You can search for "The Protection of Doomsday Xiaoshigusou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Apply medicine to Wu Qingfan and bandage the wound.People were asked to change him into dry clothes, and Lian Yao asked the others to go back first.Wu Qingfan is not suitable to move this meeting, and his grandfather certainly can't worry about going home by himself, so he stayed too.

Seeing that the third uncle was still wearing wet clothes, he asked him to change his clothes first.The clothes are Zhu Guozhong.Because he still had to take care of the two medicinal greenhouses in the valley behind, Zhu Guozhong left a few more changes of clothes here to avoid running back and forth under the sun.

Lianyao went to the kitchen to grab a dozen peppers, crushed them into powder, and cut a few golden oranges into thick threads, added a little sugar and salt, put water on the fire and boiled them for a while.

The boiled water was divided into three bowls, one by Zhu Guozhong, Wu Sixiang and Wu Qingfan.The main purpose is to expel the cold, ventilate and warm the stomach, and prevent colds from catching the cold.

Wu Qingfan woke up an hour later after eating the Five Cloud Pill.Only because of excessive blood loss and concussion, I can only lie still in bed.The pepper water is also fed by a few people.

Drinking the hot pepper water, Wu Qingfan, who looked too pale due to blood loss, also eased a lot.Knowing that he was saved by Zhu Guozhong and Lian Yao, his dark eyes were filled with gratitude.

Lian Yao was a little sad looking at the hands of the grandparents and grandchildren holding each other tightly.She can understand the mood of the two.The grandparents who were helpless and depended on each other for many years, no matter what happened to either of them, it was a big blow to the other.

She felt that what she saved was not a person's life, but a family.

The rain outside is too heavy, Wu Qingfan will definitely get wet when he goes home. Anyway, there are many empty houses at home. Lian Yao simply let the grandparents and grandchildren stay here for one night, and we will see the situation tomorrow.

Zhu Guozhong looked at the sky outside and asked, "Can Qingfeng and Abao come back today? Otherwise, let your fat aunt come with you."

Lian Yao thought for a while and said, "It's okay. Uncle Guozhong, stay here too. They are not familiar with this place. If there is anything, you have to help them."

Zhu Guozhong will naturally not refuse.Anyway, this compound is no different from his home.Even if the new house is built and moved back to live, I always come here every day.It seems that if I don't come to see it, I always feel uneasy.

After receiving a mobile phone that Wu Qingfeng had left at home, he called Zhu Fangming and asked him to send his mother to the compound after dinner.

During the meal, Lianyao specially cooked Wu Qingfan pig liver porridge with some medicinal materials to help him recover faster.

After eating and chatting with a few people, they learned that the grandparents and grandchildren were draining water in the field today. Seeing that they were walking slowly in the field, Wu Sixiang wanted to find out if the water outlet in the stream was blocked.But I don't want to rain for so long, the soil by the stream has already softened.Although Wu Sixiang had been careful and careful, he stepped on a piece of mud.

At the end of the day, Wu Qing's eyes and hands were still sharp, and he quickly pulled his grandfather.Grandpa was pulled back, but he fell into the stream.It is also particularly unfortunate that there was a sharp stone where he fell, and he was knocked out almost immediately after falling into the water.I don't even know when the calf was cut.

"It's all my fault. I'm old and useless, and I'm doing everything to trouble my children." Wu Sixiang beat his leg, his face full of tears.

Wu Qingfan was anxious when he saw this, and despite his dizziness, he struggled to get up to reach his grandfather: "Grandpa, it's not your fault. It's all grandsons useless. If I can do a little bit, I don't need you to be so old and have to go down to the fields in heavy rain."

Seeing that the sadness was out of control, Lian Yao and Zhu Guozhong quickly persuaded the two of them to go away using Wu Qingfan's body as an excuse.

Soothing the grandfather and grandson, Lian Yao came out of the inverted house, and the already gloomy sky became more and more gloomy, as if it was pressing on a person's heart, and he was breathless.It's just three o'clock in the afternoon, just like the evening, and the lights in the room have to be turned on.

Lian Yao returned to the room anxiously, not thinking about practicing, just took the jade slip of the Qingwu Pill technique and looked at it.33 novel

Little Tiger ran in from the outside wet, with mud on his body, it was hard to see the original color.It was rather clever, standing at the door and not entering the room, but yelled twice at Lianyao.

"You guy went to the mountains again, looking at this dirty body. Which rabbit or wild boar is you looking for this time? It's really unlucky for the guy you've been following for so long."

Lian Yao smiled and nodded the tip of Xiaohu's nose, and took it into the bathroom.After adjusting the warm water, there is no need to rub it. As soon as the water jet rushes, there is a mud flow on the ground.Roughly rushing again, Lian Yao took a soft brush and started brushing it.Waiting for the hair to return to its original color before stopping.

Taking out its special towel and just wiping it with water, Xiaohu jumped on Lian Yao and licked her face affectionately.

Lian Yao was itchy by the kiss, and leaned back desperately, while hiding and holding out his hand to hold Xiaohu: "Xiaohu, you are going to be beaten when the brother sees you, don't you remember me?"

Since establishing a relationship with Wu Qingfeng, Xiaohu's many intimate actions have been forbidden.Once committed, Wu Qingfeng must be severely trained.

Although Xiaohu is already half-person tall and gloriously becoming a tyrant in the back mountain of Chitose Village, he is not yet Wu Qingfeng's opponent.After a few beatings, I finally got the hang of it.As long as Wu Qingfeng is present, it will converge.On the contrary, as long as Wu Qingfeng is not there, it will act coquettishly with Lian Yao, and she must comfort him to give up.

I promised a roast chicken to get Xiaohu easily, and Lian Yao's body was half wet.I had no choice but to drive Xiaohu out, preparing to take a bath first.

Halfway through my clothes, I suddenly heard the anxious voice of the fat aunt outside.After taking off his clothes, he thought about it and put on the clothes again.

When I left the door, I saw the fat aunt's face was scorched, and she hurriedly said something to Zhu Guozhong.

"Fat aunt, what's the matter?"

When the fat aunt saw her, she held her hand and felt cold at the beginning, and she said, "Ah, why are you wearing wet clothes? Why is this hand so cold? No, go and change your clothes. Otherwise, you should catch a cold."

Lian Yao stopped her: "I just took a bath with Xiaohu and got wet. I'll change it later, you'll talk about it first."

The fat aunt still wanted to persuade, but she knew that Lian Yao was sometimes stubborn, arguing about the last thing, and wasted time.Zhu Guozhong also shook his head and said, "Stop fighting, hurry up and talk about it. After that, let Lian Yao go and change clothes."

The fat aunt had no choice but to make a long story short: "Just now the village chief came to the house and said that the road leading to the village was broken. I heard that the section of the mountain in front of Wangshui Village collapsed and blocked the road. I wanted to tell me quickly. Just say it, don’t make you wait in a hurry. Depending on the situation, I’m afraid Qingfeng and Abao will have to wait until this section of the road is dug before they can return. Today is nothing to expect."

Lian Yao looked at the fat aunt suspiciously. If it was just this, why was the fat aunt so anxious before?Look closely again, but the fat aunt is dodging and doesn't look directly at her.

"Oh, that's OK, I know. Then I'll go in and change clothes."

Lian Yao pretended to say nothing, walked into the room, and closed the door easily.He stepped forward to the bathroom and made the door rattle, making people think he was in the bathroom.But he stepped lightly and secretly returned to the door.

The fat aunt outside patted her chest and exhaled: "Hey, old man, did Yaoyao not see it just now, right? Can you startle me."

Zhu Guozhong couldn't explain it clearly, and he complained a little bit about the fat aunt being uncomfortable. The fat aunt couldn't help but argued: "How can I keep my breath? I heard that the cars were all overturned and covered in mud, and people have not been dug out yet. This is in case... , What can I do?"