The venue for reconciliation between the Counts of Lancaster and Brander was reserved for a room in the Royal Palace.

Originally, it is a problem solved in both houses, and there is no curtain for Elias to come out.

But in the name of "not to cause strife," I decided to force him to discuss it in the royal palace.

I want a track record of having arbitrated both houses - not just because I wanted to see how it ended with my own eyes.

The attendees of the Count Lancaster family are two of our Lord Samuel and our next Lord Daniel.

From the Count Brander family, one Harold was present.

There is no party Judith and Michael.

This was the place to discuss the end of the story, because if I got emotional, I threatened to stop talking.

As the other party, Seth and Hans were also present.

Seth could have been the only one, but Seth, who feared Isaac, let Hans accompany him.

Naturally, Elias is also present on this occasion, as well as the Marquis of Windsor and Count Cooper as representatives of the faction.

Isaac and Morgan are also in attendance, so it was a luxury if just a facial rash.

- But what we talk about is far from luxurious.

- Everyone understood before it started that it would be a stinking content.

First, as a facilitator, Count Cooper's secretary will provide an explanation of the current situation.

"We summarize the testimonies we have heard from the knights of the Count Brander family, as well as from church officials involved in the burning. See the second page of the form you have."

Isaac sees the paperwork placed in front of him.

The first one said "Judith Lancaster attempted murder".

Isaac thought it was like a civilian evil knoll, but the other attendees don't try to scratch the title.

I'm sure it's because I've seen "O Murder" or something in the title of a reasoning novel in my previous life.

Of all those on this occasion, only Isaac felt careless.

"From the contents of the testimony of the Knight and the Church, you can see Michael's involvement, the breath of the Count Brander family,"

He was right, the paperwork contained testimony that Michael was involved.

But I see some blur in the Knight's testimony of Count Brander's family.

It's the difference between those ordered directly by Michael and those ordered by their superiors.

But this much braking is natural.

Now Isaac doesn't feel like questioning the knights for "giving false testimony".

The most important part of their testimony...

"As Judith is executed as a witch, guard the execution site so the knights of Count Lancaster's house don't interfere"

- That's the thing.

I don't know if Michael ordered Graham.

But I knew Judith would be executed - I knew someone had been informed in advance.

At least I could guess that I was in touch with Graham.

In addition to that, a situational hearing from church officials also supported Michael's involvement.

Graham asked his men, "Why are you checking on her? 'Cause he asked and he said,' Because I asked for a favor from my lovely nephew '.

Church officials do not marry because they serve God.

So I guess I was glad to be relied on by the child within me.

My mouth seems to have slipped.

As we look at the testimony and go, the look on the faces of Count Lancaster and Daniel becomes daunting.

Count Brander had his eyes swimming.

"We also have information that we are in love with other women, although we have not been able to take testimony from Michael Brander himself. There are also suspicions that he was trying to force his fiancée, Judith Lancaster, to be deceased and dissolve his engagement."

Daniel is so angry, he crushes the paperwork.

If you want to break up, just say you want to break up.

Because it wasn't something I could forgive, such as trying to kill me with the suspicion of being a witch.

"Although we don't know how deeply involved we were in the current situation, the situation is that Michael Brander's involvement in the attempted murder of Judith Lancaster is certain. Please bear that in mind when you are offered the terms of the settlement."

With that said, he thought to himself, "This would make reconciliation impossible or something".

It is now a situation in which it is unavoidable to kill Count Brander on this occasion.

I had no idea what way I could proceed with reconciliation.

It's not weird to go back to your territory and start getting ready for war.

It used to place the territory of the Counts to avoid a dispute between the Marquis, but thanks to this the territory of the Marquis is in the way and the Counts are unable to dispute with each other.

Neither those who proposed the transfer of the seal in the past would have thought that it would prevent disputes between the Counts.

But what he feared never happened.

Her face is bright red with anger, but Count Lancaster's parents and children just have to stare.

Again, it's big that it's in front of Elias.

Because he's the one who can't look unusual.

Before they say anything, Isaac moves.

"Michael's responsibilities in this case are heavy. But you should also consider the fact that the Virgin Judith has been saved."

Isaac insists on Judith's safety.

If he were dead, he could have asked for Michael's abandonment, his execution, and the dismantling of the Count Brander family.

But she's alive.

- With the title Virgin.

Dressed the Virgin with witch stigma, she tried to make the Church execute her.

Even then, Michael's fame is fatally wounded.

It's like he's already dead as a nobleman because it's a rating to hang out with for life.

"Judith is alive, so you don't have to bother to scrap him," he blew into the Earls of Lancaster.

Isaac next speaks to Count Brander.

"Nevertheless, the Count Brander family will take responsibility and Michael himself will not be punished. Sometimes you're the only child, and you'll want to protect it as much as you can, but you should think about what kind of disposition you're going to take yourself."

It is not fair to urge only the Count Lancaster family on the victim's side to weigh in.

Tell the Count Brander family, the perpetrator's side, to take responsibility for themselves as well.

But if it was too harsh a disposition, Isaac was going to give out a help boat.

Even for Nicole's sake, I need Michael to be safe.

It's troublesome that I have to shelter Michael, but someday I just have to help him in hopes of getting something in return.

"I guess I shouldn't be talking like this, but as someone who knows both Michael and Judith, I couldn't keep my mouth shut. As for me personally (...), I'm not going to ask Uncle Brander for anything 'cause I've put a lot of effort into helping Mr. Judith'. If you do everything you can to meet Uncle Lancaster's demands, that's fine."


Count Brander bows his head.

Here's Isaac saying, "It's been tough rescuing the Virgin with the Church. Uh, I really didn't know what was going to happen," he said, "and I was just in trouble if they were asking me for the price of being thrown a flicker and moving.

I pissed Isaac off, but I'm relieved that he's keeping it moderate.

"Okay, Uncle Lancaster. If you have something to say, just say it."

Elias urges the Earl of Lancaster to speak.

I wasn't sure how to move as an arbitrator, but fortunately, Isaac is showing a move to make it easier.

If we get through this without cutting off the flow, we might get the result that we put this project together beautifully.

Before the curse began, I was about to move on.

"... Judith was helpful, as Lord Enfield was told. So I'm not going to ask for the abolition or execution of Michael, the only boy in the Count Brander family stream. We are thinking of something that focuses on compensation through money"

Count Lancaster replied with a bitter face.

The Count of Brander against did not change his nervous expression, but gives him a slightly soothing atmosphere.

"However, that is only the price you seek from the Count Brander family and not the punishment you seek from Michael himself. Even if we do not do harm, we are not convinced that we are intact without social sanctions. Punish me in an official way."

When he came to the Mansion of the Marquis of Wellrod, the Earl of Lancaster was convinced with compensation by money.

However, after hearing the earlier report, it seems that we can no longer accept a settlement on the money alone.

Seek punishment for Michael himself.

This reaction was a field of anticipation for Isaac.

But it was troublesome that it wasn't a direct demand such as "let him hit you".

- Punishment on official records.

If it is reprimanded by Elias, it will be on the official record for punishing him.

But that won't convince the Earl of Lancaster either.

When that happens, there's only something like putting him in jail and closing him up.

But if that is the case, it is synonymous with obsolescence.

A relative of the Count Brander family would make a fuss that "Michael the Sinner is ineligible as the Lord".

Then there's no point in sheltering Michael.

As Nicole's bait, I have trouble getting her to stay in the Count's position as a man (...) until I graduate.

As for Isaac, I almost wanted Count Brander to do well.

"An official record punishment... What do you think of Lord Enfield?

"Is that me?

He was nominated by Elias, soaking up Morgan, the Marquis of Windsor, the Count of Cooper, the Attorney General, and Count Brander, the parent of the party.

Isaac got in a lot of trouble, although he's repairing it on the surface.

(I don't know, that's it. All I know is that the crime of treason of the state involves the union of families...)

Isaac is also learning the laws necessary for everyday life to see what he can't do.

However, I had no idea how far the punishment was on the official record.

Knowledge of the law only brought together the two extremes of "everyday necessity" and "treason".

I'm just having trouble being told the story here.

But everyone's gazing at themselves.

"I don't know," it was a difficult situation to say.

(Oh, I don't know anymore. Damn.)

"It was when I hit Charles, but the teachers were worried about suspending him for a week or a month. It must be because you think your background will scratch you for about a month. So why don't we just suspend Michael for a long time? How about something like that until you're in third grade?

Isaac answered to the best of his knowledge.

Schools in this world are like high schools but have no years left.

Even the "stupid son of nobility" imagined by the public is able to graduate.

Of course, grades aren't underestimated.

Student grades are taken into account when taking up positions.

If I'm too stupid, I can't get a decent job, and I'm going to have to live in detail with noble pensions or do the kind of work that civilians do.

And Michael is a student.

If you suspend until you are in third grade, your sophomore grades will be the lowest.

When ministers and high-ranking officials are told who to nominate in the future, they will be dropped first in the paperwork selection.

However, apart from my grades, I knew that no one would be chosen to cause such disturbances as this one.

Isaac sees the reaction around him.

There was no worse reaction than I thought.

Especially Elias, who nods satisfactorily.

"What do you think, Uncle Cooper?

Elias asked Count Cooper this time.

I guess I wanted to hear your opinion as Attorney General.

Count Cooper, asked, puts his hand on his chin and thinks a little.

"If we adopt Lord Enfield's opinion, Michael will no longer be able to hold a decent position. But the Count Brander family is a nobleman with territory. I have territorial income, so unlike court nobles, I don't have any trouble getting a job. It is on the official record and in the future I feel narrow shoulders in the aristocratic society. It depends on whether the Earl of Lancaster acknowledges it or not, but it would be the best choice in the present situation"

(Heh, yeah)

There might also be a "because Isaac said so" correction.

But surprisingly, Isaac's own experience was not a bad proposition.

If there is a problem, whether Count Lancaster will accept it or not.

The Earl of Lancaster stares at the Earl of Brander.

"... In addition to that, let us engage in service in the Church. Because this time we're also bothering the church."

Count Brander offered additional punishment.

Given the sin that nearly killed Judith, that's insignificant.

But to convince the Earl of Lancaster it was necessary to offer him additional punishment.

"I demand that you show in your attitude that the severity of the punishment is not important and that you feel sorry for me".

That's why he offered to serve in church from himself.

"Then that's fine. However, the engagement is formally dissolved. In the future, if anyone associated with the Count Brander family does anything to Judith, they won't complain if they tear down the house. And ask Michael to apologize directly to Judith. I also ask you to acknowledge these conditions"

"As far as apologies are concerned, I originally intended to do so. The engagement relationship is already broken, so I have no objection to the dissolution of the engagement. You can also fully understand that you are concerned about your physical safety. But some will try to distance themselves from the current Count Brander house. As a cost of getting there, working with the Count Lancaster family could cause a do-it-yourself disturbance. Accept me and Michael and the rest if they're within the bounds of a kinship home."

"... that's the best thing to worry about. Fine."

- The Count Lancaster family performs themselves in the Judith raid.

Count Lancaster knew it was possible to point out that.

Rather, as much as I was going to take in those who were going to distance themselves from the forthcoming Count Brander family and actually crush the Count Brander family.

It's disrespectful to point out, but I didn't do anything to yell at you.

Instead, he turns his angry gaze and plays the outrage "You disrespectful bastard even though I didn't think about that".

"Paying six billion leads as compensation within one year. If you fail to pay, you will be allowed to seize your assets."

But Daniel couldn't stand it.

Count Brander told me that he was going to kill his daughter and that he was "scared I don't know what you guys are going to do".

The outrage of "Don't face the victim" overflowed.

I would have originally planned to demand five billion leads, but multiply them by one billion.

It is the sadness of those who were born and raised in a territory without any special specialties that cannot be said here to "pay ten billion leads".


As soon as Michael finishes talking about it, it's a huge demand for compensation.

Besides, it's a critical amount you can't even pay if you're desperate.

In this short period of time, he seemed to be doing a good downward look at the assets of the Count Brander family.

(If you have a one-year respite, you have to pay for it. Rather, if that's all it takes)

"Is the compensation for money only?

Like Michael did earlier, I have trouble getting the terms up later.

Count Brander thought that we should check the contents of the compensation.

"Exactly, only money. I think it's a broken demand, but will they say no?

"Okay. Let's take it. May I have the Earl of Lancaster, too?

When Count Brander found out it was only money, he immediately accepted.

The extent to which it can be paid in cash currently owned and in mine revenues that fall within the payment deadline.

I have to save temporarily, but that's all I can do, so I have no reason to say no.

Considering what Michael did, it was just a condition of breaking.

The laughter spills unexpectedly.

Seeing it, the Earl of Lancaster puts on his face.

It's a lot of money, but that's not the kind of fatal injury that would tip the Count Brander family.

I regretted that it was enough to handle it at my leisure.

"Never mind."

But six billion leads of cash is not something that can be ignored by the Count Lancaster family.

I still owe Isaac a lot of money called five billion leads.

I can't stay borrowed forever, so I have to return the money I borrowed.

Even if I didn't care, I had no choice but to accept it.

"Then Michael Brander will be suspended until he is in third grade, during which time he will be engaged in service in the church. Count Brander's family resents Judith Lancaster. If you give me a hand, I'll tear down the house. Pay six billion leads as compensation within one year. Are you sure on these terms?

Count Cooper's secretary summarises the terms.

"That's fine."

"I acknowledge that condition"

Counts Lancaster and Brander acknowledge the conditions.

All you have to do after this is create a text with no misleading content and get the two of you to sign it.

The relationship between the two families remained sinister, but the worst, such as the assassin's reward, was avoided.

There is a relaxed air of "paragraph" flowing on this spot.

- But there were people here who didn't read the air.

"Let's move on to the next agenda"

- It's Isaac.

Everyone says, "Next agenda?," he shook his neck wonderfully.

"Michael charges Mr. Judith as a witch. Anyone can make it that far. So why has the story gone so far as to be on the verge of execution? Isn't that because Michael wasn't the only one planning on turning Mr. Judith into a deceased at home?

"Lord Enfield! Say what!

Count Brander stood as he jumped out of his chair.

Because what Isaac was saying was something that could have crushed the Count Brander family.