The Return of Diamond Ace Pitcher

The Return of Diamond Ace Pitcher Chapter 1425

The specifications are not too grand, but compared with the scene in Sawamura's impression, the difference is still not small.

This is how the same thing?

Zecun couldn't help but wonder.

Could it be that his memory was wrong, or there was something unclear to him.

Zecun is not stupid either. The unexpected situation in front of him must be due to some changes that Zecun doesn't know about.

What is the specific change?

Sawamura Rongchun doesn't know...

After getting off the plane, the players in the baseball club of Qingdao High School received a brief interview and were arranged to go to the lodging place that Robert had prepared for them in advance.

The place to stay is not a hotel, but a stadium.

I don't know how much it took Robert to find such a place.

It was a row of cabins, and in front of the cabins was an open-air baseball field.

The environment is not that good, but it is quiet.

"First take a rest here, we will start the game in the afternoon."

Because the baseball club of Qingdao High School has a very tight schedule before the start of the summer games, and they want to play more games after they come to North America.

So there is almost no time left for the players to rest.

After simple adjustments, the friends had to continue the game.

Looking at the wall clock in the wooden house, Kurachi felt very magical.

They were the plane at 10:30 and they flew here for nearly ten hours.

When I came down, it was still 10:30 in the morning.

"Too Nima is amazing! Time seems to be frozen."

"Make your dream of Spring and Autumn, take a good look. The time is not frozen, but more than ten hours have been stolen."

Unconsciously, it turned out to be the next day.

I go!

Kurachi pursed his mouth in dissatisfaction, and at the height of the pouting, it felt like he could hang an oil bottle.


Two flowers bloom, one on each table.

The players in the baseball club of Qingdao High School are resting in the wooden hut.Let's just talk about the North American side, why is Bi Zecun expected to be grand.

Water is active, and trees have roots. There is of course a reason why North America suddenly rises up.

Today's era is an era in which everything has been completely covered by the Internet.

In such an era, you really have to inquire carefully, there is almost nothing you can hide.

For example, it's like a team from the Los Angeles area of ​​North America going to play an exchange game with the players in Tokyo.

This incident caused a huge sensation in the Tokyo area and even in the entire island country.

This is spread through the Internet. If it weren't for this information age, a game would not be broadcast live on TV.

Unlike the island country’s thriving teachers, not many people paid attention to this game at the beginning of North America.

That is to say, the players in the baseball circle, the same age group, are slightly interested in this matter.

On the one hand, it is because they admire the good luck of those guys on the North American Los Angeles representative team. On the other hand, they are also somewhat curious about the famous Koshien players.

So there are some players in North America who are paying attention to this matter.

In addition to these players, the ones who are more interested in this matter are the sports reporters who follow the major leagues.

The reporters are so concerned because they are not curious about any great players in Tokyo?

They mainly focus on the long-haired little brother Conrad, and the super strong to play Carlisle.

Although the overall ranking of the North American Los Angeles team is not very high in the entire North American region.

But the fame and strength of these two players far surpassed the level of Los Angeles.

They are all appointed players in the minor league.

Even the major league supervisors and scouts are concerned about them.

Their performance in a foreign country, even if the fans are not very interested, can still spit out some news reports.

It is not easy to be a reporter. There is not every day big news in this world to report.

But reporters have to eat every day.

What should I do when there is no big news to report?

This matter is actually very simple and easy to handle.

That depends on everyone's level of nonsense.

How to raise a matter to be closely related to everyone.

They are very good at this.

Originally, they wanted to write an article about potential newcomers in the minor leagues, which would make a name for themselves.

It doesn't matter whether the boss adopts it or not.

They are ready for business, and they can get their salary next month.

Before that exchange game started, almost everyone thought that the North American Los Angeles team should be able to win easily.

This is not to say that everyone in North America is arrogant, but the format at the time was really unfavorable for the Tokyo team.

The outstanding players in Tokyo are not from the same team. To put it bluntly, they are improvised teams.

How much combat power can such a team have?

Even if one or two players are particularly strong, it would be very difficult to drive such a team.

The reporters and players in North America pondered over it and didn't think the Tokyo team had any chance of winning.

Los Angeles in North America should be a safe and secure win.

But when the result of the game was really passed back, everyone was dumbfounded.

The tie in the second game has no reference value at all.

The real match between the two teams was the first game.

In that game, the North American Los Angeles team said it was bloody abuse.

"How is this possible?"

No matter what people in North America think, it is very difficult to accept this.

Especially for those teams that had already agreed to play practice games with Qingdao High School.

The mood is even more complicated to death.

They didn't care about the victory or defeat of Los Angeles in North America.

Anyway, the shame is also the loss of Los Angeles in North America, it has nothing to do with them.

North America is a state federation, and their recognition of their respective states far exceeds their recognition of this country.

So the Los Angeles team is ashamed, and the other players really don't care much.

But it's different if they are embarrassed.

Considering that I will play a practice game with Qingdao High School next.

Those players on the Texas national team are almost dying of anxiety.

The Tokyo National Team is a collection of all the best players in Tokyo.

Qingdao High School is only a contestant at Qingdao High School.

It seems that the power gap should be quite large.

But don't be negligent.

The Tokyo representative team was put together improvised, but Aodo High School has always existed.


012 The Texas Team


"Who is our first opponent?"

In front of the wooden house, Chen Ping asked Zecun.

"Texas team!"

Zecun said this in Chinese.

Although he hadn't studied systematically, since two friends came from the mainland, Zecun also learned a few sentences on weekdays.

Including the word Texas.

Chen Ping, who heard these two words, was really taken aback.

"Haha! Not the Texas where you are, but Texas in North America, Texas for short."

Sawamura Rongchun's eyes were a bit deep.

Texas is the second largest state in North America. Although the strength of the Texas team is not at the second level, it is definitely not bad.

If Sawamura's memory is not wrong, the Texas team is generally in the top eight all year round.

Occasionally, he has reached the semifinals.

Unlike the Los Angeles team, the Texas team is truly strong on this three-pointer acre in North America.

It is one of the top teams in this country.

In the first practice match, before the athletes on the Qingdao side recovered, they ran into them.

This is not a good thing for the Qingdao High School baseball team.

In this week of coming to North America, supervisor Kataoka and the coaches arranged the game to the fullest in order to make the most of it.

Except there is only one game today, and only one game on the last day.

In the middle three days, there were two games a day.

With this calculation, Qingdao High School will play eight practice games here.

According to the development of this plot, it is impossible for Director Kataoka to keep the main players on the court anyway.

In the course of the competition, it is bound to experiment with various combinations and collocations.

Thinking of this, Sawamura Rongchun's eyes flashed.

Then he looked at Chen Ping earnestly and said, "In the next game, maybe your kid will have a chance to play. If you play, don't be ashamed!"

Competition for places in the summer competition.

Director Kataoka seemed to plan ahead.

After the competition for places is over, the hell special training.

When these are all busy, it will be July.

After the semester exam, the summer competition should begin.

Thinking of this, Sawamura turned his gaze back to the players in the wooden house.

I just don’t know what Supervisor Kataoka’s plan is. How many of those guys can guess?

Seeing them one by one, they all seem to be worried.

Think about it, someone who can guess this.