The Return of Diamond Ace Pitcher

Diamond Ace: The Return of the Pitcher Chapter 26

The Nagano Metropolitan Middle School, which was the loser, didn't want to say a word to Akagi.

In their view, Akagi had stole the victory from them.

Of course there are also differences. For example, all of them shook hands with Zecun. Although they didn't say much, when they shook hands with Zecun, they subconsciously bowed their heads.

They admitted that they lost to Zecun, but never admitted that they lost to Akagi.

This seems unreasonable, but to the people of Nagano Metropolitan Government, it is more reasonable.If they admit that they lost to Akagi, they could only find a piece of tofu and be killed.

Nagano is standing, I can't afford to lose that person!

Sawamura smiled bitterly and shook hands with the people in Nagano.Endure the exhaustion of the body and walk through the final process.

"how about it?"

After all the procedures were completed, Feng Xiangao stepped forward to hold Zecun.

In yesterday's game, Sawamura made 70 goals, and today it is more than a hundred goals, especially the final high-leg pitch...

I'm afraid this guy's body has already exceeded its own load.

Zecun looked at Feng Xiang's worried eyes and shook his head: "It's okay, it's okay, it's just a little tired. Go back and take a bath and sleep."

His face was a little pale, sweat dripped from the tip of his nose, and he looked prostrate.

It looks like there is nothing wrong there?


Feng Xiang didn't open his face and said in a low voice.

Zecun gave him a surprised look, patted him on the shoulder, and said nothing.

At the end of the game, the audience left the field, and the players carried their backpacks and prepared to leave.

Yamaguchi helped Zecun silently, picked up his backpack, and walked at the back of the line.

"Hey, don't use me as a sick person, I still have the strength to carry a backpack."

Cang Yue carried a backpack by herself, and Zecun would be embarrassed if he was empty-handed.

The game was won, and the atmosphere of the team was very relaxed. The little friends talked and laughed, and walked out.

"Yeah, Ouyi!"

When the team walked to the gate of the stadium, a team came on.

These people wear khaki jerseys, which look a bit like school uniforms from the 1980s, very rustic.The most interesting thing is that most of these guys have shaved their heads, and each of them has bright and shiny foreheads, which are very dazzling.


Akagi's friends looked at each other in surprise.

"long time no see!"

The one who spoke was only one of the few with hair in their team.This man, of average size and appearance, looked very inconspicuous.Even after finishing a haircut with burrs, it didn't add much color.

If you have to say something peculiar about this person, it is probably his eyes. His eyes are very quiet, like a pool of stagnant water.

Feng Xiangaoyi's expression was a little complicated, and he nodded at the person coming.

"long time no see."

The man chuckled, saying hello to Feng Xiangao, then turned to look at Zecun, and asked Feng Xiang, "Is this your new partner?"

"Hello, I'm Sawamura, Sawamura Rongchun."

They asked enthusiastically, and Zecun thought he had to answer politely.


The man was also very enthusiastic, holding Sawamura's hand in both hands, as if a fan saw an idol.

"When you attacked before, did you deliberately?"

There was no beginning and no end to this question, but Zecun knew what he was going to say.

In the second half of the seven innings, they tied Nagano's two-point home run.What he meant was to ask if Zecun had already calculated it from the beginning and using which stick to recover the two points.

Zecun chuckled: "Guess!"

"Yeah, my personality is terrible, but I like it. For you like this, it is very difficult to work with Fengxiang, right?"

It was the first time that Zecun was told that he had a bad personality in person.

Who is this guy?

"Go, Xiao Qi!"

The monk team, ignoring Akagi's meaning, led the person who looked like the captain, greeted the backward companions.

"right away."

The man smiled and ran after him, and at the same time he looked back and waved at Zecun and the others.

"Goodbye! By the way, my name is Qi Haiyao."

Chapter 041

"This kid, it's too tugging, who does he think he is?"

A Xin didn't like Qi Haiyao's great energy, and said angrily.

Fengliang glanced at Ashin inconceivably, and asked, "Don't you know him?"

Ashin blinked his big innocent eyes, looked at Feng Liang and shook his head.

Obviously, he really didn't know Qi Haiyao's name.

Feng Liang smiled bitterly: "Brother, anyway, we are also playing baseball now. We still need to pay attention to the powerful players in the same region."

"Is he famous?"

Nakagawa asked cautiously.

The wind was cool for a while, but was speechless.

Is it famous?Do you still need to ask!

"Nanakai Haruka has been hailed as the proud son of Nagano since he was a child. In elementary school, he once led the Nagano Metropolitan Little League to win the National Little League and runner-up in the children's group. After entering the middle school, he did not enter the Nagano Metropolitan Middle School. I was specially recruited to Tenryuji Middle School. In Tenryuji Middle School, he won the No. 1 trump number bib in the first grade. This has never happened in the history of Tenryuji. The Wenchen Cup last summer and this spring , Even won the championship of Nagano twice, and all entered the Kanto semi-finals. As a representative of Kanto, he participated in the national competition. In the national competition, he also had a good performance..."

Every time Feng Liang said one, Nakagawa Xin's face became ugly.

National runner-up!The pride of Nagano!Famous star players in the country...

These, to him, feel so far away.

Nakagawa Xin never thought that he would have an intersection with such a person.

"There will be an intersection soon. He is likely to be our opponent afterwards."

One of the three kings of Nagano Prefecture, Tenryuji Middle School.

If Akagi Middle School wants to enter the country, it will inevitably have to overcome this difficulty.

Until now, the friends from Akagi Middle School have clearly realized how remarkable their achievements are.They are no longer a black horse, but the top four in Nagano Prefecture.

As long as they win one more game, they can be qualified as representatives of Nagano Prefecture and represent Nagano Prefecture in the Kanto Conference.

It turns out that they are already such an amazing team!

"Oh, it feels like a dream, so unreal!"

Nakagawa Shin said.

It's not just him, but a lot of friends from Akagi Middle School feel this way.

Most of them are the scum of various school teams that refuse to accept.When the baseball department was established, some people joked that they were the scum team.

Unexpectedly, it was such a gang of scum baseball team that miraculously reached the semi-finals of Nagano Prefecture.

I really want to see those guys who broke their glasses and dropped their jaws.

"Should we go and take a look at their game?"

Zhongchuan Xin suggested that he was very responsible.

Since it is, the opponents you may encounter in the future.So Nakagawa believes that it is still necessary for them to see the strength of each other.

"It's not necessary, it's not necessary. Everyone has played for a day, and they are tired enough. They all go back to rest, sleep, and have something to say tomorrow. Don't do extra activities tonight. When you get home, please ask your family for help. Massage your muscles, otherwise you may have muscle soreness when you go to school tomorrow."

As the captain of the team and the actual person in charge of the team, Sawamura flatly rejected Nakagawa's suggestion.

"Axin, Waka, you send me back, everyone is gone."

After the game, Zecun did not lead everyone to scout the game of Tianlong Temple Middle School, but announced the disbandment on the spot.

Others, although they are curious about the strength of Tianlong Temple, even if they are shown, they actually can't see much.

Since the leader Zecun did not go, other people naturally lost their interest in going. Everyone went back to their homes.

Of course, not everyone is not interested in investigating the intelligence of Tianlong Temple Middle School. At least Feng Xiang Aoichi and Oda Honsheng did not leave, but went to the stands.

As the two of them walked toward the stands, Oda Honda asked.

"Why did you say that Sawamura refused, and everyone came to watch the game at Tianlong Temple Middle School?"

"Don't you know."

Feng Xiangao's tone was flat.

The reason why Sawamura rejected Nakagawa Shin's seemingly very reliable proposal.It was because I was afraid that my friends would be frightened by the terrifying power of Tianlong Temple.

Although the three kings of Nagano Prefecture have always been in a parallel relationship, their strengths are different in each period.In this era, the strength of Tianlong Temple is unmatched.

In recent years, Nagano has two teams to participate in the Kanto Conference every year.

But for these two teams, there is only one place that can win the Kanto semi-finals, and that is Tianlongji Middle School.

Unlike Nagano Metropolitan Government, such a Kanto hero is different.Tianlong Temple Middle School is a national level team.

On the other side, the Nagano Metropolitan Middle School team also encountered blockers.

It was the reporter of "Baseball Boy", Yasushi Fukuda who stopped them.

"Coach Fengxiang, I have a few questions. I don't know if it is convenient or inconvenient. Interview you?"

"Baseball Boy" is a semi-monthly magazine. After entering the new century, their bosses quickly realized that with the popularization of the Internet and the promotion of smart phones.

Paper magazines will be eliminated sooner or later.So he spent a lot of money to create the online and mobile version of the weekly.

In the early days, due to a large amount of manpower and material resources, with little success, "Baseball Boy" almost faced bankruptcy.

Fortunately, they survived. Smart phones are now widely used and various applications are gradually improving.The foresight of the boss of "Baseball Boy" is immediately apparent.

Now "Baseball Boys" has become the softball league, the largest news provider.Some interesting news, including the records of all teams, are updated on their APP in due course.

Such an interview, even if Feng Xiang Long Yi is in a bad mood now, it is difficult to refuse.

Nagano Metropolitan Middle School is a giant team, which is incomparable with the grassroots of Akagi Middle School.Akagi Middle School only needs grades and honors, but Nagano Metropolitan Middle School can't. They still need fame.

If you want fame, you can't push reporters out.

"If you have any questions, just ask."

Reorganize the spirit, Feng Xiang Long Yi said.

Fukuda smiled politely, then took out the recording pen.

"It's a pity that Nagano Metropolitan Middle School lost in this game. I just heard many viewers say that if you play the game again, Nagano Metropolitan Middle School will definitely win. I want to ask, if you do it again, Nagano Metropolitan Middle School will really win. Huh?"

Fukuda asked.

Do it again, can you win?

Feng Xiang Long Yi thought for a while, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Even if this game is played again, I think it will be the opponent who wins in the end."

Chapter 042