The Prince of Tennis

Chapter 124 The World's No. 1 Endurance Combination

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"Strategy, you mean...?" The little girl couldn't help but widened her eyes, with a cute expression of surprise, and she reached Fujimine all of a sudden, stretched out her evil paw and pinched the little girl's face enough.

"Oh, don't move." The little girl shook her head and wanted to get rid of Fujie's molesting, but Fujie's hands practiced Tai Chi. When the wrist was turned, it made a full circle. How could the neck be more flexible than the wrist?Xingshi couldn't get rid of it, so she said in a loud voice, "Say it!"

"Of course, otherwise, why do you think the two of them should form a doubles?" Fujimine smiled and watched the little girl blush again, and said happily: "Although the two have never played, they can practice together. With the most scientific method and the largest amount of practice, I have trained two King Kong indestructible bodies. Maybe it is not counted now, but the two of them are destined to become the best endurance monster combination in the world!"


"This round was won by Ice Emperor, with a score of 5 to 2!"

"It's a pity, fuck. Haitang is finished, what's the point of holding on yourself?" Minghu arrogantly walked to the net with his fingers against the tail of the racket.

"Oh?" He raised his brows and looked to the side with a provocative smile. "He said you are finished, Haitang?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Haitang is not the country's number one endurance monster in the original national competition. Even if he is much stronger than the original Central Kanto Conference, he still makes him a little breathless after five rounds of one-on-two. His face was sweaty.Haitang wiped off his sweat impatiently and said, "Have you collected your information?"

"Ah, alright." Gan said nonchalantly: "In fact, it was already done at the beginning of the last game, but I want to see how far you can achieve it, so I haven't started yet." Gan compared the original game. , The strength has also increased to the next level, and because of the increased strength of Haitang, the number of matches has been increased, so the data collection and analysis were completed early.

"Huh, boring guy." Haitang complained, but there were no more complaints.After all, he and Gan also spent more than a month together day and night, doing physical exercises.He knew it was for his sake, so he didn't have any feelings other than gratitude.

"Haha, it is true, I have seen it from the very beginning, it really is dry!" Kikumaru shouted excitedly.

"Agan, he has been talking about it since the beginning, and he must be doing something indescribable." The black guy with the abdomen smiled and added a sentence.

"What? The viper makes us nervous!" Taocheng couldn't help but smile.Ryoma behind him smirked and said, "That's it, you are worried about him!"

"Bah, I didn't have it, I didn't! I'm worried about Qingxue's victory!" Taocheng retorted furiously, and all the Qingxue who watched were all smiles.

"Are they laughing, are they self-defeating?" Xiang Ri looked at the Qingxue stand, whose atmosphere suddenly changed in surprise.

Shinzu squinted his eyes and said: "Although I don't know what they are thinking, but at this point, they have no other way."


The dry high-speed serve was hit, the power of the Hades realm broke out, and he caught up with the ball in an instant, and sneered: "I thought you had any tricks. It turned out to be a mystery. The speed of the serve has become even better after such a long game. Slow! Hey!"

Haeto hit the empty field to the right of Haitang with a ball, just about to show a triumphant smile, but he couldn't prevent a thin and tall figure from coming in an instant.

"The chance of hitting to the right is 100%." ​​The words are like a supreme sentence, and they hit back with precision.

"What?" At the moment he moved his figure, Hato felt as if he was controlled by a strange aura. Every move was expected by the other party, as if he were a puppet controlled by a man. .

This is the realm of dryness. After fighting with Tezuka, he has gone to the next level!

"Damn it!" Minghu is also a realm powerhouse in the end, forcibly starting to chase the ball, it can be touched.

"It's a pity, it's almost." Gan watched Hato fight back and stood still, with a smile on his face, "It's three shots away."


While Gan spit out these words, Mingto's ball fell on the net, and the time to speak was exactly the same.

"Come on, data tennis!" The Horio trio lost their sorrow on their faces and hugged.

"By using the opponent's actions and habits, abstracted into data, and using model analysis in my mind to make the best judgment, in order to control the opponent's movement in advance, and hit the opponent's blind spot." Tracebe blew. Whistle, "Awesome my brother."

"Is it possible to do this kind of thing?" Xiangri asked through gritted teeth.


"This round was won by Qingxue, the score was 3 to 5!"

Before Xiang Ri's voice fell, Qian had already won a round.

"The chance of a short-term diagonal kick is 85 percent." Calmly stood on the opposite corner in advance, and slammed back the ball from Hato.

"Minghu, don't worry, they will definitely not be able to fully grasp our information in such a short time!" Feng forced himself to calm down and shouted: "What's more, Haitang pretended to be anxious and fought five times with us. In a tug of war, you will definitely lose your energy!"

After Minghu finished speaking in Feng, his eyes became firmer, and he said in his heart: "Yes, Haitang's physical exertion is too great, they can't be able to stop our attack. First, we must use a straight lob to disturb them. Formation."

"Heh, Haitang, you first step back three and a half steps." While Feng was speaking, Gan gave a chuckle and gave instructions to Haitang.

"Okay." Haitang stepped back three and a half steps without hesitation. At this time, Minghu's lob just watched to fly over Haitang's head, "Drink!"

"Bah!" Haitang made a smash without hesitation. Where did that strength and determination look like a person with exhausted individual strength?

"30 to 0!"

"I've said it," Fujimine looked at the surprised apricot and smiled proudly: "They are the best endurance combination in the world!"

"At the end of the game, the Qing Xueqian and the Haitang team won, 7 to 5!"

This time, the score that Qingxue needs to catch up is two points less than in the original book, and Haitang's Snake Ball has already been completed, and the strength of doing it has gone further.All the mistakes in the original game did not appear in this game. Qing Xue steadily chased five rounds and won the game.

"The next singles will be No. 3, Kawamura will face Huadi. Alas, Kawamura's senior may still sacrifice his hand like in the original game, and fight with Huadi will hurt both." Fujimine sighed, shaking his head.

(To be continued.)Read this chapter on mobile:

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