The Prince of Tennis

Chapter 130: The Hidden Power of Jirou Akutagawa (Part 1)

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"Hey, no, this Akutagawa is the one who defeated your brother in just 15 minutes in the resurrection match of the Tokyo Metropolitan League, right?" Kikumaru didn't open which pot or not, I don't know how many times I lost or lost. Continue strength to die.

There were two points of murder hidden in Fuji’s smile, and said: "Yes, I originally wanted to fight for the second position in singles against him. But Tezuka said that young people should be given more opportunities to show off, so I also It doesn't matter. But this Akutagawa should be very strong."

"I heard that when he was fighting with your brother, he didn't even fully wake up, he looked dazed!" Kikumaru continued to die. "It seems that Fujimine forced him so quickly. When I wake up, Biyu is too much!"

"Eh, Eiji." Fuji suddenly turned his head and asked at Kikumaru, with a bright smile on his face.

"Ah? What?" Looking at Fuji's smile, Jumaru suddenly felt a chill behind his back, as if something bad was about to happen.

"Have you heard a word?" The smile on Fuji's face was deeper, and he said, "It's's noon!"

"Ah! No two, what are you going to do! Wow... When did you secretly hide the Eastern leaves of Fuji Peak..." A scream pierced through the clouds and cracked rocks was heard in the field, and the sound was heard for ten miles, and the beam was endless.

"I decided to try Kvass for you next time." Looking at Juwan who fell on the ground and spitting foam at the mouth, Fujifilm dried a bottle of Kvass expressionlessly, and the people around could not help but turn away. Six steps, looking at Fuji with a terrifying look.

"Huh!" Akutagawa snorted, leaped up on the flat ground, stretched a few meters to the side, stretched the racket and barely received the bouncing ball from Fujimine.He is best at net volleys, a standard offensive player in front of the net, but Fujimine has a way to hit the ball behind him.

In the original game, Fuji chose to deal with his method of surfing the net, using precise techniques to hit the ball, pinning his footsteps to the bottom line and being unable to move.But in any case, Akutagawa's strength should not be underestimated, he can always find a way to move.But in the face of Fujimine's style of letting him go online but using different methods to bypass him and hit the backcourt, Akutagawa felt even more difficult to deal with.


Although Akutagawa has received this ball, his body's center of gravity and balance are all messed up.Fujimine raised the racket, still using the "single whip" technique. The attacking technique finally showed its power at this moment. The ball circled a spiral trajectory and exploded in the opposite empty half of Akutagawa, high. The ground bounced on the barbed wire outside the court.

"15 to 40!"

"Oh, it's amazing, it's really amazing!" Akutagawa's expression became more and more excited, and his whole body seemed to be shaking uncontrollably.

"Although this guy is very strong in the legend, it doesn't seem to be a big deal now!" Taocheng began to feel a little bored, "He seems to have been admiring Fujie's strength repeatedly. How did the guy get into the Ice Emperor team?"

"It's not that the opponent is too weak, but Fujimine is too strong. No matter who it is, it is impossible to win Fujimine!" The little girl began to put gold on the face of the boy she liked with pride.

"Yes, yes, it's unbelievable, Fuji Peak hangs first in the world, every second, every second, every second, every second, every second, every second of the air, pushing Federer horizontally and hitting Nadal, no problem." Taocheng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and fell into love. This woman is really an unreasonable existence, I decided to like men in the future.

"Try this!" Akutagawa shot from the bottom up, again using the cut serve to hit the starting ball.The high-angle arc cut serve this time is genuine, not the pretended serve that deliberately attracted the opponent's attention last time.

"Come on, Cilang is good at it." Xiangri watched Akutagawa hit this serve, indicating that he was about to start a counterattack, and said with excitement, "Qingxue boy, take a good look, this is Cilang's... …What is the serve?" He said to the point that he suddenly forgot the name of Akutagawa's serve, so he turned his head and looked at Shinzu as if he asked for help.

"It's called that name..." He opened his mouth twice before uttering a voice, "The author can't think of a good name anymore. Just give him a cool name. It can be called the Great Nine Form of True Dragon King’s Landing, Tutian Destroying Buddhism, Taoism, Sanqing Flying Heaven, Spaghetti God serving, talking and laughing, full of elder’s life experience... Anyway, it’s very powerful. Even the trace department is in full strength. Cilang's subordinates almost lost, Qingxue boy, wait for you to make a fool of yourself!"

"Unbelievable!" Fujimine instinctively felt the crisis between half asleep and half awake. If he doesn't wake up again, the ball will definitely lose points. Even if the opponent controls the rhythm, it is completely possible to lose points all the time. of.

The perfect control of the sleeping god realm means to send and receive as you wish.Since sleepiness can be sent, it can naturally be received.Although it is completely awake and the state of high concentration of attention is still impossible to extend, it is no problem to wake oneself up instantly.

Fujimine's eyes opened suddenly, and he saw that although the angle of the opposing ball was high, it fell sharply from mid-air like a B-shaped kick from Echizen.The number of rotations and angles of rotation are even higher than that of a B-shaped draw that uses the strength of the opponent's ball.

"So fast!" The speed of Akutagawa's serve was at least five times faster than the first time it appeared. Although Fujimine was able to wake up instantly, he did not concentrate on catching the ball from the beginning and wanted to use skills. It's too late for the most sexual three-ring set-month counterattack.


Fujimine had no choice but to wait for the ball to fly far after it hits the ground. His eyes and body had already adapted to the speed and rotation of the ball, and some power was lost due to the air resistance, so he started to use the bird's tail. The ball went back.

Still the same sentence, the effect of catching the bird's tail on the lateral pursuit of the ball is difficult to match with other moves, but if all the strength is used in the pursuit of the ball, the power of the corresponding counterattack is not so strong.Akutagawa saw that his serve had received a miraculous effect, his eyes brightened, and he raised his hand and waved to return the ball.

He didn't simply hit back. When the racket was about to touch the ball, his wrist turned again, retreated a certain distance, and hit the ball with his arm swing twice to accumulate strength!


When Fujimine saw the movement of Akutagawa's shot, he knew it was bad.The previous lesson made him directly put forward to deal with the obstacles.When the ball was stopped by the purple racket, there was a huge shock in the second half that was not inferior to when Fujimine caught Sanada's aggression.

(To be continued.)Read this chapter on mobile:

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