The Prince of Tennis Perfect Tennis

The Prince of Tennis Perfect Tennis Chapter 1173

The reason why Renji said this has no other meaning, because he didn't deliberately want to fight Wei Yilin, more just want to fight, so he made such a proposal.

After hesitating, Kuchiki Byakuya nodded after all, thinking it was feasible.

Although he is not a fighting madman like Renji, it is very helpful to improve his strength to be able to fight and move his shins. Don’t forget, the fiasco of Kuchiki Byakuya in the face of Wei Yilin has never been Forgot, he would not swear to defeat Wei Yilin or something, but he would still be very happy to surpass Wei Yilin someday in the future.

Seeing Kuchiki Byakuya nodded, Asanjing Renji immediately dispatched a team member to the fourth division to inform Wei Yilin, and Kuchiki Byakuya walked in the passage step by step.

Inside the passage, behind the corner, in front of Maki Ichinose and Koga Go, a spider-like doll with a little cold light was standing in front of them.

This is Koga Gang's doll. The limbs have turned red, and the body is stained with a little blood. These bloodstains were left behind when they killed the five Reapers that came in just now.

"We have already exposed!" Maki Ichinose said solemnly: "Next, they will definitely not send these small characters in again, at least they will be the existence of the seat officer level, and it may even be the death god of the deputy captain level. ........Come."

As he said, Ichinose Masaki was stunned, because in front of him, two figures appeared in his field of vision at the position of the small door.

Masaki Koenjiichizase, dressed in an ordinary death tyrant, doesn't care. He cares about Kuchaki Byakuya, to be precise, the white captain Haori Kuchiki Byakuya is wearing!

As a former god of death, Maki Ichinose knew exactly what this white haori meant.

Koga also noticed the two of Renji and Byakuya who came in. He looked at Maaki Ichinose's dull face due to the appearance of the two, and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with you? Mauki?" Gu He Gang couldn't help but asked.

"Do you see any Grim Reaper wearing white Haori?" Ichinose Masaki asked.

Koga immediately glanced at Kuchaki Byakuya and Renji again, his eyes fixed on the white Haori on Kuchiki Byakuya's body, and nodded gently: "I see it? What's wrong?"

"That's the sign of the captain!" Maki Ichinose frowned tightly: "I didn't expect a captain-level death god to come over!"

"The captain level is the captain level! It's nothing!" Koga was full of disdain: "As long as he dares to come over, I dare to kill him!"

After coming to the corpse soul world, he has a lot of spiritual power to supplement, and his strength has improved a lot. At this moment, his whole body is full of power, and he will not be afraid of any opponent.

Ichinose Masaki shook his head and did not speak. He had just become the Shinigami in the first place and he thought exactly like Koga Go. It was not until he really saw the strength of the Captain-level Shinigami that he finally understood what the captain meant!


Kuchaki Byakuya and Asani Love walked down the stairs step by step, and slowly approached Maki Ichinose and Koga.

Seeing them getting closer and closer, Ichinose Masaki and Koga Go no longer dared to speak, becoming extremely quiet.

Koga took the giant axe placed on his back in his hand. This is his weapon. His doll Daruku, the steel spider, showed sharp feet like blades, and gently climbed onto the wall. , Ready to attack at any time!

Ichinose Masaki also clenched his Zanpaku Sword tightly. Although he knew the horror of the Captain-level Reaper, it was impossible for him to flee without a fight at this time, not to mention such a narrow passage, even if he wanted Where can you escape?

Getting closer, Koga Go and Ichinose Masaki's hands holding weapons were shaking slightly!

At five meters, Kuchiki Byakuya and Asani Renji only need to get another five meters closer to reach their attack range.

Four meters,

Three meters,

Two meters!

one meter!

Koga Go and Ichinose Masaki are ready to do it, and Daroku, the steel spider on the wall, also raised the two steel spider legs in front of them that looked like sharp knives.

However, at this moment, Kuchiki Byakuya's footsteps suddenly stopped!

Kuchiki Byakuya stopped, and Azani Renji also stopped, wondering: "What's the matter? Captain."

Kuchiki Byakuya didn't even look at Asani Renji, and said faintly, "There is an enemy ahead!"


Renji immediately became vigilant, and instantly drew out his Zanpaku Sword and aimed it at the corner ahead.


Hearing the dialogue between Kuchiki Byakuya and Renji, Koga Go and Ichinose Maki were shocked: "I have been discovered!"

Looking at each other silently, Koga Gang and Ichinose Masaki made the same choice, that is, they rushed out from the corner at the same time, Koga rushed to Renji, Ichinose Masaki rushed to Kuchiki Byakuya, and actually took the initiative Attacked!

Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen

"Really someone?"

Asani Renji was taken aback, and quickly controlled the Zanpakuto to block Koga Go's giant axe attack!


With a loud sound, Asari Renji suddenly felt that a huge force was coming from Zanpakuto, which was very heavy.

"What a powerful force!"

Akari Renji took a breath, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Because Koga Gang's power is really too strong, completely beyond his expectations, the huge spiritual power carried on the axe, the power of this blow has almost reached the limit of his body!

"Are Bavente so strong? How did the people from the previous fifth division eradicate them?"

This thought was fleeting in his heart, and Asari Renji turned his head and looked in the direction of Kuchiki Byakuya.

There, Kuchiki Byakuya drew out the Zanpaku Sword, blocking the attack of Maki Ichinose very easily.

"Go! Daruku!"

At this moment, Koga just gave a soft drink, and suddenly he could see that Darku, the steel spider hidden on the wall, jumped vigorously and jumped directly towards Asani Renji.

Looking at its sharp spider legs, once it fell on Asani Renji's body, it would be very easy to be scratched.

Renji naturally knew this too, and the strength of his whole body pushed Koga Go's great axe away, and then a lazy donkey rolled around without any image, and it could hardly escape the fallen steel spider Daruku.


With a loud noise, Daruku fell to the ground and easily smashed the stone steps on the ground out of eight large pits. One can imagine what terrible things would happen if it fell on Renji.

Asari Renji was so frightened that he dared not keep his hands anymore.

"Roar! Shrimp pill!"

The Zanpakuto instantly became a double-edged snake-belly sword. Holding the Shewei pill, Akari Renji became more confident.

On the other side, Kuchuki Byakuya and Ichinose Maaki are under pressure and become Ichinose Maaki. After all, as the captain, Kuchiki Byakuya is not weak among all the captains. Killing ghosts is for nothing, although there is no It has reached its own limit, but it has also reached a very powerful level. It is very normal and easy to block the attack of Nise Maki.

Facing Kuchiki Byakuya, Ichinose Masaki didn't dare to keep his hands at all. Seeing that the sneak attack had no results, he immediately used his own initial solution.

"Let's shine! Hongxia!"