The Returner

120 bucks, in case he stops.

Another life depends on it.


A rusted dagger pierces your lower abdomen, severs your spine, and squeezes your back.

“Ugh... ”

Lee Hyuk grabbed the sword that was stuck in his stomach.

A sharp blade cuts through the hand and sticks into the bone.

But it's okay.

Lee Hyuk won't die. If you try to die, you can't die.

There's no way the sword can die in you.

“You monster! ”

The bored face caught my eye.

When I look at the eyes of the crowd shaking in fear, I see a real disappointment.

You're the one who picked up the sword. Why are you afraid of me?


The user makes a eerie noise as the sword pulls out of its body.

Lee Hyuk picked up his sword and cut the man's neck with his expressionless face.


A fountain-like stream of blood splashes through the world as the aorta is cut.

One more thing.

Lee Hyuk walked forward with a bloody knife.

I see humans rushing through the world in his eyes.

Demons, demons, monsters...


Don't you have a title like that that that will give you something a little more special to remember?

Tung Tu, Tung!

An arrow in the sky rises with the sound of protests.

‘That's going to hurt a little.... ’

Lee Hyuk turned his head slightly and blindfolded himself, watching the arrows flying at him.

Phew! Phew!

Creepy noises dig through your ears.

The sad thing is that this noise is coming from Yi Hyuk's body right now?

“Knng... ”

Lee Hyuk grabbed the arrow stuck in his mouth and pulled it out.


It hurts...

The attack continues.

Arrows fly, and a magical flame burns the body.

A long spear pierces his heart, and a knife cuts his limbs off.


What difference does it make?

He who does not die.

Lee Hyuk grinned as he grabbed the eye halfway away.



This view is so boring.

No, I wish I could be bored.

The brain is continuously refreshed. Constantly blows out remaining emotions to keep them calm at all times.

Neither bored nor angry.

No anger, no pain, no loneliness.

It's just peaceful.

The fun thing is... even though that tranquility has been going on for hundreds of years... it can't be crazy.

So this is just a passing moment.

All that's left is a little pain.



Lee Hyuk sighed.

Think what you want.

I can assure you that there is something different about this religiously dominated world that is definitely something to be called the Devil.

Call me whatever you want....

After being as hostile as you want....

You'll die swearing.

Like I've had enough repetition.

Every step Lee Hyuk took, arrows pulled out of his body and fell to the ground.

“Ah……. ”

The eyes of those who see Lee Ji-hyuk are filled with despair and horror.

Those eyes.

It's that eye again.

How do different people end up looking at themselves with the same eyes?

I'm sick of it.

I'm just sick of it.

Those eyes...

When I opened my eyes, the world was shining golden.

An endless golden world that will be sucked deep and deep.

A world like that, cozy and needy.

“Are you awake?”

The apple of your eye.

It feels subtle to see it as soon as I wake up.

“What happened? ”

“I fell.”


“Yes, you. ”

It's been a long time.

Losing consciousness means that his mind is collapsing, but according to his mental strength, the person who filmed Manfrep was unconscious.

It could mean that his mental strength was weakened as the fixation loosened, or that Lee Hyuk's brain was as worn out as it was.

The Appledrice's fingers pierce his hair.

So you've been doing this the whole time until you opened your eyes?

Her thighs, which I feel in the back of her head, are a little burdensome.

“How long has it been? ”

“A day? That much. ”

“Hmm……. ”

Flying that much consciousness means that his body cannot withstand the excessive power of black magic.

‘Hmm……. ’

If you continue to use Black Magic, your brain will literally become consumed by Black Magic.

If your mind is contaminated with all kinds of negative elements, like a collection of black magic, you will eventually lose your identity as a human being.

It is inevitable that it will fall to the Undead, and Lee Hyuk will not fall to the Undead, so he may fall to the Horses.

“He's still the Demon King. ”

“You know it's different, right? ”

“What's so different...? ”

“The moment you become a demon, you become a completely different person. You see the same thing and you feel like you're seeing something else. that all the values that you've had about things, about people, about someone have changed, changed your mind. ”


“Simply put, Lee Hyuk's personality has disappeared. And something will replace that. ”

Then it wouldn't be any different than death.

It was a story I knew, but it's starting to come true now.

The theory became a reality, and it was attacking Lee Hyuk.

“So you have to stop. ”

“If the world dies, it dies, right? ”

“You have a place to go. ”

Go back?

I did?

“That's a really bad joke……. ”

And a terrible curse.

How hard have I worked to get back into this world, to get back on my feet?

“Still, you are. ”

“Are you here to check on that, Lord? ”


“Hmm……. ”

“Lizards are better. Don't call me that. I'm not Lord here. ”

What difference does it make?


My adversary who has stood in my way for a thousand years.

Defender of Beraf, who grabbed my ankle until the very last moment.

Hateful, hateful…….

Immediately, the thin fingers of the appendage swept over Lee Hyuk's head.

“Did you have a good night's sleep? ”

“If you say you passed out, you slept really well. I think I'm gonna blow. ”

“Luckily……. ”

Then, the door opened wide!

“… W. ”

Jung Jeong-min, Seo-young, and Tokayun opened the visit and stopped coming inside.


“Eh……. ”

“ ……. ”

Eiffel Hyuk, wearing some heavenly pajamas, strokes Lee Hyuk's head on his knees, and Lee Hyuk, half-naked, lies on her soft knees.

“Ah……. ”

Seo Ah-young pressed her temples as if they were in trouble.


Ha, there's really nothing I can do about him.

“What are you doing! ”

Seo Ah-young sharply shouted and moved to the side, covering Jung-min's eyes.


“Oh, the car! ”

Something cold is stabbing Seo Ah-young in the back.

Kim Da-Som, who had just followed them, was staring at the bed with cold eyes.

What is this, the Winter Kingdom? What's so cold? ’

When Seo Ah-young was sweating coldly, his mouth barely opened.

“Before? Whoo?”

“What are you talking about! ”

Seo Ah Young is making a lot of noise! I blushed as I screamed.

There's nothing he can't do.

But that's usually...

“Maybe it's because it looks... naïve? ”

What am I talking about?

“Phew……. ”

As the vibration started behind her back, Seo Ah-young panicked and grabbed her shoulders.

“Sis! It's not confirmed yet, so just calm down.... ”


The morning call has begun.

“Ha……. ”

Lee Hyuk smoked a lot.

There were other women surrounding her.

“Oh, why! What did I do? ”

However, Lee Hyuk was beaten.

I have not sinned, but I do not want to treat it like this.

No, technically, even if you were in an accident, you have no reason to insult yourself.

“Why don't you spit it out? ”

“Yes? What? ”

Then why is he stuck here again?

What's that look on your face?

Are there any cockroaches out here?

“Why is she doing that in Lee Hyuk's room? ”

“What have you done wrong? It could be! ”


Lee Hyuk snorted.

Oh, come on. There was a time when there were dozens of women living in my room.

Of course, the woman is a circus, Demi Rich....

Oh, I'm feeling depressed.

“Then why are you? ”

She flinches at a reasonably logical response.

There's no reason for her to do this here.

I don't care what Lee Hyuk does to her.


Seo Ah-young bites her lips tightly, looking at her puffy eyes.

She's stupid, but she's a good girl.

A little stupid, mindless, and not worth the night....

“I hear you, girl! ”

“Oh, really? ”

I've been thinking out of my mouth lately.

Seo Ah-young shook her head and pressured Lee Hyuk again.

“I don't want to know what the relationship is. But as the head of NDF, I need to know what it seems to have to do with Lee Hyuk's past! So tell me what the relationship is. ”

“That doesn't make any sense! ”

Lee Hyuk rebelled, but the women were strong.

“What's going on? ”

Jung Hae Min threw a stone's ball.


Togayun also helped her.

“… the past doesn't matter. ”

Togayun and Jeonghae's gaze turned to Kim Da-Som.

Kim Da-som suddenly calmed down and said confidently.

“What matters is the future. ”


Don't say that with those eyes.

She has a weak heart.

Seo Ah-young wiped off the cold sweat on her forehead.

Lee Hyuk suddenly began to shrivel with a sharp look pouring from his left and right.

Strange? What's the matter?

I've never done anything like this in my life.

Lee Hyuk's "living" has a completely different meaning than other people's "living."

Nevertheless, when I saw my body shrinking, the pressure was no joke.

Appledrice tilts his head as he watches the situation.

“Why are you attacking Ji-hyuk? ”

He keeps calling me Ji-hyuk!

Close enough for you?

Jung-min bit his lip slightly.

“Oh, that's it, that's it. ”

The Appledrice nods as if he understood. He makes a completely unexpected statement.

“If that's the case, you don't have to care. ”


“Because……. ”

Appeldrich smiles lightly and says:

“There are other women who can claim Lee Hyuk. ”


Even Seo Ah-young's eyes trembled at the unexpected remark.

There's more?

Here again?

What the hell is he doing out here?

“Ji Hyuk and I are not the relationship you think. Quite the contrary, to be exact. If Ji Hyuk is still strong... Well, I don't feel so good to say it with my mouth. Anyway, the person who has that relationship with Ji-hyuk is now... ”

“Y-yeah, stop! ”

Lee Hyuk exclaimed, trembling.

“Don't! It gives me the creeps!”

“Yes? But……. ”

“Stop it!”

“I will.”

The appendage was convincing, but others were not at all convincing.

“Don't say anything! ”

“To people.... ”

Lee Hyuk got lucky with a distorted face.

“There's something called trauma! Trauma in the brain! ”

You're giving it to us now!

“Anyway, you all go! I'm going to rest!”

“I've been resting all day! ”

“Get out of here! Shhh! ”

Lee Ji-hyuk, who woke up from his seat, turned his head and went into the room, and everyone's gaze was pierced by Apeldice.

“I told you not to say it. Sure."

As she goes up to the room, the remaining women begin to chew her words with a subtle glance.

“It seems……. ”

“Measures……. ”

“I'll need it.”

In the space where the eyes of the three people met, Seo Ah-young thought tremblingly.

‘No, why am I……. ’

I can't get out of here.
