The Prince of Tennis

Chapter 128 Serving Game, Under Control

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"Awesome my brother!" Teacher Guchuan exclaimed on the TV, and said: "I can actually be thrown up and caught by five people and still not awake, Jirou Akugawa is indeed a veteran sleeping god! But then again, there is only Only when a large society like Bingdi Academy can randomly select five people from the cheerleaders to do such boring things."

"But we saw Fujimine from Qingxue, and he did not wake up! Qingxue's Gan has fed him more than two glasses of vegetable juice!" Director Tanaka shouted, "We know that Qingxue's dry juice is a very scary one. Drinks can cause normal people to faint. But the first reaction to drinking it is a strong stimulus. According to the information provided to me by the trainee reporter Shiba Saori of the Tennis Weekly, the first-year Satoshi Horio drank the vegetables. Jump up to three meters high!"

"Um, Director Tanaka." Guchuan suddenly said, and Director Tanaka responded in surprise: "What?"

"Do you think we are a little boring..."

"Ah is it..." Director Tanaka just wanted to speak, but he glanced at the screen suddenly, and immediately screamed: "Look, Qingxue's Fujimine has stood up! He is on the court! Although the body is still playing Akira, but he played first after all! He has already lost the first game of this Sleeping God match!"

"Yes, although it seems to be due to narcolepsy, Akutagawa who really loves to sleep from the heart... Wait! What have we seen!" Guchuan also retracted his thoughts about stopping this boring topic, surprised Yelled: "Fujimine hasn't woken up yet, yes he hasn't! This is not a pretense! An off-field doctor has already come to stop him from doing such dangerous behavior! You must know that sleepwalking is a very dangerous thing, if you are playing Sudden awakening due to strong stimulation will cause permanent nerve damage."

"At the start of the game, the ice emperor Akutagawa will serve." The referee said helplessly. After all, these two guys were sleepwalking and the other waking up. They were not very awake. The referee was very afraid that one of them would hit him in the face. on.

"Ah? Oh..." Akutagawa is a normal person who just likes to sleep. If he is forced to wake him up, he can still wake up.He wakes up while serving the ball, looking at the opponent, who is clearly sleepwalking like Fujimine, can't help but admire: "This guy can really sleep better than me!"


"Ah!" The referee wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and cursed in his heart. I knew you had to hit the ball in my face.It turned out that Akutagawa made a ball, and Fujimine used Tai Chi to strike back. This time the trajectory of the ball was a big circle drawn in mid-air, which looked similar to Dashi’s unique moon volley.However, this "moon volley" seemed to be missed, and the arc brushed the referee's hair passing in front of him and landed on the bottom line behind the court.

Of course Fujimine didn't mean it, although after he developed the Realm of Sleeping God, he can play without being fully awake.However, he was not completely asleep. The degree of sleep was a little shallower than light sleep. At this time, he said that it was more appropriate to pretend to sleep.

Akutagawa served to the net, and the backcourt naturally revealed a flaw.However, his strength is not to be blown. The Tai Chi version of "Snake Ball" on the side or the Tai Chi version of "Moon Volley" directly above will be detected by him and will be quickly picked up. Therefore, Tengfeng chose to draw an arc from the side. The blind spot of Akutagawa's vision.

Sure enough, it wasn't until the tennis ball landed on the bottom line of Akutagawa in the second half of the court that there was a crisp echo that he realized that the ball had been hit back by the opponent.He rubbed his eyes and tried desperately to save the ball, but where could he be in time?The goal was scored by Fujimine.

"Zero...Zero to fifteen!" The referee gritted his teeth and forcibly resisted the urge to beat the two guys and reported the score.

"That's great, Hohorio! Fujimine wasn't built as expected!" Shenglang shouted.

"Yes, even Akutagawa, who faces the ice emperor, can return the ball to score. That's the strong man who defeated the younger brother of Fujin in 15 minutes. The server nightmare is really amazing!" Horio also exclaimed excitedly.

Echizen curled his lips uncomfortably, "It's still far away!" He pressed his hat to leave, but Xing stopped him in front of him. He pinched his waist and asked: "Hey, you make it clear, who is worse? Far away! It seems that Fujimine is the one who defeated the opponent to qualify for the school team, right!"

"This..." Echizen is just pretending to be advanced. Since the moment he lost to Fujimine, he has already admired Fujimine very much. The strong always sympathize with each other.But Fujimine thinks he is not a gorilla, so he may not be rare.However, Xing's question made Echizen quite embarrassed.

"Oh, okay, brother and sister, if you come to watch the game first, let Echizen go out and play by yourself!" Taocheng smiled, took Echizen's shoulder and turned around, pushed him out, and then called Apricot returned to the stands to watch Fujimine's game.

This trick worked as expected. Echizen was a bit unreasonable and left quickly. After all, Xing still wanted to watch Fujimine's game even more, so she licked her lips and followed Taocheng back to the stand.

"Hey, Cilang, hurry up and wake up!" Trace Department cried out in pain.Although he thought it was boring to wake up before anyone else, he really felt frustrated after seeing the fact that if Akutagawa did not wake up, he would definitely be beaten by Fujimine.Trace Department couldn't help but said: "This kid from the Fujimine family is really amazing! It looks like he hasn't seen him these days, he seems to be stronger again."

"Oh?" Akutagawa listened to the call of the mark, forcibly cheered up, rubbed his eyes again, and said, "Suppose, mark, let me sleep again."

"The game has already started, you bastard!" Tracebe exclaimed in a bit angrily: "The opponent has scored a point. Do you want to lose?"

"Oh." Akutagawa reluctantly replied after listening to Onobe's words, and then barely stood there to serve with his eyes open.

"Hey!" Although Akutagawa was barely awake, UU reading www.uukanshu.Com But he has been confused for a long time, and he has been able to play full serve under this situation.He hit the ball and immediately started to surf the net.Although Akutagawa is a little confused, he is an out-and-out attacker in front of the net.

"Huh..." Fujimine stood in place and breathed out evenly, his eyelids drooping, and he still didn't wake up.However, he gently swung the racket outward, without moving, and let the ball knock on the racket gently.As the ball flew outward, his wrist flicked slightly.Then, after hearing a "boom", the ball hit the iron post hanging on the net, and after two turns, it landed gently.

"What?" Seeing the shock of the ball falling in front of his eyes made Akutagawa really widened his eyes and became excited for a moment.

I want to strengthen Akutagawa's strength, otherwise his template was like hiding the boss before, and he was actually beaten 6 to 1 by Fuji.Raise Akutagawa to the strength of the second ice emperor, otherwise what does it mean if the opponent is too weak~ Thank you for your tickets and rewards~ (to be continued.)Read this chapter on mobile:

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