"... Cyril!

My face turned to me, everywhere bright, laughing.

The woman who calls me by a name that's not me, Iggysta, squeaks her footsteps and runs over here.

"Cyril! I looked for you!

Coming this way with your hands wide open is an attempt to hold you.

It's what I saw once, so I don't panic. I got my breath ready, and then I fell out.

Fall out of the opponent's movements and forward, unlike nature.

"Ha ha!?

Naturally, the Iggysta, which was avoided by me as my goal, fell into abundance.

I sigh when I see my redhead spread out on the floor like a copper coin has been smashed.

"Not at all, are you going to bury it in my chest again and stop breathing?

"Ugh... sorry, Cyril"

With tears in his silver eyes, he holds his nose and Iggysta rises.

Reaching out, the other hand came back, so I got him up.

Cyril, where have you been? I looked for you, didn't I?

"Excuse me, a little more on the bookshelf"

"Mm, well. Speaking of which, the golem isn't very close..."

"Sounds like it. Iggysta, by the way. Could you just give me a few more memories of me and you?

I don't mean Argent Van Peel.

The girlfriend in front of you speaks many times, Mr. Cyril. I'm talking about Cyril Arkedia.

Iggysta, prompted by me, had a full grin.

"Right! Yeah, yeah! Right! I know! If you hear so many memories, you'll remember them soon!

Of course, that's not the intention. I'm not Mr. Cyril. That's because it's already clear.

Still, I dared not deny her mistakes, but listened to the memorabilia.

"Right...... oh, the library is close because of it, and I don't know about this story. Cyril is reluctant to keep the golem close to the bathroom and library."

"Was it"

"Yeah. I know the bathroom, too. Golem opponents, though, are somewhat unsettled when they are watched. But I don't know the library... Cyril seems kind of embarrassed when I ask her," Because I want to read quietly. "

"I see."

"I know that, too, while I was with Cyril. Cyril and the time to relax and read a book is not the same as fun again...... but you weren't bored"

"... can I ask you something else?

"Of course! I'll tell you as much as I can!

Iggysta laughs happily and tells me a lot.

To have failed, to have succeeded, to have fun, to have suffered.

Memories with Mr. Cyril. Her face that speaks of it is clear.

Unlike what Mr. Cyril Notebook told you to untie, to show off your precious treasure. Iggysta keeps talking.

Not only me, Kuzha and Mr. Fernote were listening to her memories.

"... yeah. I understand very well. Thank you, Iggysta."

"Hmm? Did you already remember that?!?

"No. That's not what I meant. However, I'm tired already today, so can I give you a break?

"Yeah, of course! Then go to Cyril's room..."

"No.... I have something to talk to these people about, so sleep over there today"

"... Will you come back to me properly tomorrow?

"Yep. See you tomorrow"

If you wave lightly, they'll know it's a temporary goodbye, and Iggysta will walk away from us.

When I thought it would disappear straight into the back of the hallway, Iggysta turned around.

"Speaking of which, did the fox child have a good bathroom?

"... Kuzha, did you want to go to the bathroom?

"Oh, well..."

"Yeah? Was it different?

"Yes, no! That's not true! Please guide us!

"Bye, Iggysta. Can you take him that way first? I'm in no hurry to talk to you."

"Leave it to me, Cyril!

I'm more than happy to do Mr. Cyril a favor. Iguzista tried to drag Kuzha and took her across the hallway.

... Probably, it was a lie.

I was asking for some time, so I guess that's why. Though I did something bad for Kuzha to match the Tsuji.

As a result, the two of us, left in the aisle, face to face. It was the other person who made the words first.

"Algiers. Did you find the answer?

"Yeah, thanks to you. Excuse me, Mr. Fernote. Ask for it."

"I don't mind. I don't want to hear that name for a while because they've always said it's Cyrillic."

Joking and laughing, Mr. Fernote winks lightly.

But that's a flash, too. She immediately went back to her usual serious face,

"So, what are we gonna do about that kid? You're not gonna tell me you're staying here because you're gonna feed me, are you?

"Hmm, that's fascinating, too"

"Hey you... are you gonna get mad?

"I'm just kidding."

Respond to the person who raised an eyebrow by descending his neck.

Sure, Iggysta will feed me.

This place is protected by the Golems, and as long as a currency called Cyril exists, it will always be a cheap place.

Safe, clothing and accommodation guaranteed, not to mention spacious baths and good treatment.

The usual me would definitely be an excellent property to support. [M]

But I don't choose to be fed by her.

"I'm not Mr. Cyril."

Not strong, with nature.

I could say that, as if to breathe.

Whoever calls me, I won't get lost anymore.

I'm Jiuyin Silver and I'm Argent Van Peel.

"It's Mr. Cyril that that guy is looking for. I'm not Mr. Cyril, and I can't be Mr. Cyril."

It's right there, what I want. Eternal favor.

But I'm not the one who should be pointed at it. It's Mr. Cyril.

I guess I can just say the name. [M] Because that's already the name whose owner is dead.

Still, I didn't want to. [M]

"I'm leaving here. Not sneaking around, convincing Iggysta, grandiose."

My heart turned to you already.

I don't get lost anymore.

"Can you help me, please?

"Either way, you won't be able to deliver that dark elf unless you do something about it, will you?... By the way, where did that kid go?

"I left it in the library for now because I said I had a book I wanted to read."

"Jeez, you're free... maybe I could be a little more nervous"

"I think she has an idea."

I'm probably worried about Mr. Richelle, and I'm anxious.

What she does and seemingly frees up is that she certainly doesn't understand her personality or the situation properly.

Still, Mr. Richelle's anxious face when it came to his hometown must have been real.

Both Mr. Richelle and Iggysta.

I think of something important and keep my mind calm in a way I can.

I don't think I'm wrong about that.

"Then shall we go back to Xeno-kun for once? When Kuzha and Richelle get back, we'll talk about the future again."

I made the words and stepped out without getting lost.

I can't go in the wrong direction anymore.