The Prince of Tennis

Chapter 54 Rebirth

"Double serve turnover, Echigo scores, deuce!"

Ajujin's concentration has basically collapsed, and now he can't even serve the net.The muscles of his whole body couldn't stop shaking, and the tennis ball in his hand even fell to the ground twice.Ajutsu's pupils were bloodshot, almost comparable to Kirara's red eyes.

"Break you, break you..." Yajiujin was gasping for breath, and even began to feel a little unconscious.He felt that his muscles were agitated, and he just wanted to let the suffocation vent.


The ball was finally served across the net, but the ball came forward and there was no pressure.Without the batting skills of changing directions in the middle, Echizen's one-footed basic broken step was revived.With the advantage of being one step and a half faster than ordinary people, even if Ajiuzin is now violently attacking, Echizen can fully cope.

"Huh, it's still far away!" Echizen glanced at the ball in front of him and curled his mouth impenetrably. He felt that the power of the ball was even weaker. Although he was violent inside, his strength could not be used by Ajutsu.The only result of the power rebellion was that the level of the ball dropped drastically, and Echizen jumped and slammed it back into the court of Ajutsu.


"Advantage Qingxue Yueqian!"

"This round was won by Qingxue Etsuzen, the score was 4 to 1!"

"This round was won by Qingxue Etsuzen, the score was 4 to 2!"

"Yu Echizen won, 4 to 3!"

"Great!" Horio slammed his fist and exclaimed, "Echizen finally caught up. As long as he scores another point, he will be evenly divided! Hey, Echizen, come on!"

Echizen heard Horio's voice from outside the court and tilted his head disdainfully: "Shi." Now Akuzu is not an opponent at all. Echizen's samurai spirit made him feel invincible.He feels that winning such a game is nothing to be excited about. After all, the person who defeated Akuzu was from the root of Fujimine Ryosuke.

Of course Echizen will not be happy. He is still holding back his revenge. At the beginning, Akutsu, who was so horrifying and powerful as a demon, was not in front of him, leaving him only a defeated demon. The body is nothing.

"Guys, there is no need to continue the fight, let Akutsu admit defeat." Coach Ryugasaki said worriedly looking at Akutsu's state.Although Ajiuzin is full of evil deeds, as a teacher, she still doesn't want to see a young boy who suffers little hope of recovery.Considering that it is difficult to stop Ajiujin now, she thought about it and said, "If it doesn't work, let the security guards take him out and take him to the hospital for observation. He is already a little mentally weak, I'm afraid he needs a tranquilizer. of."

Coach Bantian took a look at the court unwillingly. After all, the perfect Yamabuki singles concept was still no match for the kind thoughts in his heart. He clenched his fists suddenly, closed his eyes and looked up to the sky for a long while, and said helplessly: "Since So, there is only..."

"40 to 0! The final point, Yamabuki Akutsu!"

"What!?" Coach Bantian and Coach Ryugasaki interrupted the conversation by the referee's sudden score. The two opened their eyes in surprise and looked into the field.I saw that Akutsu was still agitated in the field, but the bloodshot eyes in his eyes disappeared a lot, and gradually the amplitude of his body shaking was not so great.

On the other hand, Echizen, as if seeing something unbelievable, lay on the ground with blind eyes, watching the drop of the ball that he couldn't save even though he tried his best.After a while, he stood up, picked up the hat that fell on the ground with a racket, and buckled it on his head. The corners of his mouth showed a warlike smile again, "That's fun! Let's make a good decision. Win or lose!"

"So strong, this Ajiujin is so strong!"

"With three points in a row, if Ajiuzin scores one more point, it will be the end of the game. The kid on the opposite side of the game hasn't even got a point!"

"It's amazing.

Ajiuzin's sudden win caused a lot of discussions outside the court, all admiring Ajiuzin's strength.

"Wh...what's wrong? What happened?" Dashi lay on the wire fence outside the field, and slammed his hands into the holes woven by the wire.Ajujin's sudden change made him unbelievable, and the game he was about to win has changed again.What made Dashi even more frightened was that, almost in his stunned effort, Ajutsu had already scored three points in a row and the score reached 40 to 0. This fast way of winning is simply terrifying!

Fuji's face, with a relaxed smile, changed again, and his icy blue eyes showed a dark light, as if he had seen everything through, "Hey, Tezuka, did you see it?"

Tezuka has a face with a paralyzed face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. He stood beside Fuji with his arms folded. Seeing the situation in the field, there seemed to be no change, but the brilliance under his glasses clearly betrayed his mood. , "Well, very powerful strength, Ajutsu, he also found something of his own. This time is more dangerous."

The bloodshot eyes in Yajiujin's eyes are getting less and less, and after winning the last goal of the set, he has completely regained Qingming.Although there was still a little confusion in his eyes, the body he was able to control perfectly again had already brought everyone to announcing that he Ajujin, the demon on the court, stood back again.

"Just now, what is going on, Mr. Minajiro?" Inoue also saw the changes in Akuzu. He is just an amateur tennis enthusiast. He is a good player to write reviews, but when it comes to specific strength situations in the game, he Don't understand.

Minami Jiro sat cross-legged on the bench under the pavilion, staring at the field without a wave of eyes, and said faintly: "That stinky boy, probably think of something. People who stand up after falling down, No better than before, how can he be worthy of the suffering he has suffered before? It's just that I was a little surprised that he actually broke through the psychological barrier in such a short period of time. This is all because of you, kid!"

When Nanjiro said his last sentence, he turned his head to look at Fujimine, who closed his eyes and calmed down.Without raising his eyelids, Fujimine sipped the few remaining beverages in the can and said vaguely: "Don’t you think it’s more interesting? Can’t Ryoma’s strength make a breakthrough, just It would be boring to win by sweeping everything. Only by facing the strong and playing a higher level of competition is every tennis player's wish, isn't it?"

Nan Jiro saw Fujimine so bluntly and admitted that he had invisibly pitted his son. He cried and said dumbfounded: "You stinky boy, you really don't give me any face. Come to my house this weekend, I'm fine. Let you realize your wish to face the strong and play high-level games."

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