
When I opened my eyes, I tickled.

The reason for this is simple. Because her long black hair is on the tip of this nose.

"... Ryuko?

"Yes, good morning. Mr. Silver Man."

When I call the name of the smell I could smell, I get a response with a smile I could see and a voice I could hear.

... Also, is it a dream?

Memories as a nine-tone silver man, not an Argent Van Peel. I experience it as a dream and as a chase.

The woman in maid clothes who woke me up in my dreams was Mizugi Ryuko.

(9) My caretaker came when I was imprisoned in this room for a few days after being branded unqualified as a person of sound. Even people who no longer need it seem to be filled with these people.

Long, bright black hair with a younger, teenager-like face than the actual age - more than twenty.

If it's true, I would call you Mr. Ryuko, but I'm calling you right in person with only hope. No, should I say I was calling?

Rocking the white frills decorating her head, Ryuko smiled.

"I always thought you were Mr. Nebuki, didn't you, Mr. Silver Man?"

"It's something I haven't had to do since I got in here, and I've been sleeping longer."

"... Sure, there's not much entertainment here. Next time, I'll bring you a board game."

"No, that's it"

"Hehe, is that right? I'll deal with you, won't I?... you're ready for dinner, wake up."

"Thank you"

Conversation in memory, a past that has passed.

I already know what they said and what I said. [M]

... How can you dream about the old days?

I have dreamed of the past many times since I was reincarnated into another world.

As if to say it makes sense to follow a memory, over and over again.

In my memory, I automatically get out of bed and walk to the table. Just consciousness. I can only look at it.

"About rice, I make my own."

"If you don't let me do exactly this, I really won't be able to do it anymore."

"Oh, really?"

Ryuko smiled and said, "Come on in!" It prompts me to go to the table.

Japanese-style dishes such as grilled salmon, rice balls and miso soup were lined up on the table.

To be honest, I decided to be honest with you because it would be appreciated if the meal came out even in silence.

I asked you to take the opposite seat. When I started eating, Ryuko sat face to face, too.

I don't know why, she often eats dinner with me.

"Is it delicious?

"Yeah, very"

"Heh heh, Mr. Silver can't move his expression, so you won't know until you ask."

"Wow, this is delicious."

"Stop looking just happy with your voice color without changing your expression!? Because you won't be able to tell if it's true!

"Really? Okay."

"Now, if you're going to be happy, make sure you have a good smile on your face."

He seems to have some fun whilst complaining, and his opponent face-to-face is advancing his chopsticks.

I can make my own rice or so, but it's true that I appreciate you making it. If it's delicious, it's even better.

"The life of a three-meal nap… is it so easy to live, okay?"

"Probably the only one who says that about this place is Mr. Silver."


"... there are several other same rooms besides here. But the only person who keeps it this long is Mr. Silver."

They told me I was keeping it, and I could imagine it blurry.

The Jiuyin family I was born into is not too much of a landlord to say that I have everything in the world in my hands.

That is why families are always asked for perfection, and those who do not are unnecessarily branded and closed. I'm one of them in a dream.

The people who were brought into this room before me probably couldn't stand it. I chose death because I couldn't stand the way I was treated.

I don't know how that feels. [M] What you don't need is thrown away because you feel it's natural.

Discard what is no longer necessary or old. That's what anyone does.

Then why don't you consider the possibility that you "will"?

I don't know where I was when I was in my dreams, even now that I was reincarnated into Argent Van Peel.

"I don't need it anymore...... is it that hard to just accept it?

"It's hard...... or I don't think it's possible first. That's why we have this room."

"This room...?

"... isolate from the outside world and suppose you don't need it. It's too much of a place to break the heart of a person who has always been asked to do the same."

I somehow understand the meaning of the words said. Because this room is too pretty.

When I came here, not only the conditioning, but the walls, ceilings, and corners of the floor seemed like new.

Yet the walls and stairs beyond the iron lattice are old, as if only the rooms were newly placed here.

A strange atmosphere, as if it is no longer used every time it is used and is being rebuilt anew.

Exhale, Ryuko continues her words.

"Break your heart, break around you, but still can't reach you... and at the end of the day, break yourself. That is the path that the people who were put in here have followed without exception… until you show up."

"... Ryuko, have you seen it several times?

"... Yep"

Clouding her expression, Ryuko put down her chopsticks.

Leaving someone unattended to eat, obviously, my dream me moves chopsticks.

He unexpectedly remembered the taste properly, and to the extent that I thought "I miss it," I felt the taste of the meal just in my consciousness, and I remembered it.

"... many voices are afraid of you. That's why it's got something I'm used to."

"... can you talk to me?

"No, I guess not. But Mr. Silver doesn't care anyway, and we're not being watched here."

She smiles like she gave up, like she's relieved, and Ryuko laughs.

I didn't know how to laugh then. [M] Neither do I. I honestly don't know why.

Still, the smile I met again in my dreams - strangely, it didn't seem like a bad thing.

"Mr. Silver is a strange man."


"Yes, very much. So...... even if you can't get out of here, I want you to live. I'm already tired of seeing people break down."

Some prayerful, wishful word.

What an answer I gave you. [M] I know that. I remember.

But before I could spin the words in my dreams, my consciousness came to mind.

... "It's okay," I said, didn't I?

Force majeure, or while I was asleep, I couldn't keep the words I gave you.

I died without a long life. [M]

I wake up from my dreams, leaving behind even the feeling of a little needle sticking in the back of my chest.

Someone's calling me names.

What's the name they're calling you - which is it?