The Red Dragon Emperor

The Scarlet Dragon Emperor from Douluo Continent Chapter 277

"Um... I don't want to either.

……Ok?Karen... how did you know Erica's swimsuit type this year?"

"Do you know Arianna Yaliarti?

She is Miss Erica's maid, and I have a good relationship with her, and we talked about it when talking on the phone yesterday."

"You, when did you have such a relationship with that devil's maid!?" Liliana said in surprise.

"Please don't be surprised by this kind of thing, this is just to grasp the layout of Miss Liliana and our enemy of "Bronze Black Cross"-Miss Erica."

Karen talked serious nonsense.

"At that time, on the beach, the two people who are obviously not the same, but because of the swimsuit, they make each other better..."

"No, no, how could I lose to that female fox!"

"Then, don't wear swimsuits now, is that okay?"

"...No, I took a closer look. Actually, this one is okay. Although I'm sorry you helped me prepare the second set, but this year I will wear the first set." Liliana looked at her blue and white Swimsuit nodded hard.

"Is that so? I see."

In fact, as the head of the Kranichal family, Liliana's grandfather is also worried because his granddaughter is not sexy.

So before that, I had a conversation with Karen "At least let her choose some more appropriate styles. What should I do?"", "Master, please wrap this matter on me."", "Oh~~ If you succeed, I will reward you with some special bonus..." and other agreed dialogues, but they are all topics that I don't intend to mention now.

In this way, Liliana didn't know that she had been cheated by her grandfather, and at the same time she had to say that Karen's routine was really deep.



An emerald-like coast in the northeastern part of the island is a beach specially used by celebrities and nobles, but Ryucheng and Godou are not there, but along the west coast.

It is very close to the city of Alghero where the airport is located, and there are many tourist attractions around.

There are many places of historical interest and historical sites of Gothic, Baroque, and Renaissance buildings.

And more attractive than any scenic spot is the sea and beach here.

Except for a little overheating, it is indeed a good place to spend a long vacation happily.

Long Cheng, Liliana and Athena were sunbathing.

Yuri Wanliya, Lukulukia, and Karen played beach volleyball.

As for Erica and Kusanagi Godo, they were on a rubber boat in the distance.

A voice came from Liliana's phone.

"Hello, this is Kranichal... Yeah, it's been a long time, Dijana. Hey, Long Chengjun? Yes, although he is by my side... This matter needs to use that adult Is it the power of the snake? Is it a rare occurrence? Hera Pillar? The seal of the snake and the cow!?"

Liliana's voice caught the attention of Long Cheng and Athena.

Ending the call, Liliana looked at Long Cheng embarrassedly.

"Come on, what's the matter?"

"That, Long Chengjun, can you go to Naples (Naples) with me now, where our members of "Bronze Black Cross" found the Hera Pillar.

Obviously it will cause you trouble during the summer vacation. It's really..."

"It's okay, let's go now.

If it drags on, it will be bad if something is called out of the god.

Karen, please wait a moment and talk to Godou and others."

"The concubine body will also go, the wisdom of the concubine body tells the concubine body that the Hera stone pillar is predestined with the concubine body."

"Yes~" Karen waved to everyone..

"Then, let's go." After all, Long Cheng, Liliana and Athena disappeared on the beach.

Long Cheng directly took Athena and Liliana and teleported to the city of Naples.

296. King of Sword

Naples (Note: Naples) is one of the few metropolises in Italy, as well as a port street and a tourist attraction.

The degree of beauty and elegance of this ancient capital even derives the phrase "I can just look at Naples".

Actually, looking into the distance from a high platform is also very beautiful.

The Bay of Naples, the port of Santa Rukia, and countless historic buildings, bathed in the gentle rays of the sun and gleaming blue.

One of the world's three major night scenes, the city is illuminated by various lights. If you look to the east, you can see the great appearance of Mount Vesuvius standing ten kilometers away.

The crowd followed Liliana to Subka Napoli, an old street in Napoli.

Then everyone came to an old bookstore called [Milide's House].

Naples, known as the birthplace of pizza, is actually a university town.

In 1224, the Naples University established during the Syrian Kingdom is still alive today. Because of this environment, there are unexpectedly many second-hand bookstores in the city.

Especially around Piazza Bellini in the Old City Street, it is a very famous old bookstore street.

The store has a neat design, but in a small store, there are all kinds of old books of different sizes. The variety is messy and exudes a unique atmosphere.

As soon as they entered the bookstore, everyone saw Diana Millide, the person in charge of this operation.

According to Liliana's introduction along the way, the other party was a witch living in Naples, who was considered Liliana's teacher, her age was unknown, and she was a woman with a baby face.

The other party wore a soft and beautiful dress with many lace edges.

"Diana Millid, the witch who lives in Naples, has seen the eighth godkiller, and has seen the goddess Athena.

Lily, long time no see."

Dijana greeted everyone, and it was estimated that she was angry with Liliana, so the other party did not prepare for a grand welcome ceremony.

Long Cheng and Athena nodded to Dijana, which was regarded as a return.

"Long time no see, Diana...Miss." Liliana said.