The Returner


“I don't do anything. ”

Lee Hyuk was honest.

All I do is play games and dance around novels, but I don't have anything else to say.

Of course I did!

Lee Hyuk was defeated!

“Are you messing with me? ”

The blonde man jumped up and opened his eyes to Lee Hyuk.

“You're handsome.”

“Hehe, thank you... Not this! ”

He was a handsome man who tasted different from Choi Jeong-hoon.

If Choi Jung-hoon is the handsome type, this guy in front of him is like a handsome young man.

"By the way, what kind of face do you pick here? ’

Every human that passes by is handsome.

Seo Ah-young, on a regular basis, is a beautiful woman with eyes, and Choi Jung-hoon is handsome.

Jeong-min is in Idol...

Immediately, Lee Hyuk shook his head.

Come to think of it, if I hang out with these humans, I look like a squid!

Somehow I couldn't get a good look at him no matter where I went!

I found a reason!

Lee Hyuk, who realized how to regain his human identity as a human, stared at a blonde man with a stiff gaze.

I shot at

“But who are you? ”

He swipes his head and says,

“I'm Kim Da-hyun, Pass Drifter. I've decided to join you here today. ”



Lee Hyuk blocked his ears.

Or not. Why are you yelling at me, man?

Kim Da-hyun shouted at Lee Hyuk with a red face.

“You don't know who I am? ”


“How can anyone here not know who I am! ”

“I'm not in charge. ”

“Then why are you here? ”

“I'm here to feed my dog. ”

“ ……. ”

The man looked at Jeong Hoon Choi and Lee Hyuk alternately.

Lee Hyuk gave a hostile glance and Choi Jeong-hoon a doubtful glance.

Choi Jung-hoon opened his mouth with a bitter smile.

“I'm Lee Ji-hyuk, who will work with you. Lee Hyuk, this is Kim called Pass Drifter.

I'm Mr. Hyun. ”



Kim Da Hyun gritted his teeth.



“You're a power guy, aren't you? ”


“Oh, really? ”

Choi Jung-hoon was immersed in vain listening to the conversation of two people.

Why do only humans come here?

“Regardless of whether you are capable or not.... No, that's not it! You're not capable of something like that.

I can't raise water! Are you fucking kidding me? ”

“It's not like that.... ”

Kim Da Hyun rolled up his arms and approached Lee Hyuk.

“You want to give it a try? What are you gonna do with these pants? If you're the owner, you should inherit it, right? ”

“I'm the owner, but I don't own it, so you can claim it yourself. ”

“In person? To whom? ”

“You're looking at it. ”

In Kim Da-hyun's eyes, a noodle fell on a sack of feed.

“You've got to be kidding me! Either you can pass on the price of your pants and apologize, or you can't walk home today.

You'd better pick one. ”

“Shall we fly?”

“This guy? ”

Lee Hyuk tilted his head.

It made me feel a little strange to hear.

“Wait... huh? Are you picking on me? ”

“Yes, I'm going to argue. What are you going to do?”

Lee Hyuk laughed.

Yeah, this was a standoff.

The first one took too long and I forgot.

This is how people fight. Yeah, I was.

Okay, then...

What do you usually do to people I've been picking on?

At first I felt a little energetic, and then I beat myself to death, and then I bothered the gate.

I think I just opened it and threw it into the horse system....

And since then, there's been no crazies walking around.

So, what do we do with this lunatic?

Lee Hyuk turned his head and looked at the noodles eating the food.

“Oh my.”


He pulled out his head from the ration sack and looked at Lee Ji-hyuk.

‘You know what his name is. ’

Choi Jeong-hoon felt proud and sad at the same time for the marvelity of the foods.

How brilliant it would be to understand its name, how frightening it would be.


No matter what Jung-hoon thought, Lee Hyuk called out with his hands, and in front of him,

I stroked the head of the approaching fog and pointed to Kim Da-hyun in front of my eyes.



As if it were a signal, Ojii rushed to Kim Da-hyun with power.


Kim Da-hyun reflected and retreated like a light arrow.

“Oh, that's fast. ”

But that's it.

Ogres are monsters that follow their goals to the ends of hell and tear them apart.

If you can't get rid of the smell, all you have left is a physical struggle.

“And Ogres are fast. ”

He's big, he's never slow.

Kim Da-hyun was frightened and cried out when he saw his teeth exposed in his butt and the rice cakes that followed closely.

“What are you doing! You crazy bastard!”

Lee Hyuk laughed as he watched the scene.

Maybe without a hole in that ass today....

A vent?

If the Ogre bites, it won't blow a hole in the wind, it'll be torn out with its buttocks... Then die.

Don't you think?

“Oh, come here, come here. ”


Ojii stopped and returned to Lee Hyuk, tasting again.

‘No, but why does he understand words so well? ’

Maybe he's smarter than people after all.

He stroked his head and licked Lee Hyuk's hand.

"It's a dog, dog. ’

It's just a dog now.

What's that coming?

No, I think Lee Hyuk, who made that Ogre around, is a scary man.

When Choi Jung-hoon, who felt the presence of Sae Sam Lee Hyuk, thought about how to resolve this situation.

Around this time, Kim Da Hyun yelled at Lee Ji-hyuk with bloodshot eyes.

“Hey, you bastard! What the hell are you doing? ”


Lee Hyuk tilted his head.

He's old now... No, he's old, but there's a lot of kids...

It's not a situation, is it?

A cub is a child.

If not…….

“Well, that's an insult. ”

It's an insult.

That's an insult.

Well, I mean... You insulted me... Then I...

Lee Hyuk smiled and approached Kim Da-hyun shoulder to shoulder.


“This way, please. ”

“Huh? Why are you suddenly pretending to be close? ”

“Wait, wait. ”

Choi Jeong-hoon draws a sign and breasts as she looks at Lee Hyuk-hyun leading Kim to the corner.

Gathered forward.

‘Please come back alive. ’

That was all he could do.

After a while.


“Speak Korean, in Korean! ”

“Sin party.”

Kim Da-hyun, whose face was puffed up like a piece of bread, offered an elongated apology with chapped lips.

“I can't hear you, I can't hear you. What?”

“Sin Miang.”

“I can't hear you. ”

Choi Jung-hoon was sick and tired of the creeps coming from behind his back.


How can you make people go away?

How did that handsome face get all puffy like that?

Even if the swelling subsided, it was doubtful that it would come back to my face.

What was even scarier was that no one seemed to be hurt except his face.

Then I only punched him hard....

Why would you do such a horrible thing? Why? Why?

“But good-looking things aren't cheap. Say that again! Now that your face is ugly, you must be a bitch. ”

You have to live like a bitch.

Cho Jung-hoon stuttered his memory, wondering if there was a lost bitch.

Now that I think about it, I feel much more comfortable these days....

Choi Jung-hoon, who had tightened his mind line that was loosening, caught Lee Hyuk behind him and dried him.

“Haha, Lee Hyuk. You need to calm down now. ”

“Pak, si! ”

Lee Hyuk, who had ripped off Kim Da-hyun's collarbone to the end, stepped back.

“No, isn't this the only elite gathering place? Why aren't the kids here? Several losses

I didn't. ”

“People usually die when they get hit like that, Lee Hyuk. ”

“You're alive. ”

“That's right, that guy's a power guy. You have a pair of cuffs. ”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk!" ”

Few seventh graders in Korea were treated as weak human beings.

Choi Jung-hoon sighed deeply.

In scenes like this, Kim Da-hyun has to drive Lee Hyuk away before it tastes good.

I can't help but feel sorry for you when you come back all bloody and helpless.


Choi Jung-hoon patted Kim Da-hyun's shoulder, who was barely speaking to people, whispered.

“Don't you want to go to the hospital? ”

“Stand, plastics rung. ”

“Yes, we can fix it. If you fix it, you'll be able to go back to the way things were. Cheer up."

Choi Jung-hoon, who swallowed tears pouring out, asked again.

“But I clearly sent an official to tell you not to get involved with this Lee Hyuk person... I can't see him.

Did you? ”

“It's good…. ”


“Because it won't work. ”

“ ……. ”

Should I put it on the front porch?

Watch out for the dog.

Watch out for Lee Hyuk.

Especially watch out for Lee Hyuk with the dog.

I'm not kidding. This is a serious problem.

One by one, there will be a group of high-ranking, high-ranking talent, and they will come, like they are now, each with Lee Hyuk.

Once the quarrel is over, the seeds of the Korean talent will be dried up.

It's a little strange to see.

You and Seo Ah-young must have done more to annoy Lee Hyuk, even though you insulted him.

Why weren't we hit? ’

With that personality?

Choi Jung-hoon was grateful for his luck.

Plastic surgery wouldn't be a problem if you were beaten by an ordinary person.

“But why is this color...? Why is he here? ”

“I told you the other top talent would come. ”

I don't know if he's smart or bad.

I can't remember even if I say it.

“Like this? ”

That's the only thing that can hurt the most in this situation.

Kim Da-hyun, who was struggling to get hit, fell down and began to cry horribly.


“Hey, shut up! Mr. Park! ”


Kim Da-hyun, who was horrified, stopped crying, trembling.

When Lee Hyuk thought about whether there was anything more to Kim Da-hyun, he heard a loud voice.

I did.



Why do you hear this voice?

As Lee Hyuk turned his head, Kim Da-Som opened his mouth.

Are you talking to me? “

Kim Da-som ran up to him and grabbed Kim Da-hyun's arm, sitting on the floor.

“Brother, what happened? ”

“Dasom! Ahhhh! ”

Brother and sister?

Somehow he was so damn handsome.

You should be handsome if you're so pretty.

But what a great family you have. You recognize him even when his face is like that?

When Lee Hyuk nodded, feeling the greatness of Kim's family gene, Kim Da-hyun gave Kim Da-som a nod.

I gripped and wept.


“Who did this! Who told you that? ”

Lee Hyuk flinched and retreated as Gimdasom emitted a deafening voice.

“I……. ”

Kim Da-hyun notices and points to Lee Ji-hyuk.

If he had a conscience, he wouldn't hit her. In this situation, there's no way

It was clear that the only person he could be was his brother.

And his sister is so pretty!

It's natural for a man not to make a sound.

“… this person? ”


“Did you fight?”


“With her?"


Kim Da-som's feet were momentarily stuck to Kim Da-hyun's side.

Wood Duck.

Kim Da-hyun fell to the ground without screaming, along with the sound of a broken bone.

Lee Hyuk in the world also lost his speech for this moment, and he had no choice but to look at them.

Kim Da-som turned around and touched his head, then looked at Lee Hyuk and lowered his head.

“My brother is troubling me. I'm sorry."

“Ah……. ”

“It's because you don't have any adults, please understand. Let me be clear. ”

“Ah……. ”

Kim Da-som grabbed Kim Da-hyun's fallen arm and dragged him away with both hands.

“Ah……. ”

Lee Hyuk covered himself with his arms, looking at the two distant ones with his mouth wide open.

“There is no normal kid, normal. ”

What sin have you committed in your past life that only lures those around you?
