The Prince of Tennis

Chapter 136 The End and the Engagement

Ninzu saw that the expression on the trace was almost crumpled. For trace, the three-foot circle was definitely a nightmare throughout his childhood.Even if he was once defeated by Sanada's immobile like a mountain, he could still vaguely see the flaws in the "mountain", but he couldn't figure out how to crack something like the opponent's mound domain.

"Hi!" Akutagawa saw Fujimine's movements and felt bad. The landing points of his two-stage shot were on the left and right sides of the court, which can be said to span the entire court.However, after the ball flew out, it neither flew to the left line, nor did it flew to the right line. The ball that had just flew to the left turned a corner out of thin air and returned to the vicinity of Fujimine standing near the bottom line in the middle of the court. It can be seen that he is definitely not a bluff.

Akutagawa's strength is not just playing around, he claps with both hands, starts and sprints, using the inertia of running, he exhausts all his strength to hit the ball to the corner farther from Fujimine.

"Hmph, with such a strong force, the spin applied to the ball must have been destroyed, depending on how he sucked the ball over!" Feng looked at Akutagawa's hand and couldn't help but cheer in secret.Although Akutagawa looks thin and weak, if he doesn't have a strange power, how can he choose to be an online attacker?

Feng knew that Akutagawa did not have too much strength because of his physique, but his instantaneous explosive power could even barely contend with Huadi, a little bit stronger than himself.If you don't use the unique technique of heavy artillery serve, the speed of serve is not even as fast as Akutagawa.


Fujimine saw Akutagawa's return ball, his expression unchanged.Flicking his right leg to the left and forward, rubbing his right foot against the ground, he changed a point with his body, followed by a backhand cut, and returned the ball faster than thunder.Akutagawa was still in front of the net and had no time to catch the ball. Fujimine scored the ball back.

"40 to 30!"

"Actually... Isn't even Cilang's explosive power useless?" Xiang Ri felt that his mouth could no longer be closed.

"Fujimine, he is not simply manipulating the rotation of the ball." Fuji is also very strong. Although he has not reached the level of a compass, it is not a problem to see through the principle from the field. "The circle under his feet , Is the Tai Chi diagram, standing at two points with both feet and constantly turning. With the help of force, the four or two strokes, using both hands and feet, is equivalent to double the force and double the return. Moreover, the Tai Chi play that he constantly exerts on the ball is equivalent to The power of the two Tai Chi diagrams is constantly increasing, so the power of the compass will become stronger and stronger.”

"In other words, if the first three goals did not penetrate the compass's pointing field," Tezuka raised his head and said, "There will be no chance to break."

"If the Tezuka domain achieves the goal of manipulating the ball by giving the ball spin, if it can break through with great strength and stronger rotation, then Fujimine's compass," Gan also raised his head. Bright and dazzling reflections glowed behind the spectacles, "It's impeccable!"


"40 to 40, a tie!"

"Ha, ha, you are really amazing." Akutagawa, who was constantly running under the compass, couldn't help panting, looking at Fujimine and said: "But I won't just give up like this!"

"Come on." Fujimine's tone did not fluctuate.From the first time he took the initiative to give up receiving Akutagawa's ball, and after missing it, he found that the ball that was given a Tai Chi spin bounced toward him in a round shape, and he had some ideas in his mind.In fact, the idea of ​​the compass trick has been conceived from the time he played against Sanada's "mountain". Of course, the Tai Chi style can be guarded longer than the "mountain" and can be more statically braked, but in what form should it be expressed?

Although Tai Chi can last longer, it is impossible for one's own narcolepsy to continue to concentrate longer than others.So he needs a style of play that saves as much energy as possible. This style of play is more labor-saving than the slow movements of Yunshou, that is, standing still.And the other way to hit the ball while standing in the same place is the Tezuka domain, or to be precise, the Minajiro domain.

The Tezuka area in Tezuka is almost a kind of side-by-side art,

In other words, if Tezuka does not have the Tezuka domain, Tezuka tennis will be useless. He is relying on the Tezuka domain to compete with the masters.Minami Jiro is different. He has played 37 consecutive victories all over the world. No master in the world can beat him, and none of these world's top powerhouses have seen Minami Jiro's domain.

In other words, Minajiro can already compete with top players without this trick. In his opinion, this is just a trick to play with children.You can send and receive as you like, and you can use it freely. It's higher than Tezuka and I don't know where it is!

And what Fujimine was visualizing in his mind was the area where Minajiro's move was higher than Tezuka area.It is precisely because of this that the compass got rid of the indiscriminate use of the Tezuka domain, drawing the ball to the side and hitting it back. When it encounters a ball with explosive power, high rotation, high speed and fast speed like a "thunder", it will be The broken shortcomings are more perfect.

The time Fujimine can play is forty minutes, which refers to the time he can play tennis, that is, he can concentrate all his energy, can accurately judge the incoming and outgoing ball, and can run fast to chase the ball.If you change it to a muddle-headed posture where you can barely move, then the time to wake up will be longer. At least one hour or more is not a problem.

That's why he stood in place unscrupulously, not paying attention to Akutagawa's voice.Anyway, it's up to you, I just stand here to hit this trick. If you can break, I have no other way; if you can't break, just wait for me to stand where I hit the ball. It's that simple.


"At the end of the game, Qingxue Fujimine won the game, 6 to 2!"

"Actually, it seems that Kansenpai speculated that Fuji Summit defeated Akutagawa Jirou 6-1 or 6-2. It was not wrong!" Horio said jokingly.

"But the process is much more thrilling than what I deduced." Gan only responded with a wry smile. The grandsons played one or two games beyond the predictions of the data. Is Laozi's intelligence tennis really useful?Qian had a lot of doubts about himself.

"Good game." Fujimine, who walked out in a daze, was picked up by Fujimine, held on to his body, and smiled: "Many people talk about gorgeous skill play. Next. I didn’t really care, but after watching your game, I really want to play with you!"

"Whatever." Although standing still, he swung the pat for dozens of minutes, which was enough for Fujimine.He just wants to sleep well now.

(To be continued.)