The protection of the last days

Chapter 475 Return to Dongping

You can search for "The Protection of Doomsday Xiaoshigusou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After it took two days to fill a silo, Wu Qingfeng refused to put another grain of rice in Lian Yao.

Although one thousand tons of grain is not much for a population of two million, Lian Yao has done her best.Moreover, these two million people are not all her responsibility, and Wu Qingfeng is unwilling to put a little more burden on her.

Wei Qian was actually wronged.

He asked Wu Qingfeng how much food they could give, but Wu Qingfeng didn't know it himself, so naturally he couldn't give him an accurate count.Since there is no count, he will clear out a granary as much as they can, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The only problem was that he didn't know how Lianyao and the others planted these grains, not to mention that Wu Qingfeng felt too distressed for his younger sisters, and felt that Wei Qian was simply not greedy and used his younger sisters as a grain machine.

These are the crimes Wu Qingfeng condemned Wei Qian in his heart. Wei Qian didn't know, so naturally there was nowhere to avenge him.

But no matter what, there were a thousand tons of grain in the granary. Not only was Wei Qian happy, but even the person in charge of the granary was so happy that he almost jumped up to give Wei Qian a kiss.

Before Wei Qian asked them all to withdraw, they didn't know what they were going to do.You know, the granary is the top priority of the base, and they always take it seriously.If Wei Qian had been in charge of their immediate superiors, it would have been impossible for them to do anything unfavorable to the base, and they would not obey his orders if they held it on.

As a result, there is so much more food now, they don't know the inside story, and only put all the credit on Wei Qian.He thought it was the food he found for the base.

As for the origin of the food, does it matter?As long as there is food.

So when the emotions on both sides were completely opposite, Wu Qingfeng had a dark face, packed all the materials that he had planned to bring back to Dongping Town, and then left with Lian Yao.

When Wei Qian escaped from the surprise and ran to Nanlu to express his gratitude to Wu Qingfeng and Lian Yao, the two of them had already lost their money.

Lian Yao just rested for one night, and then devoted himself to the major event of grain production.He didn't even stop on the way back to Dongping.

The grain left to the Star City base almost emptied her inventory.Now she only has some sweet potatoes in her hand.That's all that can't be left to Dongping, right?

Chunan is a large grain-producing province, so naturally it is also used to eating rice.Lian Yao himself is too.She also likes to eat sweet potatoes, but if she is allowed to eat them every day, she will not be able to bear it.

So we still have to hurry up to grow rice.

The two drove the last big truck.Because Qiankun bags are used to hold quilts and quilts, there is no more.Therefore, items such as salt and textile machines can only be loaded on a truck and taken away.

Later, they went to Xingang Village twice and brought back 60 tons of coarse salt and one ton of fine salt.All the fine salt is left by them for their own use or to people with better relationships, such as the Wei family.

All the coarse salt pulled back for the first time was left to the Star City base, and the 30 tons for the second time was on this truck.Wu Qingfeng intends to save half a ton for Chitose Village and all the rest for Dongping Town.These salt provinces should be used in Dongping Town for one year.

They set off at five in the morning and arrived at Dongping Town around three in the afternoon.

Seeing Mo Bai and Lei Peng, there was no time to say anything, so Wu Qingfeng asked Mo Bai to find an empty house to put the sweet potatoes.

Because the grains grown in Lianyao were all in bulk, and there were not so many packaging bags, Wu Qingfeng simply asked Mo Bai to arrange and distribute all the grains directly for the residents to keep.

Rice was given to the Star City base, but sweet potatoes were not given.Therefore, Lianyao has a lot of sweet potatoes but very little rice at the moment, so I won't give rice this time.After a few days there will be enough rice, and then we will send out food again.258 Novel Network

This time, you can also send the quilt and quilted jacket together.The temperature is still around 30 degrees, but based on last year's experience, the buffer period is very short, after which the temperature will drop linearly, just like diving from a high platform.

I was caught off guard last year and the death toll was high.We must prepare early this year.Grain and quilts will be sent out first. No matter when the temperature drops and everyone has food and quilts, they will not panic.

There used to be a grain station in Dongping Town, and now it contains the rice harvested this year.

Although the climate is abnormal, everyone has some experience in the past two years, and the crops in the field have been treated with great care. Therefore, this year's output is not bad, and an acre of land can be about 600 catties.Naturally it is not as good as before the end of the world, but it is much better than the previous two years.

After Wu Qingfeng and Lian Yao checked the quality of the rice, they looked at each other and decided to add these rice to the distribution queue.

After all, the quality of rice produced in the soil is much better, and the storage time is longer.

Dongping Town is also a major grain producer. Many houses have been built in the town’s grain stations as temporary warehouses.Mo Bai also asked someone to clean out a few empty houses and give Lian Yao the things he had brought back from Star City.

Wu Qingfeng drove away all the idle people, while he himself took Mo Bai and Lei Peng to the door to guard, by the way, he learned about the situation in the past few months.

After Lian Yao and the others left, they began to place things in different rooms.

With four Qiankun bags, plus the sweet potatoes stored in the medicine cabinet space, the few empty houses left by Mo Bai were quickly filled.

The sweet potatoes left for Dongping Town this time amounted to several hundred tons. When everything was taken out of the medicine cabinet space, Lian Yao's head started to ache again.

Fortunately, all the things were put away, Lian Yao breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and slowly moved out of the room while holding on to the wall.

At the beginning, Wu Qingfeng was also worried about the excessive use of Lian Yao's divine consciousness, so while talking to Mo Bai and Lei Peng, he divided half of his attention to the movement inside.

He stood in the right position, and he could see the door of several rooms as soon as he looked up.As soon as Lian Yao came out, others had walked up to her and held them in hand.

Seeing Lian Yao's slightly pale face, Wu Qingfeng frowned slightly.It’s not a matter of urgency. It’s okay to come a few times. Why don’t you know how to cherish yourself?

I wanted to say a few words about her, but thinking about Lian Yao's character, I finally endured it.

Mo Bai and Lei Peng didn't know the situation, so they were surprised when they saw the ruddy-faced person before, and she became a weak sister Lin in such a short time.

Wu Qingfeng didn't even bother to talk to them. He picked them up directly and returned to the room Mo Bai arranged for them, forcing Lian Yao to close his eyes and rest.

In the corner of the room, Serena, who came back with them, was still asleep at the moment.When Wu Qingfeng moved it in from the car, he didn't even open his eyes.

There is no way to exercise spiritual consciousness in Qingwu Jue. The spiritual consciousness is over-consumed and can only be recovered slowly by time.

Lian Yao naturally knew why Wu Qingfeng was upset.She also knows that things are not in a rush, but she also knows in her heart that she will put everything in place just when it gets stuck, and there is no need to wait for the next time.Although the divine consciousness consumes a lot, it can be restored as long as one night rest, and the problem is not big.

On the other side, after Wu Qingfeng and Lei Peng and other Wu Qingfeng took Lian Yao away, they came to the empty room in between. They saw that they had been piled up full, and their four eyes were wide and round. They could not believe it, but I have to believe that it is not an illusion, but a real existence.