You can search for "The Protection of Doomsday Xiaoshigusou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After clearing the snow on the tops of the drug buildings and livestock sheds in the backyard, half a day has passed.A few people are too tired.

Mother Qi saw that they were exhausted, and they prepared all hard vegetables at noon, stewed meat, steamed meat, fried broiler soup, and Lian Yao looked dizzy at the amount of meat.

Wu Qingfeng served her a small bowl of skimmed chicken soup. She took a steamed sweet potato, peeled it and ate it slowly.Only then did Qi's mother remember that Lian Yao prefers to eat vegetarian dishes, and quickly got up to cook for her again, but she stopped her.

It's not that she can't eat meat, but relatively speaking, she prefers light vegetarian food.What does it matter to eat one or two meals occasionally?

After eating, everyone took a rest, and Wu Qingfeng immediately took everyone to the lower courtyard to help shovel snow.There are too many people in the lower house, so rescue them first before you can help more people.

The lower courtyard is a two-story building.Although snow drifted in on the second floor to block doors and windows, it was obviously not as serious as on the first floor.So when they got to the lower courtyard, the people on the second floor of the south had already opened the door together and cleared part of the snow from the balcony on the second floor.It's just that I can't get out on the first floor, so I can only try to jump down from the balcony on the second floor.

The snow underneath is very thick, so I don’t have to worry about falling down. The only thing I worry about is that the snow is too deep and there is a possibility that no one will be found.If there is no one to help, it is estimated that it will be very difficult to climb out of the snow.

"So so and so, haven't you been envious of seeing videos of people jumping in the snow before? Don't be envious now, God personally gives you this opportunity, come and come, you hurry up and experience it."

"Fuck off, I want you to talk too much if I can't go down. You cowards stay here to watch and appreciate Grandpa's bravery!"

There was a laugh upstairs: "Don't be brave."


After cursing, someone adjusted his breath, and as expected, he climbed over the balcony guardrail on the second floor and jumped down from the upper floor.



Looking at a big human-shaped pit in the snow, the people upstairs held their stomachs and laughed.It's a pity that the windows on the first floor are covered with snow, and you can't see the outside scene, otherwise the entire yard will be laughed out of the sky.

The person who jumped was stuck in the snow, struggling, and couldn't get out for a long time.Just when he was so embarrassed that he was about to swear, he suddenly stretched out a hand and directly lifted him out of the snow pit and placed it on the cleaned ground.

"team leader?"

"It's the captain! Wow, captain, you are so cool! You can come over so soon."

There is thick snow everywhere, and if the snow cannot be cleared off the road, people will not be able to come over.

In fact, Wu Qingfeng and the others have made a simple version of the manual snowplow.It was modified with a pallet truck.A plank was added to it, and the front end of the plank was sharpened, exceeding the length of the body.

Wu Qingfeng took two people with a cart to shovel snow, and Lian Yao quietly used wind control to blow away all the loose snow.They pushed it all the way, only to see snow rising from both sides, piled up on both sides of the road pushed by the snow shovel, leaving a small road in the middle.

I drove all the way, and when I looked back, I felt like a road was dug in a snow-capped mountain. On both sides were snow-capped mountains close to one person, and only the narrow road in the middle was open for people to pass.In fact, the road is not to the end, and there is still snow underneath.It's just that the bottom has solidified after so long, and it's harder to shovel than the snow above, so I just didn't move.

A piece of land was cleared in the lower courtyard, and the people upstairs jumped down like dumplings, and they pulled people up from one side.After a while, all the people upstairs had gathered in the middle of the courtyard.

The trapped person on the first floor heard the movement outside and immediately slapped the door and shouted, "Let us out!"

The people who jumped down on the second floor are not in a hurry. First, clear the snow from the windows for them, so that they can see through the windows inside and outside the house, and then laugh at all kinds of sneers in front of the window, just not willing. Go to clear the snow blocking the door.Food novel

The people who were trapped on the first floor were indignant. Someone was clever and didn't bother to take care of those people. They went straight to the second floor and learned to dance in their yard.

With a black line in his forehead, Wu Qingfeng walked over and kicked one by one: "Hurry up and clear the snow."

Seeing that the captain was angry, these people hurriedly corrected their attitude, first cleared the snow outside the tool room and took out the tools from the inside.

Thanks to Lian Yao's ignorance, Wu Qingfeng bought an engineer shovel before, the price was terribly expensive, and Lian Yao, who just learned to be careful, was painful to spend money.After returning, I immediately bought a lot of shovels in the town at many times cheaper.

At that time Wu Qingfeng just thought it was funny, and let her go.The result now seems to be a good thing, at least they don't lack tools when shoveling snow, and they have a handful of hands, which is almost standard.

The snow in the yard is not like the snow on the road. Just shovel on both sides to clear it out, or as soon as the snow melts, just wait for the yard to be flooded.The snow shovel turns into a snow transport vehicle, which pulls the snow out one by one.

It took more than 20 people for half a day to clear the snow in the lower yard.Looking at the piled snow-capped mountains outside, everyone couldn't laugh anymore, and occasionally showed a confused and decadent expression.

But no matter how desperate, as long as people are still alive, they still have to do.

It's getting late, and other places can only be cleaned up tomorrow.

People from the back office stay at home to make brown sugar ginger tea. The weather is too cold and it is easy to get sick, so take precautions.When the male team members are shoveling snow, the logistics team sends ginger tea every hour.The little ginger in the storeroom was quickly consumed.

But this is just a small matter.As long as one night, Lian Yao can give birth to a house of ginger, which is not useless at all.

It seemed that it was not difficult for Wu Qingfeng to lead people to clear the snow on the road. As a result, when a few people were changed, either the car was stuck in the snow and couldn't be pulled out, or the snow was piled up on the car and it didn't go to both sides.

Repeatedly, several team members are a little suspicious of life.Obviously they did what the captain said, why is the result so bad?

Finally, the snow shovel returned to Wu Qingfeng's hands, watching the snow shovel moving forward easily, and the scene of the car passing by Xueyang reappeared again. The team members could only lament that the captain is not a human, and he shouldn’t be compared with an inhuman like the captain. .

They only thought that Wu Qingfeng was too strong to push, but they didn't know that half of it was the result of Lian Yao's manipulation later.

Wu Qingfeng also had a headache.He and Lian Yao joined hands to cheat about the snow shovel, but he can't do it all by him, right?

After returning home, Wu Qingfeng spent the whole night pulling Qi Shuhe and using the original off-road vehicle to personally refit a snow drill.

Originally, the previous drill was made of metal materials, but now without this condition, all the parts are condensed by Wu Qingfeng himself, and the degree of firmness is beyond that.

Qi Shuhe is very curious about where these things come from. After all, he is the main force in refitting. What is needed is drawn and explained to the master.Then let the master go out for a while, and when he comes back, he already has what he needs.

Although the material is different from Qi Shuhe's requirements, the master personally guarantees that the quality will not be a problem, so he naturally dare not ask more.

The weather was too cold and the car was not working well. The two men took measures to prevent the car from slipping and freezing, and then drove the car out.

As soon as you step on the accelerator, the generator generates electricity to drive the drill bit in front to rotate rapidly, and slowly a semicircular channel for people to announce is presented in front of everyone.

"The captain is really awesome. You can make this stuff. Does it feel like you are drilling a tunnel?"

Having personally experienced the feeling of opening a road, the Spikes members were very excited, taking turns one by one, all wanting to experience the feeling of drilling a tunnel in a snow-capped mountain.