The Returner

The Returner 8 volumes (RMB 22)

5. Who cares whether you die or not (2)

“Are you happy?”

Lee Hyuk tilted his head.

“I don't know about that. ”

“Is that so?"


It was an honest heart of Lee Hyuk.

He didn't want to come back to Earth to be happy. I just wanted to find some peace.

Should I say that I felt like I wanted to go back to where I belonged?

It's hard to accurately realize how you feel. I can't clearly explain why Lee Hyuk wanted to come back here.

“I see.”

The appendage looked at Lee Hyuk with a slightly sunken eye.

When Lee Hyuk first came to Beraph, he was a child, not even 20 years old.

In the eyes of the dragon Appeldrich, she's more fetal than a child.

Others would have passed through time in Beraf and become exhausted and become near-impaired.

However, Lee Hyuk lived for over a thousand years because his mind was fixed, and he still lived with the emotion of a child.

So, Lee Hyuk might be the most Lee Hyuk.

‘But……. ’

Lee Hyuk was changing.

Make sure.

Even though Lee Hyuk at the time he left Beraf and Lee Hyuk at this time were completely different people, it was so strange.

The fundamental part has not changed, but there have been many changes in the details. I could clearly tell it was the appendage that had been watching him for a long time.

‘How will this man turn out? ’

The time in Beraf began to affect his personality, and even the Apeldiche could not anticipate how Lee Hyuk would change, accepting the life of the world he had originally lived in.

As soon as Aphedrice tries to say something, he opens a visit and the decisive people come inside.

“Ji-hyuk, Choi Jung-hoon wants to see you. ”

I was annoyed by Lee Hyuk's face.

These Humans aren't even looking for their mothers nowadays.Why can't they keep up with themselves?

“Oh, I'm not going! ”

Seeing Lee Hyuk, who was starting to buckle again, Jung Min-min sighed for a short time.

That grudge book always disappears.

No answer, no answer!

Jung Jung-min calmed down Lee Hyuk.

“But I have to go. ”

“I'll see you later. ”

“You need to wake up. You're an important person now. It used to be, but now it's worse. There's a lot of things that don't go back without you. ”

“Hnng... ”

Lee Hyuk scratched his head.

I trained him to die because I hated it.Doesn 't it make a difference?

“It's strange. ”


Jeonghae looked at the appendage.

“If you're so important that things don't work out without Ji-hyung, isn't it right for someone in a hurry to come? He said it was an important greeting. Why would he ask someone to come? ”

“Mmmm... ”

“It's common sense for humans to move when they need to, don't you think? ”

“But that's their problem. ”

“Well? I don't know what the hierarchy of human beings is, but I don't think they look taller than Ji-hyuk. ”

“Ugh... ”

Jung-min stepped back slightly, as if he'd taken a punch.

If Lee Hyuk had said that, the boy would have been arrogant, but I couldn't do it because of the appendrite.

She's a tough one.

“Hnng... ”

While Jung Hae Min was looking for a horse to get something, Tokyun suddenly rose out of the shadow of Jung Hae Min.

“Oh, my gosh! ”

Lee Hyuk was surprised and yelled at Dogayun who suddenly appeared.

“Knock around! ”


Dogayun tilts his head, and he reaches up and knocks.

“Ah……. ”

When I think about the sight of my hands suddenly coming out of the shadows and knocking, I think I'd better not do it.

That's Horror, that's Horror.

“Done. Why? ”

He came up without saying anything and grabbed Lee Hyuk's hand.


Then I reached out and grabbed Jung-min's hand.

Jung Jeong-min smiled and teleported on the spot.


In the room where only the voice of Lee Ji-hyuk seemed embarrassed, the appendage looked into the void with sinking eyes.

Is it the right thing to do? ’

I couldn't help but wonder if what she was doing was right.

Maybe Lee Hyuk doesn't want it.

The appendage shakes its head.

We haven't started anything yet, and we need to keep an eye on it.

After clearing up, the appendage was going to follow Lee Hyuk, and the visit was fruitful.

Appeldrich tilts his head toward the unexpected person who appeared after opening the visit.

“Ji Hyuk went to the office. ”

“I know.”

“Then what is it? ”

Appeldrich looks at Kim Da-Som hesitating in front of him.

Kim Da-som lets out a sigh and opens his mouth.

“You're not from this world, are you? ”


“Your skills are different from those of the world, aren't they? ”


It was nothing to hide and nothing to be embarrassed about.

Most of the time I'm guessing.

“Then……. ”

Kim Da-Som looked at Appeldrich with eager eyes.

“Can I learn that? ”

The appendage tilts its head.

“If you ask me if I can learn, I have to say I can. Since Ji-hyuk also learned magic, it shouldn't be impossible.... ”


“Efficiency itself will be severely diminished, and even if you learn from now on, it may take decades to actually achieve power. ”

“Ah……. ”

No matter what Apeldrix teaches us.

“Then why do you want to learn? ”

“I wanted to be helpful. ”

“I want you to explain exactly what you're saying. ”

“Other people are still fighting together, and I feel like I can only watch from afar. ”

“Hmm……. ”

The Appledrice nods, noticing.

Lee Hyuk was building his own territory here.

Those included in the territory were the NDF's capabilities for Jung-min and Dogyun.

In addition to that, there are two people holding unusual positions.

It was Apeldiche and Gimdasome.

Appeldrich has been a case since Beraf with ties to Lee Yi Hyuk, and Kim Da-Som was the only general person within the group.

Ordinarily, the appendage would feel marginalized, but the dragon, she, would never feel marginalized from the relationships that other humans have.

The problem was Kim Da-som.

Her position was very steady.

Although I was close with Lee Hyuk, the ring was too weak compared to other people involved with Lee Hyuk.

“Don't you want to be left out? ”


Surprisingly, Kim Da-som shakes his head firmly.

“It's not that. I want to be helpful. A little help.”

“Hmm……. ”

The appendage nods.

It was hard to understand, but I knew what I wanted.

The problem was that Appledrice didn't have to do this low-efficiency thing.

“I can learn, but I don't know how much time it will take to get to a level that will help Lee Hyuk. Is that okay?”


Kim Da-Som nods as if there's nothing to worry about.

“I see.”

Aphedrice acknowledged that she had one thing to gain.

What's the difference between a Human in Beraf and a Human here about magic?

There was a case called Lee Hyuk, but he was the Black Mage.

In order for Lee Hyuk to learn magic, he needed a senior wizard to teach him Mana Control. There was no Mana friendship in the first place.

However, Lee Hyuk was forced to prepare a self-help book because no one who was qualified to teach him magic.

However, Gimdasome is different.

If Aphedrice was willing, he could teach her magic to unravel the curiosity of what would happen if humans in this world learned magic.

That's not bad. ’

She's a dragon and a wizard.

Curiosity and academic scholarship are among the best creatures in the world.

“Let's give it a try. ”

Kim Da-som tightly grabbed the appendage's hand with a bright face.

“Don't like it. ”


“I'm not like Ji-hyuk. ”

You smile at the mouth of the appendage.

“ ……. ”

Choi Jung-hoon lost his words and looked at Jung-min.

No, I told you to bring Lee Ji-hyuk. Who told you to summon the Demon King?

What the hell is that furry face?

As soon as he arrived, Choi Jung-hoon sighed deeply as he saw Lee Hyuk freezing his office.

‘We're screwed.'

It might work if I talk nicely, but how am I supposed to get it out of this?

Looking at it with grumbling eyes, Jung-min waved his hands as if it wasn't his fault and pointed to Togayun.

“Knng... ”

Choi Jung-hoon, who judged that he couldn't hear anything right, smiled awkwardly and spoke to Lee Ji-hyuk.

“Y-yeok Lee. ”


“ ……. ”

The pronunciation is ambiguous.

Thinking about how twisted my insides were, I felt like I was cooling off.

“I don't know what's going on, but let's just calm down.... ”


Lee Hyuk stared at Choi Jung-hoon with a stiff head.

“No, you'd rather just be angry. ”

That should make you feel better.

Oh, I'm not a bomb-management panel. How can I live like this?

Choi Jung-hoon put his hands in his arms, took out the medicine bottle, and shoved it into his mouth.


The gastrointestinal medication is crushed and enters the mouth.

I bought a gel-type food and ate it, but later I felt like filling my stomach with gastrointestinal medicine, so I changed it to a pill.

“What's there to be mad about? You can call them if you need to. Well, if you don't like it, you can just grab your hands and teleport in. I don't know what I'm upset about. ”

“Hahaha……. ”

Choi Jung-hoon smiled awkwardly, knowing how the situation had turned out.

“Well, the world must have changed a lot while I was gone. It used to be that someone who was on duty would come, but now the person who was on duty would tell them to come and go. ”

“Hahaha……. ”

I have nothing to say.

All I could do was smile.

“So why don't you just listen to what you're asking people to do? I'm so sorry to take up so much of your time. ”

Oh, it was like this.

That speech used to be basic.

Choi Jung-hoon opened his mouth, reminiscing about his new memories.

“I want to leave the training of talented people to Lee Hyuk in the United States. ”

“Oh, really? ”

Lee Hyuk nodded and said as if it wasn't obvious.

“Tell them to come. ”


I was surprised at Choi Jung-hoon, so I looked at Lee Hyuk's face.

I thought you were gonna be a jerk.

“That's great.”

How'd it go?

What do you mean?

“I still feel bad, but tell him to come quickly. ”

“Now, wait a minute. ”

I think I heard something weird.

“Well, if you train, you could get crushed, and you could die. Make sure you don't get it in front of you. It's not our responsibility to go back to being an idiot. ”

“ ……. ”

The job is done.

It's settled...

Can we call this a solution?

“... I don't care if I die. ”

Seeing Lee Hyuk, who was murmuring and laughing viciously by himself, Choi Jung-hoon felt that things were getting more twisted than he thought.

My back neck keeps stiffening.

Is he gonna be okay?

Is it really okay to do this?

Choi Jung-hoon's doubts and Lee Hyuk's wickedness were headed for the United States.