The Returner

The Returner 6 volumes (20 coins)

4. No, why are you running away? (5)


Lee Hyuk jumped out of the gate.

“You're back.”

Jaebum Kim really welcomed Lee Hyuk. I was feeling overwhelmed by the contact looking for him while Lee Hyuk was away.

Recently, there was little contact, but on the contrary, I could hardly sleep because I was anxious about what to do if a giant gate opened while I couldn't contact Lee Hyuk.

“Why are you suddenly so close? ”

“ ……. ”

Wow, how can you just pick up words that offend people so much?

You can't pick well enough to make people feel better as soon as you hear that.

“Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. ”

“What do you think? I don't know where it is, but I know where it is, right? I mean, you're sure you don't have people and you don't have them? Did you feel my worth? ”

I don't know what's going on here, but I'm pretty sure I'll be halfway there.

Why is it so hard to hear you talk with your mouth when you think like that?


At that time, I could feel the tone and sound of Lee Hyuk's sixth sense approaching quickly.

A raid?

When I turned my head, Kim Da-som welcomed Lee Hyuk.

Lee Hyuk, who reflectively embraced Kim Da-som, asked in a puzzled voice.

“Why are you here? ”

“ ……. ”

Kim Da-som tightly hugged Lee Hyuk without saying anything.

“What's the matter? ”

Lee Hyuk asked a fat question and hit his chest in the place where Kim Jae Bum was invisible.

You're such an idiot!

That's why you don't have a girlfriend!

… No, she doesn't have a girlfriend. I'm not making it.

Somehow, Jaebum Kim sighed and went back to his seat.

“Come on, calm down. ”

Lee Hyuk grabbed Kim Da-som's waist, lifted him up and put him down to the side.


Lee Hyuk tilted his head to see tears in his eyes.

Jung Jeong-min found her crying tightly in real time, so she was immune to tears, but she suddenly cried something strange.

“What's the matter? Do you want me to get you home? ”


Lee Hyuk said with a slightly annoyed face when he turned his head.

“Then why? ”

“ ……. ”

“You have to say it. ”

“... I'm upset. ”


Upset by what? You're upset?

Lee Hyuk waited quietly for her words.

“It doesn't help. ”

“Hmm……. ”

I mean, I saw a woman talking with tears in front of my eyes, and it was very... well, I mean...

‘It's difficult.'

Very difficult! This is not good!

I wanted to run somehow, but there was nowhere else to run.

“I never asked for your help. ”


Watch how you're speechless.

Lee Hyuk smiled and stroked Kim Da-som's head.

“All you have to do is what you can do in your place. ”

Other kids, not you, don't really help me. You should be so handsome.

“Isn't it important what you can do there? ”

Lee Hyuk replied without even looking back at the voice behind his back.

“I never asked you. ”

“Well, I don't want an answer. I want advice. I want you to understand that. Maybe it's because the human word is bad. ”

How clumsy!

Winning a battle with words is one thing!

Look at that damn lizard!

Kim Da-som rubs his face, then returns to his original expressionless face and glances at the appendage.

“Well……. ”

After receiving that gaze, Aphedrice slightly stiffens his face and leans back.

What is it?

It's not psychic magic, it's not physical, so why are we slowing down?

The appendage was perplexed by a phenomenon that her mind could not comprehend.

This isn't the first time.What's all this cold stuff?

You don't understand.

And I don't like anything.

Apeldice and Gimdasome began to have a nervous war, facing each other.

Lee Hyuk slipped out of the picture.

‘It's best not to get involved in Cat Fight. ’

If you don't want any claw marks.

At that moment, fortunately, there was someone who made things better.

“Hnng... ”

With a groaning at the gate, Choi Jung-hoon creeps out.

Jung-hoon, who fell from the gate slightly floating in the air, grabbed him by the waist and looked at Lee Hyuk with ghost eyes.

“Why did you take me?! ”

Lee Hyuk boldly replied to Choi Jung-hoon's loud shout.

“Living together, dying together. ”

“I'm incompetent! ”

“A world without discrimination. ”

“That doesn't help! ”

“I'm cheering you on. ”

“What's with the expression! ”

If you can't talk!

No, even if you can't say it, you'll hate it! Honestly!

Choi Jung-hoon gritted his teeth.

It's someone else who's training and getting stronger. Even if he can handle it, Choi Jeong-hoon himself isn't like that.

After a few steps, monsters get caught on their feet, and even if they try to drink a glass of water, they're dragging ordinary people into a cruel world where monsters are welcome in the water!

“Well, you didn't get very little. ”

“Hnng... ”

Choi Jung-hoon, who had nothing to say, sighed deeply.

“Well, I wasn't badly hurt. ”


Kim Jae Bum searched up and down Choi Jung-hoon's molar bones.

I feel like I've been out in any battlefield in just a week.

And you took the trouble?

“What about the others? ”

At that moment, something small creature appeared from the gate.


And the creature began to rush towards Lee Hyuk at the speed of processing.


A fiercely rushing creature was caught by Lee Hyuk and began to struggle.

“Let go! No! ”

Jaebum Kim said helplessly.

“Jung Hae-min.... ”

Yeah, that guy... He was an idol.

By the way, I think I got a call from Jung Hae Min's manager who was desperately crying while looking for Lee Hyuk....

Well, that's none of my business.

Jaebum erased the voice of Jung-min's manager who was playing in his head.

Already here.

Then he has no choice.

You've been kidnapped for a week without telling me about your current idol. I have nothing to say to you.

“How could you do this to me! ”

“Why! Why! ”

“This is really bad! ”

Kim Jae Bum looked at them with strange eyes.

Jung-min seemed genuinely angry.

I felt something different from the usual brawl.

Even though Choi Jung-hoon nodded his head as if it were natural to see it.

What did you do? ’

It was not uncommon for Jung Hyuk-min, the official Hyuk-hwan that everyone knew about NDF, to be like that.

Isn't she the kind of girl who gladly smiles at her mom for doing human trash?

“You idiot! ”

“Yes, it is.”

Lee Hyuk shook his hand as if annoying and chased Jung-min away.

Jung Hae Min said that he was pouting like an angry little creature, but Lee Hyuk grabbed Jung Minh's neck and lifted him up.


“I'm not playing! You!”

“Yes, it is.”

Lee Hyuk scratched his ear and pushed Jung Jeong-min into the right corner.

After watching a series of scenes, Jaebum Kim felt strange and asked Lee Hyuk.

“But……. ”


“Where are the others? ”

Lee Hyuk said as if it wasn't a big deal.

“I went to pay for my meal. ”


“People have to work. ”


Kim Jae Bum looked at Lee Hyuk with a stupid face who didn't understand what he was saying.


Tsui Feng looks at the border with a nervous face.

Monsters that appeared in India moved east and east, finally reaching the Chinese border.

Chinese officials have issued a full emergency broadcast and were mobilizing all available capabilities to camp in Tibet.

The monster was piercing India, passing through Kathmandu and into Tibet.

‘Poor Nepal. ’

Since the capital is straight-up, it will be nearly impossible to revive for a while. Even in India, the land mass is so large, there is a lot of population, and the central city has not collapsed, so it will recover quickly, but the situation in Nepal, where the capital flew away, was completely different.

"There's no law against us. ’

Beijing is subtly embedded in the creature's travel path.

“Haven't you heard from Korea yet? ”

“He's not coming back. ”

“Bread bastards. ”

Tsui Feng sharpened his teeth.

As soon as the situation reached a point, Korea was rejecting all requests for Lee Hyuk's vacancy.

You know, it makes sense that even if you leave, you don't know where you've gone.

I could see how far South Korea's diplomacy would go if I turned my insides about not wanting to apply.

‘After all this, look at me. ’

I'll tell you what real retaliation is!

Tsui Feng sharpened his teeth and watched the front.

India was not a country that could ever be seen by the power of its people.

The abilities given to the abilities were random, and their strength was also not artificially controllable.

Then, the power of a competent person was usually proportional to the population.

The two countries that deviated somewhat from the framework were the United States and South Korea.

The United States has been constantly researching to best preserve the capabilities of its capabilities through systematic systems, and since about two years ago, it has built the most robust power available.

Achievements that have literally spread enormous amounts of money.

But the other country did not.

“Shipbuilders. ”


A short time ago, the Republic of Korea, which had been a target of non-violence, has recently emerged as the world's central country.

After unharmed solutions to the Level 5 crisis, he has gained worldwide attention and has recently confirmed that he is the world's most capable nation, dealing with monsters that have been destroying the United States and France.

“Lee Hyuk……. ”

And the one at the center was Lee Hyuk.

The most powerful person in the world, given the code name "Mine from the United States."

An unprecedented competent person who is said to be able to surpass the powers of the entire United States by himself.

Rumors usually exaggerate somewhat, but if half the rumors contain the truth, it becomes undeniable that he is the most powerful.

So it was a problem.

Why would such a power come from such a small country?

There's China right next door!

“Damn shipmates. ”

“This is fucked up. ”

“… Hmm? ”

Tsui Feng turned her head in surprise, and there was a woman who was a jerk standing there.

“What the hell!”

How did a stranger get into the workshop?

“Get him out!”

Immediately after shouting, the guardians of Chuipeng rushed towards the Ur woman.


Glug glug!

At that moment, a blaze blazes up around the woman.

Those who were bored with the fever stumbled back, and the woman shouted with a distorted face.

“Do you all want to die? ”

It's best to loosen your cheeks in the river!

Seo Ah-young, who was furious, raised the flame even bigger.