The Prince of Tennis

Chapter 413: A unique trick to lift 1 ton of strange power, the black battle axe

"Ming... It clearly feels that the seniors are in control of the situation, but how come in the end, all the points are scored by Qingxue's Taocheng?"

The ice emperor's cheerleaders were also a little puzzled.

"Huh, idiot." Shizuo cursed a little angrily.

"What, I originally thought that the opponent's strength growth was too little, but unexpectedly, in the eyes of the opponent, his two talents are the opponents with the least strength growth, so they need to use a one-on-two lineup to stand up?" Trace Department pouted. , Picked up the lemon juice on the table in front of him, and faced Fujimine on the opposite side. He touched the cup and said softly, "This Taocheng is really not easy!"

"It's the end of the game?" Riji said angrily: "Is it all Taocheng's conspiracy in this period?"

"I just found out that your brains are really not good!" Taocheng sarcasts mercilessly on the other side. For him, who is led by insight, psychological blows can be regarded as a means to control the situation.

"Damn it!" Xiangri threw the racket to the ground and said angrily: "From beginning to end, we were all tricked by Taocheng!"

"It's okay, Xiangri-senpai." At any rate, Riji was the next Ice Emperor captain. He kept one point more calm than Xiangri, and said: "He just has this ability. We just need to run with a large margin. Keep saving the ball, and you will never lose points. The three games we just won were when we were a little impatient and wanted to maximize the effect of the short-term decisive battle. Therefore, at this time, the impatience and too deep become the result Our weapon of victory, after all, there is only one person on the opposite side!"

"That's right!" Xiang Ri's eyes showed a hint of coldness, "It's also time to teach this guy who dares to play with us!"

"Hahaha, I was tricked by my opponent because of my low IQ, and in the end I blamed the opponent for using tactics?" Fujimine laughed: "This is one dozen two!"

"What a shame..." looked at Akutagawa next to him and said angrily: "Hey, Cirou, don't sleep, I have to give Hiyoshi a special training later!"

"Huh, but Taocheng's good days are coming to an end." Tracebe sneered: "He can control the rhythm of the audience by observing his opponent's hitting movements, hitting sound, changes in eyes, breathing, and pace. Even the sunlight and wind direction of the weather can be his weapon. But when a person faces two people, after all, he is not strong enough."

"Takabe, have you really entered the Three Realms?" Fujimine sneered: "You can't even see this?"

"What did you say?" Trace's heart jumped, feeling that things were not that simple.

"I have to teach you this? Just watch it if you can't guess it." Where did Fujimine have time to deal with the trace department, and he began to tear down snacks, causing the little girl who was robbed of snacks to have another fight with him.


"This round was won by Ice Emperor, 4 to 5!"

"Okay, Xiangri-senpai, just continue like this!" Hiyoshi yelled, and fisted Xiangri to celebrate the victory.

"Senior Atao, if you don't show your true strength, you will be hanged by others!" Fujimine said lazily.

"True strength? Is this kid still hiding his strength?" As soon as Fujimine said this, he went up to the god coach, trail department, and down to the court Hiyoshi and Mukai. They all had a heartbeat. That was Fujimine. There is no simple sentence when it comes out of his mouth.

However, it is already a one-on-two battle, and Qingxue has already lost two games, and another one is about to lose. Taocheng is really sure to win, dare to hide his strength?

"Oh, I really can't do anything with you, I want to play for a while!" Taocheng walked up the temples with her hands, stroked her hair, and smiled embarrassingly: "Excuse me, Senior Kawamura, let you see the joke Up."

"It's okay." Only Kawamura knows what Taocheng's "see joke" means. From the point of view of Hutouchong, who has just surpassed the one-hundred wave ball, Kawamura has properly been Japan's number one power high school tennis player. Contestants.

And Taocheng is now going to give up that kind of control game,

But Kawamura knew in his heart that if Taocheng's strength was really not as good as his, Fujimine would definitely not choose to let Taocheng beat two.It is even said that Taocheng's instant explosive power is very likely to be stronger than Kawamura's last reserved trick, Baji collapse.

"I'm coming!"

Taocheng roared and raised his hand to serve.

"Nothing great," Xiang Ri frowned, feeling that the strength of the ball had increased a lot, but it was still not enough to catch it. "Is this taking out the 30% of your hidden strength?"

"Hahahaha!" Taocheng burst into laughter, and then Xiang Ri, who was still in midair, discovered that Taocheng had reached above him.

He jumped even lighter than his figure, and he turned up to the sun to practice acrobatics all the year round!


With a forward-looking momentum, Taocheng jumped up high, rounded the racket and smashed it down. It was his signature squat vertical smash!


When the ball hit the ground, people in the entire stadium seemed to lose their hearing for two or three seconds, and then they felt the ground shaking fiercely. The ground of the stadium was even cracked by Taocheng's ball!

" are not..." Xiang Rixin looked at the ground with a lingering fear. Fortunately, he jumped high, or maybe he would have died by now.

"It's not over yet!" Taocheng yelled again, his right foot jumped on one leg, "Look at my BlackJackKnife!"


The purple-black light slid across the sky, and then another point.

"We..." Hiyoshi swallowed hard, facing Mukai's eyes, and the same question came from the bottom of my heart: "Is it really a game against humans?"

"It's not over yet, the last ball!"

Amid the roar of Taocheng, everyone was shocked to discover that he actually took his right leg as the axis, took off on the spot, and turned in a circle out of thin air. A battle axe that broke the world and the earth was cut down!

"This is..." While Taocheng was talking, the ball was still stuck on the racket, showing how powerful and explosive the shot was, "BlackTomahawk!"

The black battle axe, an upgraded version of the black sailor knife, is also known as the rotating center of gravity and vertical jumping style, which is one of Onijujiro's unique tricks.The main reason for this trick is that the idea is difficult to understand, and the strength is not at that level, and it is difficult to realize. Oni Jujirou can even lift a ton of boulders with the strange power, and he has to use a racket with a complete net to perform this trick.

But comprehension and use are two different things.In fact, as long as you have the strength of the peak of the second realm, you can do this.Fujimine, who has seen the original work, certainly did not hesitate to provide Taocheng with ideas, so he completed this black battle axe.


"The game is over, Qingxue won, 6 to 4!"

Lifting a ton of boulders is the official setting of Oni Jujiro, and Xinwangwang is a fantasy world hahahahaha!

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