The Reincarnated Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad

The ninth hundred and seventy-nine chapters, if you have a long time

Qin Haidong said: "Hey ... this is still not good."

"Why? Do you don't like me, or where I don't do it, let you not happy?"

Niu Cuihua said anxious.

"Nothing, I have always like you, you are also very good." Qin Haidong licked the lips of the dried Baba, I thought about it, "Have you heard an old saying, called can't get a family blessing Marriage is unhappy.

Now we have a stiffness with your family, especially if your brother always wants to kill me, so we are solemn when we sleep now. "

Niu Cuihua said: "But I don't care, for you, I can break the relationship with them."

Among her minds, the impression of brothers and families is limited to Qin Haidong's description, there is no emotional basis, so I don't care.

"How is it, no matter how they say they are your loved ones." Qin Haidong said a serious look. "Since I have chosen you, I will give you the best, I can't let you have been with me. "

Niu Cuihua said: "But what do you don't like?"

"I will find a way, I want to understand, as long as my repair can reach the big phase, even if they are poor, they will also look at me, when I can go to the door, let them marry your name to marry me. "

"But how long is it?"

Niu Cuihua said anxiously, for an ordinary monk, I want to practice the time to practice for decades.

Even some people can't enter the threshold of the Maharaehae for a loss due to the fact that cultivates resources and talent.

"You don't worry, you have just reached the beginning of the year, but also got the fairy crystal, and you can reach the middle of the body. There are only two levels left at the Maharae."

Qin Haidong stared at Niu Cuihua said. "If the two love is long, he is in the DPRK, is it?

He also fights, in order to be able to stabilize the ghost Wang Zong, the ghost Wang Zong, and even the love words of the star move.

"No, no, how long can I wait for you?" Niu Cuihua said his eyes, "Gong, you said this, if you have long, if you have long, you are in the DPRK.

But there are so many girls around you, each is so beautiful so good, I am afraid that you are suddenly ignorant. "

Qin Haidong said: "What is possible, someone else can never replace you in my mind, even if it is dead, I will also pay your love to you in my heart."

As a Lingwu Mainland, where did this have heard such a love?

Niu Cuihua feels that his inner heart has been completely filled with happiness, and the veins are said: "Don't know, really?" You didn't lie to me? "

"How can I lie to you, if you don't believe you, you will dig my heart."

Qin Haidong said that there is a feeling of self-defense. I don't know if the Star is seeing his performance.

"Gong, you are really good to me, I will never be separated from you." Niu Cuihua's cheese is red, as if it is going to drop blood, she said, "How long I can wait for you, then you Can you kiss people now? "

Today, Qin Haidong can only fight, and the hands of the bulls, the sketch of the cattle, and kissed it.

After a long time, two people slowly separated.

Niu Chenghua said happiness: "Gonggong, I will go back first, you will sleep early."

After that, she left, looked at her fantastic back, thinking that the feeling of just kissing, Qin Haidong felt that she was not playing, but playing a super-nuclear bomb.

Once the ghost Wang Zong lives old to recover memory, it will burn himself like it like Li Tianba.

But now I don't think about those, I can only take a step.

After Niu Cuihua, he summoned three golden to summoned from the spirit beast bag and viewed the injury of this guy.

Three feet golden jeans have a dragon blood, defense and self-healing.

Although it was injured by Li Tianba, it has been fully recovered at this time. It seems that this guy is not a lot of blood loss, there is no problem with a little injury.

Heavy three feet golden to receive the spirit of the beast, and he took out the fairy crystal, which has solved Li Tianba, which urgently upgrading his own repair.

He arranged several abadlays in the room, and then held a small crystal knee in his hand and started to slowly absorb the fairy gas.

Compared to the best spar, the aura contained in Xianjing is too huge, too sorry, enough to get hundreds of pole spirit, and absorb more quickly.

Qin Haidong felt the heating of the aura integrated into his own body, and the true gas in the body became more powerful every second, and the repair was quickly upward.

Finally, a sound of the sound from the mind, he broke through the bottleneck of the initial expression and reached the medium term.

At the same time, the fairy crystal in his hand also turned a virtual, and even a silk residue did not leave.

He opened his eyes and felt the powerful, secretly sighed: "It's a good thing, and a kind of Xianjing actually makes his repair to enhance a large level.

It seems that in addition to the Four Kingdom of Lingquan, if you can find more fairycra, you can make your own repairs rapidly. "

Only, Xianjing is always a treasure that can be encountered. Li Mengyao is also coming from the ancient rules, and then I want to find it. I don't know when it is.

After eating breakfast on the next day, Luo Dongqing, a wine, came to the generals, indicating that the housekeeper took him to Qin Haidong them.

I saw Luo Dongqing into the door, and the little witch came to grabbed his beard.

"Head, you let go, have something to say, hurt me."

"Don't put it! It is not! Who will let you sneak out to drink, see if I go back, don't tell my grandmother to clean you."

Seeing this grandchild, others can't help but laugh.

Although Luo Dongqing is a master of the Maharae, but there is no way to yourself, it can only look for the Qin Haidong.

Qin Haidong said: "Okay, things have passed, first let the dean of the Luo said."

"Hey, look at the little brother to give you a relationship, let you go this time, and then pull your beard next time."

Little demon woman was angry to let go of Luo Dongqing.

Luo Dongqing sorted the beard, and some said: "Xiao Qin, did not expect your kid to ran to the Kingdom of Suzaku, and yesterday, is there?"

Qin Haidong said that his experience is briefly told, and then he will talk about the end of the Qinglong College from the head yesterday.

He just finished, the little witch also said: "The old man, you see the leaders of the Human College, have been following the latter to protect the students, where did you go?"

I thought that Qin Haidong was almost in the hands of Li Tianba yesterday, her heart is full of anger.

"This ..." Luo Dongqing said somewhat embarrassed. "I turned around yesterday to the mountains around, just met the monkey wine of the Red Lotus Monkey.

When those monkeys didn't sneak a little, I didn't expect that the wine was great, and I drunk me. "

The little demon woman said angrily: "You are not reliable old man, wait for me to go back must tell you, put your wine!"

Luo Dongqing hurriedly said: "The grandson, don't, Grandpa guarantees that only this time, will never have.

I will wait for me to find the Li Tianba of Qinglong College, give you a revenge. "

The little witch snorted, didn't talk again.

Luo Dongqing also said: "In fact, this matter is not blamed, we are blamed Xiao Qin, after his disappearance, my wine is drunk, otherwise, I will go with a group of monkeys."

After saying that he said to Qin Haidong: "Hurry and give some wine to the old man, it is faded out of the birds in these days."

Thinking of this old man in the protection of himself in Xuanwu Lingquan, Qin Haodong is still very touched, and a waving takes out 10 boxes of five grain liquid from the ring.

"Great, finally there is wine."

Luo Dongqing hurriedly got these reservoirs, as if they were afraid that they were taken away.

The little witch said: "Old man, what are you doing? Will not drink to find a little brother to drink?"

"See you, I certainly have a matter."

Luo Dongqing said, "Tomorrow is the days of the four major kingdom communication meeting, just in the case of Suzaku Kingdom to inform me, let us open a meeting, study the rules of tomorrow."

Qin Haidong said: "Is the rule of the game not set it in advance?"

Luo Dongqing said: "This is not necessarily, because each year is continuing the rules, but sometimes some changes will be made."

Qin Haidong said: "Are all of us to go?"

"The requirements are that the team teachers and captains must be present, others will be free." Luo Dongqing said, "Now your kid is coming back, this captain will give you, don't think about lazy."

Qin Haotong nodded and made the captain of the Xuanwu Academy as a well-deserved.

"Let's go, let's go together now."

Luo Dongqing said it was taken in front of it, others were idle, followed by Qin Haidong left the generals.

The place where the meeting is in the royal family of the Suzaku Kingdom, which is also a place in tomorrow.

Just arrived here, I saw Li Mengao and gotting on the people of Qinglong College.

Li Mengyao came to the residence waiting to come to Deniang, and did not wait back Li Tianba.

The Kingdom of the Suzaku Kingdom not knows everyone to come over, there is no way, can only be brought by the captain.

Lu Mingju said: "Under the princess, you said that the vice president will not have anything?"

Li Mengyao said: "I am also worried about this, but the deputy director of Li is the master of the Maharae, even if you encounter a strong enemy, you can run away, will not disappear so no sound."

Pang said: "But now Li Feng said yet, where can he go?"

Li Mengyao said heavier: "This doesn't know, according to Li Dean is a largest person, it will not be easily absent today's meeting."

At this time, Lu Mingxia pointed to the front: "The princess is, you see, the people of Xuanwu College."

Everyone looked along the direction of her fingers, Zhao Long said: "There is no matter what the kid of Qin is. Is there anything that Li is lost?"

Lu Mingju said: "Even if the assassination failed, Li Dean should return to us, will not be so silent."

Li Mengyao said: "We have asked in the past, perhaps you can get some clues from the Xuanwu Academy."

After that, he took the crowd to the front of Qin Haidong, and asked: "Qin Haidong, where is our Li Huan, where is it?"