The Returner

The Returner 8 volumes (12 coins)

3. Do I look like a great person? (2)

“Of course I like that too! All right! But don't you see there? There's a breach! There could be millions more of them to realize that! The damage is too great! ”

“Maybe. ”

“Maybe what! ”

“The person who's underestimating your crew the most is probably Mr. Choi Jeong-hoon. ”


A man falls down in the middle of the barricade, as if supporting Lee Hyuk's words.

Choi Jung-hoon shouted as he watched the scene.

“Seong-chan Park! ”

Park Seong-chan drops to the ground, catching the running zombies and throwing them between the road zombies.

“Be careful! If you get hurt! ”


Park Seong-chan opened his eyes.

“One or two people got hurt in this situation! If you don't like it, tell them to deal with it themselves! It's ridiculous at first! ”

No, I'm not hurting anyone or anything.

Because the guy you just threw was shot like a cannonball, and he blew up a bunch of zombies like a bowling pin.

You have to tell them what you think!

Of course, Jung-hoon didn't say it out of his mouth because he said it was an idea.

“Anyway, be careful! ”

“Beware of freezing! ”

Park Seong-chan blows all the zombies out from behind the barricade and lifts the armored car and lowers it straight down.

“Hold the barricade steady! Is this gonna be a barricade? ”

“... I'd have to bring the Grand Canyon to stop you. ”

Don't think on your own terms!

Park Seong-chan clears up the situation and leaps over the armored car into the zombie pack.

“Oh, come on! Where else would I go? ”

Seeing Park Seong-seong yelling at the smart watch, I thought he was like a husband who was told to call his wife.

"No, wife. ’

How dare you, Seong-chan Park!

Choi Jung-hoon, who was thinking that, immediately shook his head.

“Am I going crazy? ”

“What are you talking about? ”

“No, I'm not.”

Choi Jung-hoon blushed his face and looked at Seo Ah-young from afar.

“It's endless. ”

Seo Ah-young bit her nails.

I started off confidently, but this... wasn't worth it.

One or two purifications should not be difficult, but it should be repeated in 10,000 units.

It was a question of whether the Barricades would survive while the 10,000 units of repetition continued.

“Hmm……. ”

It's hard like this.

She presses on the line, keeping her smart watch close.

“Jung-hoon Choi. ”

- Yes, go ahead.

“Once we get half our men into Barricade, we'll need proper distribution. I'll give you command.”

- Okay.

If you leave it like this, Choi Jung-hoon will take care of it.

In fact, it was not unknown that Choi Jeong-hoon would have been able to do this more efficiently than now.

But I also wanted to show her that she wasn't a scarecrow.

To others, and to that pathetic Yi Hyuk.

While I don't have any regrets about her self-esteem, it was a necessary step for her to become the head of the NDF.

She felt herself becoming famous for her existence with the advent of Lee Hyuk.

You don't need a flame position where you just listen and do what you're told.

What she wanted was Seo Ah-young to think for herself and fight for herself.

“Easy for you to say. ”

She grunts with her mouth, but she doesn't stop throwing flames at the walkers.

“You're out of your mind. ”

Jung Jeong-min shakes her head, holding her forehead in her hand. I gave up all the markers I had stamped around the world for this.

Except for one marker to return to Korea, she used all the markers she could use on this one.

Thanks to you, I was able to move east and west, but even if I take only one person for a short distance, repeating the teleport like this will exhaust me instantly.


If Lee Hyuk hadn't instructed her to take her around all day in Telpo, she would have to lie on the ground and stare at the stars from noon.

In that sense, it is a very thankful thing, but it must be a peculiar thing for Lee Hyuk to feel ungrateful.

When they met Lee Hyuk, they got stronger, and they built an independent force that wasn't ignored by other countries, and some people got better because they said they weren't bored with scout proposals, but why were they so desperate to change their teeth when they saw Lee Hyeok?

“Ahh... ”

Jeong-min's eyes turn to Roavel.

She wasn't the only one who was tired.

Roavel's complexion is pale as well.

“I haven't worked quarterly yet.... ”

There's a noticeable decline in the number of zombies, and even the aid room behind the barricade is swarming with people.

Ambulances and transport vehicles were flying patients restlessly like swarms of ants on a parallel road.

“Are you sure about this?"

Roavelle grimaces at the question of the people, muttering in a low voice.

“Bloody Black Mage... I'll kill him, I'll kill him. ”

“ ……. ”

This one looks like an Elf... No, it's just an Elf. Why is his mouth so rough?

Elves used to run around with nature. deer, you have more dazzling eyes today. "

But this elf was a bit combative.

If I hear about the recovery class, I think he's a priest. What's wrong with him?

‘By the way, there is no right girl for Lee Ji-hyuk. ’

The Dasom kid looked like some kind of stalker, and the Appledrice didn't even look human. He's usually a nice guy, but I'm worried that he's getting a little weird lately....


I'm the only one who's got it right. So what am I supposed to do?

“It's all because of that evil demon. ”


“This world will eventually have to face the measles because of that demon. ”

“ ……. ”

What's with her?

I thought you said you were a priest, Cybin?

It's like saying, "The end of the world is coming soon."

“The world with him is doomed. ”

“I knew it.”

“… Yes? ”

“No, it's not.”

How can we go on like ghosts?

It was difficult to distinguish whether this woman was typical or whether Jung-min had made a good prediction.

“Well, you can't kick him out. ”

“Clearly, this is a strange world. ”

“What part? ”

“Would you say that it's strange to talk to him so casually, to persecute him so casually? ”

“Why is that? ”


It's so weird I can't even feel the camouflage.

Roabel stares at the resolutions without an answer.

Do these people know?

what a human being called Lee Hyuk, who they easily treated, was like in Beraf.

Perhaps the dragon road type Apeldiche could treat him as an equal, but she was just a priest of Bjgoth, and she was not so naturally able to deal with Izehyuk.

Even when she hears about Lee Hyuk who didn't go through it herself, her legs would be shaken if she stood in front of Lee Hyuk, and how frightened those who went through his chaos directly would be.

At least in Beraf, the existence of Lee Hyuk was a higher darkness than the Demon King, and it was a disaster or something more.

But the human plague was swirling here and there.

The gap is so big.

For her who has just arrived from Beraf, Lee Hyuk's appearance now is the level of shock that opens up heaven and earth.

“You're being deceived. ”

“Is that so?"

“He's the Devil. ”

“Oh, well, I guess he's the Demon King. ”

“Did you know? ”

“I didn't know from the beginning, but the Demon King came into the neighborhood a while ago, and Ji-hyuk beat him up. ”

“Ah……. ”

“That's what I thought. I think Ji-hyuk is the Demon King, too. ”

“Do you even know how to deal with that? ”


Sounds a little strange to me.

Jung-min, who seemed to be a little worried, opened his mouth.

“Well, it doesn't matter. A different name or something doesn't mean that Ji Hyuk isn't Ji Hyeok. ”

“Even the Demon King?”

“Of course, he's a beast, he's bad, he's cheap, he's a waste man... but he's a good man. ”

Roavelle stares at the crowd with confused eyes.

“Am I hearing this wrong, or did the translation spell cause an error? I don't think the sentences match back and forth. Oh, I see. Is that supposed to be irony? ”


Jung-min giggled.

“You're a good girl. It's because you can't express it well. ”

“Is this a click? ”

“Nu, someone clicked! ”

“Don't worry. I am the Godfather of Mercy, Bujgott. Human love should be blessed, not hidden and ashamed. ”

“Ugh! No! It's okay!”

Lee Hyuk, who was watching them from afar, took out a cigarette out of his pocket and asked his mouth.

“Have fun. ”

What the hell is going on here? Are those crazy people out there?

You'll feel better if you get beaten up by a cute little bunny.

“Ah, stomach pain. ”

Seeing the stomach throbbing, the stress was not a joke.

I've been living under stress for a thousand years!

“Oh, but……. ”

Lee Hyuk tilted his head.

I feel a little weird.

What's that weird feeling in there?

When Lee Hyuk opened his eyes wide, a mutation began to occur.


With a loud bang, the zombies on one side bounce back as if hit by a cannonball.

And within it, a series of walkers slowly walk out.


Same zombie.

Look at me. Look at me. I'm just a zombie.

Then why do you feel so weird?

I feel something subtly different...

At that moment, one of the walkers begins to light a flame in both hands.

“Ah……. ”

Yeah, it is.

Ordinary people become zombies when infected... and powerful people become powerful zombies when infected...

I can't believe those idiots were bitten by a bug with abilities!

“Shame on you! ”

“I don't think it's the right time to question that. ”

“I see.”

Now is not the time to question that. We need to get rid of those zombies first.

“Let's see……. ”

Once an ordinary person becomes a zombie, his senses subside and his or her strength rises nearly ten times. It's not uncommon for zombies to rip your arms off or crush you.

So what happens when a powered man becomes a zombie?


The zombie flame rises as high as a gathering pole and begins to ascend into the sky.

“Well……. ”

Lee Hyuk smiled and concluded.

“That's fucked up.”

That one's pretty messed up too.
