The Returner

Eight (7) The Returner

2. You just go back, please! (2)

“What are you going to do about it, Eggsy? ”

Park Seon-Duk looked at the TV screen with a dazed face.

A herd of zombies howls towards the barricades, barricaded by various military vehicles.

I could still hear the beeping in the screen, whether I silenced the cursing in English.

Despite the complex sounds of screaming, swearing, and shouting, the police are pushing the zombies into the vehicle with long clubs and suppression rods.

“Ahhhh! Godem! ”

A police officer is dragged into the zombie's hands, and the panicky surrounding sandals begin to pull on the safety rope tied around their waist.

A barely escaped cop throws his helmet down and sits on the floor, sweating cold.

― This epidemic that started in LA has escalated. The United States government is considering a solution to the problem as the situation progresses.

Immediately, a middle-aged man with half his head on the screen came out and began speaking.

― The government is looking for a variety of solutions. Biological and medical research are happening simultaneously. The government has defined this as a disaster, but we are also committed to making sure that those infected with the virus are also citizens, and that they all return to their families intact.

The screen switched back to aerial shots.

― The government is looking for ways to minimize victims like this, but has not come up with a realistic solution. There is also a shift in the perception of the American people, who initially wanted a smooth resolution over the long term.

He shows people crossing the street and conducting interviews. Looking at the mosaic on his face, it was not a good thing.

- I wish they could all come back, but if they can't, maybe we should consider other options. If we stop it like we do now, it will be pierced someday, and there will be more victims... I can't live with anxiety.

- We have to do our best to save the victims. They're citizens, too, and the state can't give up, can they? I'd be too scared if I were a zombie. So we have to save them.

- Realistically, they're already dead. Isn't it impossible to put the living at risk to save the dead?

- But what are the powers doing? I pay an annual salary and hire an expensive tax to solve this situation, but when it's not that big of a deal, does that mean I'm watching something so serious that I can't even use my hands?

The interview screen switched back to the news room.

― Park Sang-chun, so there's no solution at all in the local area?

― The US government is currently unable to come up with a viable solution. We don't even know the cause of the zombie apocalypse, so we don't seem to have a solution.

- Then how about capturing and detaining the roaming zombies? Impossible?

- It's not that it hasn't been studied. For now, given the fact that zombies can easily climb up the wall, it is concluded that the ceiling of the dome field is not strong enough to withstand zombie attacks. It also suggested that we isolate them on the island or recycle Alcatraz, but it has come to the conclusion that there are now too many zombies, making them impractical.

- Even so, how can we reduce the number or move in the direction?

― The U.S. government is also gathering opinions, but responding very differently than in the past. It's because of the reality that the world's outsiders can't avoid political strikes in any direction.

― Yes, Special Agent Park Sang-cheon. Well done.

“What do you do?”

Park Seon-Duk turned his head on the news screen and looked at Yewon, who forgot the peanuts.

“I see.”

However, Lee Ye-won's eyes were on the screen, but his head was still dark.

“Aren't you worried? ”

“It's across the sea, and I'm worried about you. ”

I wasn't wrong.

When insects first appeared in the past, they feared that they would have a global impact, but the insects that flew to the sea fell down and became food for fish, and the insects that spread to the continent lost power and could no longer increase the infected after a certain time.

The first fierce aggression was no longer seen, and even if captured, it was dying without surviving for days.

“But if the United States goes to hell, my country will be hit too.... ”

“Why? Why would my country get hit if another country is ruined? ”

“ ……. ”

Who do I blame?

It's her fault for not having a daughter.

Now come on, say, "She's my daughter, but why are you so ignorant? ’Only spit in my face.

“Your brother is here in the East and West, and you're my brother! ”

I couldn't curse so much, so it was Park Seon-deok who caught the bag for nothing.

“I don't think my brother knows anything about it. Jung-hoon Choi has to do it. He doesn't know anything about it. ”

“Ah……. ”

It's sad that something makes sense.

Child farming did not work.

The only son had no answers, and the only daughter became a fool.

“The third... …. ”



It can't be too late now, can it?

One more thing, and this time it's the right one?

“Honey, I'm a little.... ”

Yeah? Yeah.

Park Seon-Duk turns his head to the voice coming from behind his back.

There was Lee Cheol standing with an awkward face.


“... maybe the third one is too much? ”

“ ……. ”

The man with the head down.

Today, he avoided Park Seon-Duk's gaze so powerlessly.

Thankfully, there could not have been a third human disaster in the Lee family.

The problem was the first disaster....

“What are we gonna do? ”

Seo Ah-young looked at Lee Hyuk with a strange face.

What the hell is this human talking about?

In the meantime, I've had enough of this man's insanity. But every time I came out with something different and crazy, I was sick of talking about it.

“So... ”

So, what, we're just gonna scatter those zombies and break them into smaller groups, clean them up, and then we're just gonna run?

Keeping those zombies from getting hurt?

“I, Lee Hyuk...... ”

Seo Ah-young decided to let it all go today.

If you talk to her no longer, her insides will burn first.

“You're not saying that's possible right now? No, it's possible. He's said a lot of crazy things so far, but he's never asked us to do anything that shouldn't be. ”

I think it's a compliment. What is it that makes me feel strangely sarcastic?

Lee Hyuk tilted his head to the subtle feeling.


“But isn't it a little ambiguous for us to interfere? So far, I've kept my mouth shut at the government's request because I didn't think this would actually do any harm to our crew. But if you do it that way, it will definitely hurt, so what are you going to do about it? Americans? Important. People are important. Humans are important. But I am a Korean salaryman in Korea. I don't condone this. ”

Lee Hyuk nodded.

Well, that's not wrong.

But here's the weird part...

“I……. ”


“What do you mean, the damage? ”

“We're dealing with a zombie. Of course there's no harm done. What are you gonna do if someone gets infected? ”

“Ah, infection. ”

As if Lee Hyuk knew, he glanced at her with an unfamiliar eye and turned his head to point to one person with his chin.

“You got it?"

“ ……. ”

Roavelle stands there with a dull face.

“Ah……. ”

And now you have someone to heal you, even if you're bitten by a zombie.

You didn't think of that?

Choi Jung-hoon hesitated after losing his words for a moment.

“In a sense, it's hard now, but it's less risky. And that's when it's a win-win, if you solve this problem and clear the debt to the United States. ”


“Wouldn't you say? ”

Seo Ah-young tilted her head.

“I think I've heard the same story since the last time... …. ”


“The last time you erased your debt to the United States, you kept saying that we have something to get, so.... ”

“That's right.”

“By the way... when will I get that debt? ”

“… Yes? ”

Seo Ah-young asked.

“He keeps telling us that we have something to get, because there's something we need to do. Gates will continue to open, and problems will continue to arise, but if you say," I will, I will, "someday, isn't there a situation where you just have to keep working and not get what you're getting? ”

“… Ah? ”

Choi Jung-hoon stared at Seo Ah-young with a blank face.

I heard that...

I mean, isn't Seo Ah-young right?

“Well, that's... that's... ”

I couldn't even find a word to say.

As the image of the superpowers of the United States is so strong, I didn't give up on the idea that the more help they would have if they went on like this.

However, if we look at the situation objectively again, we hoped that there would be a lot of work for them to do in the future, and I don't know if there will be much to help.

It's like an economic aid. You can get it, but if Lee Yi Hyuk jumps out one by one, he can get more than the economic aid the United States gives him. In fact... Well, I mean...


Suddenly, you hear the devil whisper behind your back.

“So, you don't get anything? ”

“Haha…. ”

“I've been running all this time, and I don't get anything? You let me do something nice for you? You don't mean that, do you? ”

“No way……. ”

You can't do that.

Yeah, that's not going to work.

What would I rule out to happen then?

“That's not gonna happen, is it? ”

“That will never happen! ”

In order for me to survive, I must have results!

Choi Jung-hoon made such a commitment.

“It's Cho Jeong-hoon's job to get results, and I keep thinking maybe we should just follow what America says. At first, they enjoyed the taste of grilling in America, but in a way, they only got their heads down and all the benefits, right? ”

For the first time, his face was stiff as he pointed out the inability of Choi Jeong Hoon.

“... I can see that. I admit it.”

However, Choi Jung-hoon quickly acted cool.

“So I have to show you. ”

Wood Duck.

Hearing Choi Jung-hoon's thin voice, Seo Ah-young revised the word "cool action."

‘There's a commotion. ’

There's nothing scarier than a man who's hurt by his pride.

Especially if it's a man named Choi Jung-hoon!