The Returner

The Returner 8 volumes (Trinotes)

1. The Black Mage is decisive! (3)

“We're all here. ”

The twelve churches were not the same as before.

The times when they were most intimate were, ironically, the times when there was the most crisis.

When Lee Hyuk invaded Beraf, they folded up a lot of bad stories and held hands. Lee Hyuk forced the whole continent to reconcile.

Whenever the Demon King came, or whenever something big happened on the continent, the twelve churches would unite, but that was the only time.

And now.

After a hundred years, the Popes of the twelve order gathered together again.

The people who snorted at the Latrel Church's call have reported to Dera Latrello, putting aside all the destructive thrones that were flying in succession.

“What the hell is going on? ”

Pope Faroe urgently asked me if I was the one who worshipped the God of Fire.

Diolet II sighed and said.

“Literally. ”

“Literally! Is it true that the throne of destruction will come again? ”

“That means there's a chance. If he doesn't fulfill the conditions he set for us, he'll probably come back to this world himself. ”

“To this world? ”

Diolet II smiled and said.

“Just in case. If his personality had been very generous, kind or gentle, he would have waited casually without coming in person. ”


“Here she comes.”

“Could it be coming? ”

Diolet II was pleased to see the Popes united.

Damn inspiration, it's usually like this. Usually, "You guys, the color on our new clothing sleeves is the color of our church! 'Look at all the rubbish that sprinkled the temple, shouting' and pretending to be close to each other.

Extreme suspicion.

Whether he knew Diolet II's heart or not, the Popes had no interest in intimacy.

However, not long after that, all kinds of things started coming out, such as, "I didn't forget that you came into our area at that time and preached." "Conscience tax should not be lower than 3 years, there is no intention."

Dior II finally opened his mouth as his shoulders began to sag as if he were about to grab his collar.

“Just blast it into the cypress! ”


“Oh, no. ”

I'm out of my mind. Be careful.

“It's urgent. Right now, the doomed throne wants a high priest who can cleanse a million zombies. Please speak to the cult who meets these conditions. ”

There was no answer.

“… Is there really none? ”

I asked the Pope of Gabane again.

“My Pope.”

“Yes, go ahead. ”

“To finally be that, you have to be first class Dior, the legendary Pope of the earrings. ”


“Our churches have all fallen to ruin, and they're barely breathing. Is that someone?" ”

I don't think so.

We don't have you.

I know that, but I know...

“I'd rather give you the sacrament. ”

“How many times do I have to clean with it? The true statues of the Church were all destroyed! ”

“Yes, but it's better than nothing.... ”

“A million, isn't it, a million! ”

“Well, a million is a bit much. ”

Pope Faroe asked me again.

“But does one have to do it? We could just send a bunch of them. ”

“We have to cross the dimensional gate, and there are a lot of them. ”

“Mmmm... ”

At that time, the door opens and the appendage walks in.


Ruthlessly, the Pope frowned at the woman who saw the Dozens coming into the meeting.

But nobody could take the first step and blame her for her mistake, because Dior II didn't stop her completely.

At that time, the old man who was watching the situation in the corner raised his head and bowed.

Pope of Bjgoth.

He was the oldest of the twelve Popes and the only one who survived through the days of the destruction of the past.

“Are you sure, Lord? ”


The impact he gave was great.

Those who looked at the woman with unpleasant eyes solidified their faces and avoided her gaze.

Although there are many titles and names in the world, they also knew that there was only one person on the continent who dared to use the title Lord.

Leader of the dragons and agent of the gods.

Dragon Road.

I felt a slight nausea for those who had only heard the rumors.

Dragon Road, left to the doom, seems to have entered the legend.

“It seems your face is in my memory, but time has taken much from your face. ”

“They didn't take it, they gave it to me. ”

“Time has passed since the boy in Red Ahn became an old man. It's the same flow of time. ”

The Pope of Bezgoth glances at the appendage with his seething eyes, and smiles.

“You don't look the same. ”

“Do you remember the past? ”

“It may not be as memorable as the great, but man has his own memory. ”

“Yes, what have I changed in your view? ”

“You seem to be trying to understand. ”


“Everything. In the past, you only knew who you were, or were, dragons, and you didn't try to understand them. But now you understand. ”

The appendage smiles faintly.

“Does man teach me? ”

“Is that really necessary? ”

“Sounds good. You have been in charge of a cult since you were a boy in Hong 'an. I've lived a hundred years since then, and I've seen more than anyone and understood more than anyone else. Then can you give me the answer I'm looking for? ”

“It's not that hard. ”

“Oh……. ”


Other Popes burst into elasticity.

The Pope of Bezgoth!

Not to mention having a frank conversation with that Dragon Lord, but they know the answer they never found.

“What's the answer? ”

“Purification is water. Bezgoth can purify not just one million, but 10 million evil beings. ”

“It is not unknown that it is Bzgoth of Purification and Recovery. But who? Will you be able to lead the slave through the portal? ”

Bzgoth shakes his head.

“I'm difficult. Even if I could survive... I didn't have that divine power. ”


“There's someone else, not me. ”

“Anyone else? ”

“Lord, it will be in your clear memory. who could not be known even if they had the divine power of any man in the world. ”


Aphedrice nods as if to think of it.

“I see. I shouldn't have come here. ”

“I hope this helps. ”

“It helped a lot. ”

The appendage turns away, leaving a note behind.

But the Pope of Bezgoth summoned Najjik to see if he had finished speaking.

“Lord Rodsi.”

The appendage stops.

“It's natural for water to flow from top to bottom. ”

“ ……. ”

“Humans change the direction of the water and build big dams to turn off the water, but only once. So water flows down, water flows down. No one can stop the flow. Are you going with the flow now? ”

“You're arrogant, mortal. ”

Appeldrich replies without even looking back.

It seemed to take a cold breath from her tone.

But if she really wanted to intimidate, she wouldn't have to keep her voice down.

Then why is her voice so cold?

Her feelings?

“Everything will flow in order. I'm just trying to move that theory forward a little bit. ”

“Did God say pull, not oppose?" ”


“May everything Lord desires be in order. ”

The appendage smiled slightly.

Maybe mock.

Maybe a twist.

But is it the power of that human relationship that doesn't strangely incur the wrath of being despised?

I thought that human centuries and dragon centuries might be completely different.

‘So he doesn't feel like a person. ’

No matter how much time passes, no matter how much you go through, nothing changes.

The person who had the immortality that the dragon had and had mistaken for a little flesh.

That's why we may not be able to let him go.

“Blessings be with you for the rest of your short life. ”

The Appledrice tosses a small jewel to the Pope of Bezgoth, then plumps and disappears.

“Hmm……. ”

The Pope of Bezgoth picks up the jewel that Aphedrite threw and turns it around.

It was a strange object, like a jewel that looked a few times smaller than a baby's fingernail, or like a fruit.

“What is this? ”

At that time, the Pope of Dran, who was watching the jewels, stood up and shouted.

“Loa's Tears! ”

Everyone's gaze is on the Pope of Dran.

“Loa's tears? ”

“Y-you don't remember! The tears of Loa, rumored to be the Elixir of Immortality! Loa's tears are that young people eat for a lifetime, old people eat for a long time, and other diseases heal at once! It's elixir material!”

“Oh, elixir! ”


Legendary medicine that says if you don't die, you will be forced to resurrect people.

Every church has a bottle hidden away... No, it's like a prison sentence.

It's not the elixir, it's the elixir material!

It was time for everyone to turn their heads again, shivering their eyes.


“ ……. ”

The subtle sound of something passing down your throat stiffens your face.

“You ate……. ”

One hand over the mouth exerting the power of water, the Pope of Bezgoth, who drank the crowning water, tapped his belly.

“You must be mistaken. ”

“ ……. ”

There's a reason that inspiration lasted so long.

Somehow he didn't want to die so badly, he must have eaten all the good things.

With a subtle look from the nearby Popes, the Pope of Bezgoth said softly.

“By the way…. ”

“Are you changing your words? ”

“You mean the Throne of Doom could come again. ”

Diolet II nods.

“He's coming back.... ”

Even in front of the Dragon Road, Bjgott's complexion fades white.

Even after taking the legendary elixir, you can't hide your face.

“We need to take action. ”

“You can stop them if they come. We've kicked them out before, so we can kick them out again. ”

“Kick him out?”

The Pope of Bezgoth laughs.

Who's who?

“He didn't want to be banished, he wanted to. He concentrated the power of all the churches, gathered the power of all the royal palaces, and even the power of dragons, monsters, and heretics... He single-handedly defeated them all and returned to his own world. ”

That day.

If Lee Hyuk hadn't stopped his hand at the last moment…….

This world would have been destroyed already.

‘But it's weird. ’

The gods called him the Throne of Doom.

But he didn't destroy this world.

And I told him to desperately stop him from returning to his world.

It was blasphemous to question God's will, but it was true that something was wrong.

Are you saying it's not over? ’

The name that was given to him may now have meaning.

Bezgoth trembles with anxiety rising from his belly.