice dinner and chatting for a while, everyone went back to their room.Wei Yilin did the same. After taking a bath, he lay in bed boredly thinking about tomorrow's Zhongnin exam, thinking about the discussion with Mifune, and thinking about the upcoming war with Xiao.

Wei Yilin thought too much, because everything seemed to come together and he had to think so much.


The door was suddenly opened, interrupting Wei Yilin's thoughts.

Wei Yilin looked up, and suddenly saw Tsunade, who was sleeping, opened the door and walked in.

"What are you thinking about? Lin." Tsunade regarded Wei Yilin's room as his own, closed the door and lay beside Wei Yilin.

Before Wei Yilin spoke, Tsunade continued: "I know you must be thinking about a lot of things. Don't worry so much, there will be a solution at that time."

Wei Yilin was speechless: "What are you doing in my room? Don't you go back to sleep?"

He only dared to look at Tsunade's face, but didn't dare to look at other places, and smelling Tsunade's smell made one of his places eager to move.

"Sleep? I'll sleep here today, can't it?" Tsunade said with a smile, glanced at a place, teasing: "Well, don't face me now, I want to sleep."

He turned his back to Wei Yilin and made the same action before going to bed.

Tsunade is forcing me?Must be forcing me?

Wei Yilin wanted to do something, but he didn't dare. After all, Xiang Hehong's room was not very far away, and it would be embarrassing to hear something.

However, at this moment, Tsunade, who seemed to be asleep, suddenly muttered: "There is a soundproof barrier in the room."

This sentence was like a fuse, igniting Wei Yilin's explosive barrel...

What happened later can only be unspeakable. Anyway, Lin and others were surprised when they saw Tsunade the next day.

"Sister Tsunade, what skin care products did you use? How come your skin is so much better than yesterday!" Lin exclaimed in surprise, because Tsunade is indeed in a bright spring and dazzling a lot.

Tsunade smiled awkwardly and replied, "It's nothing, maybe I slept too well yesterday, right?"

Wei Yilin, who was washing his face, added to Tsunade in his heart: "You are indeed comfortable, I will be exhausted."

Xiao Nan looked at Tsunade and Wei Yilin thoughtfully, because when she got up, she clearly saw that Tsunade came out of Wei Yilin's room. There must be something tricky in it!