The Prince of Tennis

Chapter 358 End of the game in 1 minute

"Next, the second game of the national competition will begin. Higa Junior High School vs. Youth Academy's singles No. 3 match, Higa Kafei vs. Qingxue Kikumaru!"

"What? Kikumaru plays singles?" Although I have experienced how much Fujimine likes to mess around, everyone in Higa still stared at Kikumaru who was on the field dumbfounded and said: "Can this guy play singles?"

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, we already have a way to deal with that guy. Today, Qingxue is determined to lose, no matter what lineup they make.

"Shut up, Tian Renzhi." On the contrary, Mu Shou's spirit is highly nervous. He wants to get Fujimine. If something goes wrong, he will be the first to die. How could he not be fully absorbed?"Kafei, just implement the tactics honestly to the end."

"I see!" Kai with a fluffy head sneered and walked onto the venue, "Kikumaru, right? I'll let you come and go."

"As a result, these two guys still ran into each other!" Fujimine yawned, and arrogantly pulled out the lounge chair as usual, and lay on it and muttered to himself: "No one wanted to play with the fat guy Tian Renzhi, so Kikumaru was sent to a quick duel, but they unexpectedly changed the order of appearance."

In the original game, Qingxue's first national match was the singles No. 3 Echizen against Tian Renzhihui. Fujimine did not expect to change his lineup, but Hijiazhong also changed.

"Fujimine, you have to be careful." Fudofeng, which has been eliminated, is naturally fine. Tachibana, who knows that Uyama is not simple, came here to cheer for Qingxue.He resolutely showed a little worry on his face, and said: "You look at the people in Higa, as if they have some plans. Maybe it is what Uyama has given them to ensure that they dare to face you."

"It's okay." Fujimine waved his hand and didn't care at all.What shit elders, the five elders made it the same as the four child protagonists in Doraemon. What's so scary?"I have arranged people on the sidelines a long time ago. If they dare to make any small moves, they will suddenly be on the spot."

"Really, if that's the case, then you should pay more attention." Tachibana is an ordinary person. The reason why he knows something messy like the Presbyterian Church is because Uyama gave him such a threat. .

It can also be seen that this Uyama actually has no abilities. A dog that can bite people does not bark and wants to threaten people. Just show a mysterious black background. He even told Tachibana about such a secret thing about the Presbyterian Church. It can be seen that he has What a disability.

Fujimine now relaxes his mind. He is leaning on a mysterious figure who can awaken the Great Master with a single sentence. He is afraid of being an elders, so he speculates with interest how much Uyama is mentally disabled.As for Juju Ping, he didn't know the difference between martial arts masters and ordinary people. Hearing that Fujifeng had already prepared people, he was not so worried.

"Ha hey! Kikumaru Bazooka!"

During the speech, only heard a scream from Kikumaru on the field, using a stunt ball to hit a ball with great explosive power, but also a high-tech return in the middle, which made Kai lose points.

"This round was won by Kikumaru, 1 to o!"

"Fuck, isn't it, the other party is the deputy captain! How could he be taken the next round so quickly?"

"I just lowered my head and drank, is this game over?"

"A few minutes? Two minutes? One minute? How could there be such a fast game in tennis!"

Everyone on the court was shocked and inexplicable. Even if everyone knew that the youth school was very strong, there were not many professional tennis players in the audience, and they didn't know much about the division of tennis strength.It is not unexpected at all to fight against a small scum like Higa at the current level of the youth.Kikumaru is not the underdog in the original game who can't catch a delayed shot.

"It's amazing, this is called a national competition! This is a fun, there is no urine point in the whole process!"

"Yeah, I just said to go to the bathroom before the white-hot stage at the beginning of the game. Now it seems that I'm still holding back. It's worth peeing in my pants to see such a wonderful game!"

"Qingxue is so strong, Bijiazhong is not an opponent at all!"

"This is terrible. I rushed over from Okinawa all the way, and I'm going home for the second game."

Jia Fei listened to the comments from the audience, and said in a cold voice, "Don't be proud, let you know what terror is!"

"Hey, man, don't you have such a frowning face!" Kikumaru stroked the fiery red head easily and smiled: "You have to smile more to live longer!"

"Huh, let's die!" Jia Fei's eyes flashed fiercely, and when he raised his hand, he shot a heavy cannon ball.


The heavy ball splashed extremely high dust on the ground. Kai's size and strength were not enough to support him to use the big bang ball, but long-term practice can also increase the ball's power.


However, as far as Kikumaru’s strength is concerned, the power of the realm is so profound that he can already ignore any physical power that the realm is not as good as his opponents. Is it the unformed big bang of Kai?

With a light hand shake, the stepped footwork seemed to dance out of thin air. The void made three footprints in the sky, easily dissolving all the strength on the Kai ball, and hitting it back at least twice as fast. go back.

"Bah, is such a fancy action great?" Kai held the racket with his backhand, and watched the ball fly over without any movement.

"What? Isn't he hitting the ball yet?"

"No, if you don't hit the ball, even if you catch it, it's a foul?"

"This guy in Higa, isn't he frightened?"

There was a lot of discussion outside the venue, making Mu Shou feel irritated.He sneered secretly, "Scared stupid? Wait for a while to be scared stupid by our playing style in Bijiazhong!"

Because he was afraid of danger, he didn't bring Apricot, but Tachibana really wanted to help, and brought the Kamio, the fastest immobile kurtosis.Kamio looked at the ball that had flown past Kai's elbow and exclaimed, "The ball has already flown past the place where it was originally received!"

Orange hugged his arms and said coldly: "It's not just at hand, it's already past his elbow where his arm is now! I just don't know what the guys like Bijiazhong are thinking.

"Come on, look at my trick..." When the ball flew to almost level with Kai's wrist, he twitched the racket suddenly and turned upwards, as if there was a tsunami rushing all over his body, mixed with the sound of wind and rain, leading people to The horn of hell, "The horn of pirates!"

(To be continued.)