"Mr. Alger, I'm coming."

"Yeah. Please, Bushiha"

We'll check with each other, and then we'll get to work.

Bushiha climbs a tree and collects fruit. Drop it on me on the ground, and I'll put it in the Blood Box.

"Oh, it's so hard... I want to sleep... it's so hard..."

"If this is over, I'm done for today. Let's do our best, Mr. Alger."

"Right... haha..."

My neighbor Kuzha encourages me to do my part.

Today I was out of the territory with Kuzha to help collect ingredients.

I also grow some fruits and crops in my territory, but apart from that, I'm away to procure things that are hard to grow in people's hands.

Of course, Guru. It's extremely painful for me, but I can't help but hope Mr. Fernote doesn't piss me off either.

... the job itself is easy, isn't it?

The work itself is easy because you and Kuzha can use a split body. Instead, I'm mostly nothing but a luggage man. I'm just storing what Bushiha and the others have picked in a bloodbox.

Kuzha, the main unit, also leaves her job to Bushiha, and she feels relaxed, so she seems to be pretty loose on her work today.

I see animals and demons from time to time, but basically they run away from their opponents, and what they don't run away from is harmless because the Kuzha's get rid of them lightly.

It's an easy job to look at holistically like that, but it's a pain in the ass to walk through this tropical forest anyway.

Although the territory is fairly well maintained, once out of the territory, high temperatures and humidity make clothes stick.

Although it is not a twisted heat with a dry throat, the heat with its unique discomfort further deprives it of its original motivation without cakera.

It's troublesome to walk on the ground that isn't serviced, and I want to go home sincerely fast. And I want to sleep for thirty hours.

"It's hot..."

Kuzha doesn't seem to like this heat either. Speaking of which, even when he came, he said his ears and tails were sticky and depressing, so climatically Kuzha and this land probably don't fit very well.

They're still trying to escape the humidity a little by shaking their witchy, familiar everyday skirts with patties.

I make words while I think my ears dripping cute. [M]

"When you're done, go into the hot springs and take your time."

"Right. A bath after work must feel good!

Are you somewhat motivated, Kuzha flies tequila instructions to Bushiha and the others.

Since Bushiha is a cheaty and extreme division that is identical to the main unit (Kuzha) up to her thinking, physical abilities, and available skills, she will clean up the work that Kuzha has given her one after the other.

Recently, there was an increase in the number of Cyrillic vaults that could be further divided, and the work was quite advanced, resulting in a number of ingredients being placed inside the Blood Box.

"It's time for lunch, isn't it? Let's take a break."

"Right. I just picked a lot, so let's make that lunch."

Because of the beast, Kuzha's body clock is quite accurate. More importantly, you're welcome to have a break, so I nod honestly to her suggestion.

Enter the nearby shade to escape the heat at all, take the roots of trees exposed from the ground instead of benches and sit side by side.

Of the ingredients we had on the road, we were supposed to chat for a while, wiping the fruit that we could eat raw.

"Kuzha-chan's separation is convenient."

"Yeah, I'm a common skill if you're a fox beast, but my classification is direct from my mother. There's no such thing as a beast man who can create a body of his own."

After all, it seems quite out of standard to create a level of identity to that point.

I thought about it when I saw Kuzha proudly stretching her breasts without it.

"Is separation something you can't do without being an animal man, after all?

"No, we can make it in a lot of different ways for once. Yin and Yang technique, instead of the detached tail that you call paper Yi Dai (more so)... you think you can put magic into it? This is not so much a divinity as a ceremonial god."

"... Can't you separate a vampire?

"Mr. Alger, you're trying to make it so much easier right now...?

You were too right to deny it. 'Cause that classification skill, if I could use it, would be incredibly convenient.

Looking at Kuzha's identities, that's enough to make me wonder if I should have been a beast man instead of a vampire anymore. Mr. Lorijij, please explain a little bit more.

"You haven't heard much about vampires using their identities... if you mean using something in a blood contract, it seems common."


"You look so sorry......!?

"No, I really wish I could do it for you... see, there are times every day when I really don't want to move because I'm too sleepy"


Kuzha is half-eyed for some reason, even as she makes a very convincing voice. Did I say something strange?

"Come on, Kohon... that's not good. Even if you can't use your transference skills. I'll take care of the situations where you need manpower."

"I appreciate that."

I'm also kind of sorry to have Kuzha move a lot every time, and that doesn't make it any easier when Kuzha isn't around.

On the journey so far, it has been confirmed that once created, Bushiha will be operational even when the main unit is asleep, until the magic given to the main unit is exhausted. Quite jealous, to be honest. Is it something that I won't be able to use somehow?

"Um, Mr. Alger. Is one good?

"Ah, yes. What is it?"

He interrupts his thoughts once because he was called out where he was worried.

Kuzha had an atmosphere of only a little hesitation, but that was for a moment. Fine, and I prefaced it, and I threw words at it.

"Mr. Alger. These kinds of identities are basically whether you want to move them yourself or automatically."

"Yeah, yes. Kuzha's identities are pretty precise, so she moves on her own, but some things aren't, right?

"That's the thing. And the automatic movement is basically no more intelligent or thoughtful than the creator."

"Well, I guess so."

Skilled identities are only identities - if I tell you so, they are copies of the users.

Sometimes what you see in the mirror will look the same as the real thing, but it will never have more beauty than the real thing. That's what Kuzha would say.

"What's wrong with that?

"Uh, so... well..."


"Mr. Alger's identity is the same thought as Mr. Alger's, so he's as likely to be troublesome as Mr. Alger's...?

"... ah"

"I knew you hadn't thought about it..."

"Sure, my personality looks like mine, so you're just like me, you're just like me, you're a pain in the ass, you're no good at anything, you just look at me and you get a sigh of fright."

"I didn't say that much......!?

Kuzha finally noticed when she told me.

If my body has the same thoughts as mine, then no human beings like me, rather than no vampires, will be mass-produced. Of course it doesn't help. Instead, they would all fall asleep on the spot and start taking naps.

"... unfortunately, you might want to give up on making it easier on your own"

"Yeah, I think that would be nice too..."

I was wondering if I would have that means if I couldn't find someone to feed me eventually, so I'm afraid that's no longer available, but I can't help it.

I knew I needed someone to feed me. Oh, I wonder if anyone can feed me.

"... Ah, it's time for your first break. Once you've collected some more ingredients, return to your territory."

"Right, I want to be back by evening...... hmm...?

Kuzha prompted me to stand up and something unpleasant touched my sense of smell.

It smells like the back of your nose is soggy, and you accidentally stare at your face.

That was more of an improbable smell than an improbable one.

I know this smell. [M] But it's unlikely that it's here. I think so.

"... Mr. Alger, don't you smell weird?

"Right. I don't know, of iron -"

- It smells. The moment I tried to spin that word, the shock sounded.

That was like hitting the ground hard, not once, but continuously.

I have an ominous feeling that the sound I feel on the soles of my feet is obviously not a natural one.

Above all, the smell that had drifted after the shock was the problem.

"Kuzha, this is..."

"... Yep. This smells like fire."

A unique fragrance, when grass is burned and ashes scattered.

Neither of us had to be prompted anymore, and we were rushing out.